yanochia:This week we have gyaru BB chan ~ Althou i tried my best but still can’t accelerate
yanochia: This week we have gyaru BB chan ~ Althou i tried my best but still can’t accelerate speed without drop quality… It still cost 4 days for this set. I am trying to finish the last set but tomorrow is last day of month… I hope i could get more time. Check my pixiv to get more previewhttps://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=70459054 _______________ August 2018’s tier 2 and above patrons will get HD version. Support me on Patreon ► patreon.com/yanochi Patreon | Tumblr | Pixiv | Facebook | Gumroad | Picarto - Hanada Yanochi -- source link