proudmomof12:forthecatholicgirls:drbriankiczek:Please Join the #IPraytoEndAbortion Pray
proudmomof12: forthecatholicgirls: drbriankiczek: Please Join the #IPraytoEndAbortion Prayer Witness Campaign by making a video or picture which shows you holding a sign with the hashtag #IPraytoEndAbortion and letting us know why you pray to end abortion. Also, choose at least two people to join the #IPraytoEndAbortion Prayer Witness Campaign at the end of your video. Followers, help me out with the logic behind this caption: Is this actually telling pregnant women who also have cancer that they should delay their cancer treatment even if it means risking their own life—and could potentially leave their children without a mother? Make a woman literally put her life at risk in a situation that often ends in death? That’s pro-life? I mean, it’s a person’s choice to take or refuse treatment, but I wouldn’t shame women who are thinking about their families and decided to continue chemo. (Funny enough, the Catholic Church actually allows abortions in cases of uterine cancer. So this isn’t technically the Catholic position, but is being peddled as one. The more you know!) The Catholic Church does not allow abortions in cases of uterine cancer. It may allow the removal of the uterus with the intention of removing the cancerous organ as the main purpose. This also results in the death of the fetus, but this is not the main reason for the surgery. The intent is not the death of the baby. I’m probably not explaining it too well. But also, the caption does not mean that a pregnant mother who has cancer cannot seek treatment. It simply means that you still cannot justify a deliberate killing of a baby because of the diagnosis. Many pro-life women decide to go ahead with treatment while pregnant, although others decide to wait. Yes, there is always the risk that treatment may adversely affect the baby, but sometimes it does not. “It may allow the removal of the uterus with the intention of removing the cancerous organ as the main purpose.” Ah yes, the good old “we’re removing the entire uterus WITH the fetus, but it’s not direct!” It’s essentially an abortion, in the sense that you’re deliberately terminating a pregnancy and expelling an embryo or fetus from said uterus. The Catholic Church also allows this for ectopic pregnancies, by removing the entire fallopian tube. Unfortunately in that instance, there’s less invasive ways to treat and terminate an ectopic pregnancy than removing the entire tube. (FYI, an abortion does not necessarily mean “direct.” That’s something the Catholic Church has tacked on. A miscarriage is actually called a “spontaneous abortion.”) “Many pro-life women decide to go ahead with treatment while pregnant, although others decide to wait. Yes, there is always the risk that treatment may adversely affect the baby” Many women also decide to not go through with treatment because there are some cancer treatments that harm the fetus or are overall too risky and dangerous. Some of these women end up dying — either after giving birth or while still pregnant. This happens more than you think — so many cancer survivors I know when through chemo with women who found out they were pregnant, stopped chemo, and then died. It happens. It’s very sad. I can’t make a choice for these women, and neither can you. “ It simply means that you still cannot justify a deliberate killing of a baby because of the diagnosis.” No one’s justifying “killing…a baby” because of cancer. Women are trying to make the best decisions for their health and their lives and the lives of their family and children. You cannot stop pregnant women with cancer from undergoing treatment, just like you can’t stop them from refusing treatment. The fact that you phrase this as “justifying” and believe the women with cancer are “justifying” anything is rather telling — and frankly, disgusting. ETA: I say chemo, but radiation is also a part of cancer treatment (and I imagine that’s more dangerous for pregnant women). Cancer patients are not a monolith. This should be consulted with a doctor and left up to the doctor and the woman. xx -- source link
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