learnjp: Japanese Body PartsHey guys, I hope you’ve all been doing well recently! I just finis
learnjp: Japanese Body PartsHey guys, I hope you’ve all been doing well recently! I just finished up my TESOL classes for the year and have to work on my assessments now, which I imagine will take me a while to complete tbh. Thankfully I’ve got until January to do them! Also just a reminder that the JLPT is only a week away, on the 3rd December 2017 I believe! I hope you guys have been studying well for it! Send me a message or reply to this post if you’ll be taking the exam :)Anyways, today we’ll be talking about body parts in Japanese!Face・顔・かお:Cheek・頬っぺ・ほっぺEar・耳・みみEye・目・めEyebrow・眉・まゆEyelash・まつげEyelid・まぶたForehead・額・ひたいHair・髪・かみHead・頭・あたまJaw・顎・あごLip・唇・くちびるMouth・口・くちNose・鼻・はなTeeth・歯・はThroat・のどTongue・舌・したBody・体・からだ:Ankle・足首・あしくびArm・腕・うでBack・背中・せなかBum・お尻・おしりChest・胸・むねElbow・肘・ひじFinger・指・ゆびFoot・足・あしHand・手・てHeel・かかとKnee・ひざLeg・足・あしNail・爪・つめNeck・首・くびShoulder・肩・かたStomach・お腹・おなかThigh・太もも・ふとももToe・つま先・つまさきVocabulary and Phrases:There’s a lot of vocabulary and phrases in Japanese that use some of the body parts kanji in them, like the couple below for example! Do you guys know anymore Japanese words that uses some body parts kanji in them?Entrance・入口・いりぐち「Mouth・口」Exit・出口・でぐち 「Mouth・口」Please help me・手伝って下さい・てつだってください「Hand・手」Smart・頭がいい・あたまがいい 「Head・頭」 -- source link
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#body parts