kimmy-trans: 『Learn Korean with Kpop』BTS - A Supplementary Story: You Never Walk Alone예 신은 왜 자꾸만&nbs
kimmy-trans: 『Learn Korean with Kpop』BTS - A Supplementary Story: You Never Walk Alone예 신은 왜 자꾸만 우릴 외롭게 할까 OH NOWhy does God keep making us lonely oh no신 (神): God왜: why자꾸만: repeatedly, again and again우릴 is shortened for 우리를: 우리 – we; 를 is the object particle.외롭게’s dictionary form is 외롭다: Lonely, solitary, lonesome.할까 is asking the listener why do you think this is happening.예 상처투성일지라도 웃을 수 있어 함께라면Even we’re full of wounds, we can smile if we’re together.상처: injury, wound.투성일지라도: 투성 is full of; noun +일지라도is regardless of, although.웃을 수 있어 – 웃다 (dictionary form): smile, laugh; 을 수 있다 – one can, have the ability to.홀로 걷는 이 길의 끝에 뭐가 있든 발 디뎌볼래At the end of this road that you walk on alone, whatever is there, we will take a step. (T/N: this line is not clear on who’s walking alone, but the previous line mentioned ‘if we’re together’, so I chose ‘you’ and ‘we’. If ‘발 디뎌볼래’ is a question, then it would be ‘will you take a step (with me)?’)홀로: alone.걷는’s dictionary form is 걷다: walk, tread.이: this길: road, street.이 길: this road.의: the possessive particle indicates that one is the owner/ possessor of another object, equivalent to “____’s” in most cases.끝: end, finish.에: the position particle is used to locate things in space.홀로 걷는 이 길의 끝에: 홀로 걷는 is modifying 이 길의 끝에.뭐: what.가: subject particle.뭐가 있든: no matter what’s there.발: foot.디뎌볼래: 디디다 (dictionary form) is step, tread.디뎌볼래: ㄹ래 when used with in the first person tense, it’s used to express the intention/ will of the speaker. When used with another subject, it’s asking for the thoughts and intentions of the listener, asking if they want to/ can do something with you. 때론 지치고 아파도 괜찮아 니 곁이니까It’s ok even you get tired and hurt at times, because I’m by your side.때론 is shorted for 때로는: sometimes, at times.지치: 지치다 (dictionary form) is tired, exhausted.고: and (is used to connect two clauses/ sentences together).아파’s dictionary form is 아프다: painful, hurt.도: even괜찮아’s dictionary form is 괜찮다: all right, fine.니 is 네: you니 곁이니까: because I’m beside you.너와 나 함께라면 웃을 수 있으니까Because if you and I, we’re together, we can smile.너: you. 와: and.나: I.함께라면: if (we’re) together – 라면 is usually used with the present and future tenses, not the past tense. 날고 싶어도 내겐 날개가 없지Even if I want to fly, I have no wings날 - 날다 (dictionary form): fly.-고 싶다: want to.내겐 is shortened for 나에게는: me, to me.날개: wings.가: subject particle.날개가 없지: no wings. BUT 너의 그 손이 내 날개가 돼But those hands of yours become my wings. (T/N: even though there’s no plural particle for 손 (hand), it’s translated as plural ‘hands’ because of ‘wings’.)어둡고 외로운 것들은 잊어볼래Let’s try to forget the dark and lonely things. 어둡다: dark, gloomy.것들은: things, 들 is the plural particle and 은 is the topic particle.잊어’s dictionary form is 잊다: forget. 너와 함께Together with you이 날개는 아픔에서 돋아났지만 빛을 향한 날개야Even though the wings sprung/ came from pain, they’re the wings heading towards the light.돋아났지만: 돋아났(어)’s dictionary form is 돋아나다 – spring, come out.돋아났지만: -지만 is even though, but. It can be added directly to the stems of verbs, adjectives and 이다. 빛: light.을: object particle.향한’s dictionary form is 향하다: heading, towards.빛을 향한 is modifying 날개야.힘들고 아프더라도 날아갈 수 있다면 날 테야Even if it’s tough and painful, I’m going to fly if I can fly.힘들고 아프더라도: 힘들다 – hard, backbreaking. 아프다 is painful, hurt.-더라도: even if.-다면: if. 더는 두렵지 않게 내 손을 잡아줄래Will you hold my hand, so that I won’t be afraid anymore?더: more, further두렵다: afraid, scared.-지 않다: not (is used to negate the verb or adjective attached to it).잡아’s dictionary form is 잡다: hold, grasp.너와 나 함께라면 웃을 수 있으니깐Because if you and I are together I can smile. 내가 선택한 길이고 모두 다 내가 만들어낸 운명이라 해도Even if you say that this is the path I chose and that everything is the destiny I created.선택한’s dictionary form is 선택하다: choose, pick.모두 다: everything, all of it.만들어낸’s dictionary form is 만들어내다: produce, make.운명 (運命): fate, destiny.-이라: you say.-이라 해도: even if you say that. 내가 지은 죄이고 이 모든 생이 내가 치러갈 죗값일 뿐이라 해도Even if you say that this is the crime I committed and that this entire life is just the price that I’ll pay.죄 (罪): crime, guilt, sin.지은’s dictionary form is 짓다: make, commit.모든 생(生): entire life, whole life.죗값: atonement; 죗값을 치르다 – pay for one’s sin (misdeed/ wrongdoing).치러갈 죗값일 뿐: placing 뿐 after a noun can create the meaning of “it is only/ it is nothing but (that noun)” - is just the price that I’ll pay. 넌 같이 걸어줘 Walk with me.넌 is shortened for 너는: you; 는 is the topic particle.걷다: walk. 나와 같이 날아줘Fly with me. 하늘 끝까지 손 닿을 수 있도록So that I can reach the end of the sky.하늘: sky.-까지: until.닿을 수 있도록: 닿다 is reach, touch. –도록 is in order to, so that, to the extent that. 이렇게 아파도 너와 나 함께라면 웃을 수 있으니까Because even if it hurts this much, if you and I are together, I can smile.이렇게: in this way, like this, this much. 잡은 너의 손 너의 온기가 느껴져I can feel your/ the warmth of your hand that I’m holding.온기: warmth, heat.느껴져’s dictionary form is 느끼지다: feel.나를 느껴봐 너도 혼자가 아니야Feel me, you’re not alone either느껴봐: try to feel.너도: you too.혼자: alone.아니야: not.이 길이 또 멀고 험할지라도 함께 해주겠니Will you walk with me even this road will be far and dangerous?멀다: far, distant.험하다: dangerous, rough.-겠니: are you going to, will you.넘어지고 때론 다칠지라도 함께 해주겠니 Will you walk with me even we’ll fall over and sometimes get hurt? 넘어지다: fall over, trip.다치다: get hurt. -- source link
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