ozu-teapot: Funeral Parade of Roses | Toshio Matsumoto | 1969 Pîtâ, et al.

ozu-teapot: Funeral Parade of Roses | Toshio Matsumoto | 1969 Pîtâ, et al.
ozu-teapot: Funeral Parade of Roses | Toshio Matsumoto | 1969 Pîtâ, et al.
ozu-teapot: Funeral Parade of Roses | Toshio Matsumoto | 1969 Pîtâ, et al.
ozu-teapot: Funeral Parade of Roses | Toshio Matsumoto | 1969 Pîtâ, et al.
ozu-teapot: Funeral Parade of Roses | Toshio Matsumoto | 1969 Pîtâ, et al.