warau-okami: Talk Vocabulary 話話「はなし」hanashi: talk/speech/ chat/ story/conversation/ discussions/ n
warau-okami: Talk Vocabulary 話 話「はなし」hanashi: talk/speech/ chat/ story/conversation/ discussions/ negotiation/ argument お喋り「おしゃべり」 oshaberi: chattering/ talk/ idle talk/ chat/ chitchat/ gossip 対談「たいだん」:talk/ dialogue/ conversation 語り「かたり」 katari: talk/ recital/ narration/ topic 語らい「かたらい」 katarai: talk/ chat/troth/ lovers’ vow 喋り「しゃべり」 shaberi: talk/ chat 取り沙汰「とりざた」 torizata: current rumour/ current rumor/gossip/ (idle) talk 談「だん」 dan: talk/ story/ conversation 話す「はなす」 hanasu: to talk/ to speak/to converse/ to chat/to tell/ to explain/ to narrate/ to mention/ to describe/ to discuss/to speak (a language) 仰る「おっしゃる」 ossharu: to say/ to speak/to tell/to talk 語る「かたる」 kataru: to talk about/to speak of/ to tell/ to narrate/ to recite/ to chant/ to indicate/ to show 話し合う「はなしあう」 hanashiau: to discuss/ to talk together 片言「かたこと」 katakoto: prattle/ broken language/ halting language/ baby talk/ imperfect speech/ smattering 煽てる「おだてる」 odateru: to flatter, to soft-soap, to sweet talk, to cajole, to instigate 懇 談「こんだん」 kondan: informal talk 私語「しご 」shigo: whispering/ whisper/ secret talk/ murmur 言い過ぎる「いいすぎる」 iisugiru: to talk or say too much/ to go too far/ to overstate/ to exaggerate 軽口「かるくち」 karukuchi: talkative/ loose-lipped/ persiflage/ frivolous talk 掛け合う「かけあう」 kakeauto negotiate with/ to talk over with/ to haggle 話し相手「はなしあいて」 hanashiaite: person with whom to speak/ someone to talk to/ companion/ advisor/ adviser 思い出話「おもいでばなし」 omoidebanashi: reminiscent talk 甘言「かんげん」 kangen: sweet words/ smooth talk/ cajolery/ flattery/sycophancy 言い返す「いいかえす」 iikaesu: to talk back/ to answer back/ to retort/ to say over/ to repeat words/ to say repeatedly 長話「ながばなし」 nagabanashi: long talk まくし立てる「まくしたてる」 makushitateru: to talk on and on/ to rattle on/ to keep on talking (without pause) やり込める「やりこめる」 yarikomeru: to talk down/ to corner someone in an argument 申し聞かせる「もうしきかせる」 moushikikaseru: to tell/ to talk to 大言壮語「たいげんそうご」 taigensougo: big talk, boasting/ bragging バカ話「バカはなし」 bakahanashi: foolish talk -- source link
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