inprogresspokemon: #010.5 - Caterpie are common Pokemon that live anywhere with plentiful vegetation
inprogresspokemon: #010.5 - Caterpie are common Pokemon that live anywhere with plentiful vegetation. A voracious appetite drives them to eat constantly in preparation for their oncoming evolution; special suction cups on their feet allow them to scale any surface with ease. As Caterpie grow, they shed their skin, which they also eat. The nutrients they recycle through this is essential for creating the special silk that all Caterpie use to create a cocoon. The cocoon skin starts out soft, leaving them vulnerable to attack until the silk skin hardens.#011.5 - As soon as Caterpie have finished evolving into Metapod, their fragile body inside the cocoon begins the rapid change into a Butterfree. To protect their tender innards, maturing Metaphod depend on their steel-hard outer shell. While this transition is happening, Metapod barely move, saving their energy for the dramatic changes occurring inside. Once the process is done and the evolution is complete, the skin of the cocoon will weaken and Butterfree will emerge; however, the Pokemon cannot fly until its new wings have dried out.Named: Caterpie - Spincoon - Metapod - Chryscape - ButterfreeRedo time for the Caterpie line. Names for these guys are my own, but were influenced by suggestions from @luigicat11​ and @severebagelmakerpeach​. Thanks! [Old Version]- - - - - - - - - -Follow for more In-Progress Pokemon evolutions!FAQ | Facebook | Pokemon Index | Commission Information -- source link
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