prismalicht:B.A.P - FEEL SO GOOD - VOCABULARY I’ve seen some of these posts floating around
prismalicht: B.A.P - FEEL SO GOOD - VOCABULARY I’ve seen some of these posts floating around but never any for B.A.P, so why not post a vocab-list I already did for myself anyway? I hope it’s of use to someone! Watch the MV here! 원하다 - to want 보다 - to see 때 - time/ when “너를 볼땐” - “When I see you” 계속 - continuously 느낌 - feeling, sense 알다 - to know “난 알고싶어” - “I want to (get to) know you” 아찔하게 - dizzily 과연 - in fact, indeed 어떤 - which, what, what kind of 애 - child (shorter version of 아이) 화려하다 - glamorous 그런데 - but, however 왜 - why 더 - more 빛 - light 목소리 - voice 달콤하다 - to be sweet 젤리 - jelly 같다 - be the same “젤리 같아” - “like jelly” 귓속 - ear, ear conch 맴돌다 - to hover, circle, whirl 찾다 - to look for, search for sth 갖다 - to have 생각하다 - to think 기분 - feeling, mood 좋다 - good 향기 - smell 모두 - all 눈빛 - the glitter in one’s eyes 미소 - smile 다르다 - to be different 여자 - woman 닿다 - to touch “닿을 듯 말 듯” - almost/ not quite touching” 너무 - very 아름답다 - to be beautiful 매일 - everyday 꿈 - dream 꿈꾸다 - to dream “꿈을 꾸는 것 같아” - “It’s like dreaming/ like a dream” 오늘 - today 마치 - as if 첫 - first 사랑 - love 그때 - that time 처럼 - as / like 멍하게 - vacant 시간 - time (clock) 멈추다 - to stop 살며시 - gently 바라보다 - to watch, to gaze 오로지 - only, solely 너에게 - to/ for you 깊이 - deeply You can find the full lyrics here! Happy studying! -- source link
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