learnjapanesebod: Learning Japanese Master Post #02.Here’s a master post for video lessons #
learnjapanesebod: Learning Japanese Master Post #02. Here’s a master post for video lessons #51-#100 in the Learning Japanese video series, all view-able for free on YouTube! That’s right, each topic gets its own episode! All arranged in order and linked below. Check out all 200+ video lessons at the official YouTube channel here and the other Master Posts: 1 3 Conjugations of Desu (です) Conjugating い-Adjectives Conjugating な-Adjectives How-to Say “(I/We) want X” and “Do you want X?” (Xがほしいです) How-to Say “X wants Y” (Third Person) (XはYをほしがっている) (cont.) “VERBAL NOUN + に(行く/来る)” as “Going/coming to do VERBAL NOUN” Using adjectives as adverbs How-to say “try to do VERB” (VERB て-Form + みる) How-to say “in order to VERB/for the sake of VERBing” (VERB Dictionary Form + ために) Potential Form (Verb Conjugation) て- Form VERB + いる as “has VERB-ed” (Resultant State) X ので Y as “Because X, Y” How-to say “VERB while VERBING” with Pre-ますForm VERB + ながら + VERB How-to use しまう to emphasize finality of an action (て-Form + しまう) How-to say “to VERB2 without doing VERB1” (Negative ない-Form VERB1 + で + VERB2) How-to say “it is (easy/hard) to do VERB” with Pre-ます-Form VERB + (やすい/にくい) The たり-Form - たり-Form V1 + たり-Form V2 + する (Do VERB1, VERB2, and other such things) The て-Form as “and” (CLAUSE1 + て + CLAUSE 2 as “CLAUSE1 and CLAUSE2”) X までに as “by the time of X” How-to say “become (ADJECTIVE/NOUN)” with (ADJECTIVE/NOUN) + なる How-to say “make X (ADJECTIVE/NOUN)” with X を (ADJECTIVE/NOUN) + する How-to say “Before CLAUSE1, CLAUSE2” (Dictionary Form C1 + 前に + C2) How-to say “After CLAUSE1, CLAUSE2” (た-Form C1 + 後で + C2) How-to say “do nothing but VERB” (て-Form VERB + ばかりいる) How-to say “VERB nothing but NOUN” (NOUN + ばかり + VERB) How-to say “start VERBing” (Pre-ます-Form VERB + 始める) How-to say “finish VERBing” (Pre-ます-Form VERB + 終わる) (Dictionary/Negative-ない)-Form VERB + ようにする as “make an effort (to/not to) VERB” (Dictionary/Potential/Negative-ない)-Form VERB + ようになる as “it has become that” How-to say “I think that” (Plain-Form + と思う) Volitional Form (Verb Conjugation) Plain Form + かも知れない as “(may/might/possibly) be _” (Pre-ます-Form VERB/Stem-Form ADJECTIVE) + すぎる as “(VERB too much/too ADJECTIVE)” Volitional-Form VERB + と思う as “I think I will VERB” “A (is/isn’t) as ADJ as B” - AはB(と同じぐらい ADJ/ ほど Negative-Form ADJ) Plain-Form A + のに + B as “Even though A, B” AてからB as “After A, B” Plain-Form + でしょう as “probably ___” How-to say “should do VERB/it’s best to do VERB” (た-Form VERB + 方がいい) How-to say “should not do VERB/it’s best to not do VERB” (ない-Form VERB + 方がいい) Conditional ば-Form (Verb Conjugation + Adjective and Noun Conjugation) ば-Form CLAUSE1 + CLAUSE2 as “If CLAUSE1, CLAUSE2” Negative ば-Form (なければ) CLAUSE1 + CLAUSE2 as “If not CLAUSE1, CLAUSE2” たら-Form: C1たらC2 as “After C1, C2” or “If C1, C2” (pt. 1 of 2) たら-Form: C1たらC2 as “After C1, C2” or “If C1, C2” (pt. 2 of 2) (Pre-ます-Form VERB/Stem-Form ADJ) + そう(です/だ)as “it looks like ____” (pt. 1 of 2) (Pre-ます-Form VERB/Stem-Form ADJ) + そう(です/だ)as “it looks like ____” (pt. 2 of 2) Plain-Form CLAUSE + (そう/だ) as “heard that ___” て-Form VERB + おく as “to do VERB ahead of time” How-to ask/allow/deny permission to do something (て-Form VERB + もいいですか) 【☆】★【☆】★【☆】★【☆】★【☆】 Learning Japanese is a YouTube video series with the sole purpose of providing Japanese lessons online for free for anyone at any level! Find 300+ videos of various topics including grammar, vocabulary, kanji, culture, anime, and more with the link below!https://www.youtube.com/user/learnjapanesebod Join fellow learners of Japanese on our Discord server community! You can follow the series on Facebook | Twitter for updates as well! Support Learning Japanese on Patreon!Please consider becoming a patron to support the continuation of this video series and the development of our curriculum!https://www.patreon.com/learningjapanese This video series is presented by becauseofdreamshttp://becauseofdreams.com/ -- source link
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