learnjp: Animals | Animal CountersHey guys, I hope you’re all doing well! Today we’re go
learnjp: Animals | Animal CountersHey guys, I hope you’re all doing well! Today we’re gonna discuss animals in Japanese and some of the counters used for small and large animals.Animals=動物・どうぶつBear=熊・くまBird=鳥・とりCat=猫・ねこCow=牛・うしDeer=鹿・しかDog=犬・いぬElephant=象・ぞうFish=魚・さかなFox=狐・きつねGiraffe=麒麟・きりんHamster=ハムスターHorse=馬・うまKangaroo=カンガルーKoala=コアラLion=ライオンMouse=鼠・ねずみMonkey=猿・さるOwl=フクロウPig=豚・ぶたRabbit=兎・うさぎ Snake=蛇・へびSquirrel=栗鼠・りすTiger=虎・とらTurtle=亀・かめWolf=狼・おおかみZoo=動物園・どうぶつえんe.g. I like dogs 私は犬が好きです。 My cat is very cute. 私の猫はとても可愛いです。 I wish I could have a pet monkey. サルを飼うことができればいいと思っています。 Do you like animals? 動物が好きですか?As far as counters go, there are multiple counters for all the various animals in Japanese. I will only go into this a little bit but if anyone would like a detailed post feel free to request it in my ask box!匹「ひき」 is used for counting small animals such as cats and dogs.一匹・いっぴき二匹・にひき三匹・さんびき四匹・よんひき五匹・ごひき六匹・ろっぴき七匹・ななひき八匹・はっぴき九匹・きゅうひき十匹・じゅっぴき頭「とう」 is used for counting large animals such as horses, cows, elephants etc.一頭・いっとう二頭・にとう三頭・さんとう四島・よんとう五頭・ごとう六頭・ろくとう七頭・ななとう八頭・はっとう九頭・きゅうとう十頭・じゅっとうI hope this helped you guys out, feel free to send requests in for posts you’d like to see on this blog! -- source link
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