modern-femininity2: Bimbo types - the chavWhat is a bimbo? Is there one definition or are there many
modern-femininity2: Bimbo types - the chavWhat is a bimbo? Is there one definition or are there many sub-groups. Let’s take a look.There are lot of different types of bimbo girl. Most would never classify themselves as bimbo but I am going to include them for completeness.First up is the “chav bimbo”. These are young British women who hit 18 and want to explore their sexuality, explore their freedoms. They are typically loud and boisterous. They dress up in slutty outfits and post selfies on Instagram. They are better in groups and love to grope each other and show off by kissing their besties.These women are best left to mature a little more. Most of them just want to let of steam, look pretty and have fun. Most of them want boys their own age and believe in equality.A small percentage may be good bimbo material but they are very rare and will need patience to help them grow into themselves. -- source link