outlawfem:archradfem:nintendoswitcheroo:maddeemonster:nintendoswitcheroo:maddeemonster:thatpettyblackgirl:And that rape is most likely to be committed by a man.Radical feminists are shakingWhy would radical feminists be shaking? This is common knowledge for anyone who pays attention to rape statistics and rate of false allegations. And it doesn’t contradict any aspect of radical feminism. The only people surprised by a statement like this would be the men who try and tell themselves that false rape allegations are common?I’m going based off my personal experience with rad fems on Tumblr.com. They tend to hate men and downplay their struggles and exclusively fight for cis women only. They are shaking because they openly deny men have any issues.Interesting. In my experience, the radical take has been, “Yes, men have problems, too, but their problems are also caused by men.” Men get drafted and women don’t? The draft should be abolished; however, it was men who created and voted for the draft. Men are punished for being emotionally vulnerable. This drives them to higher suicide rates. Who is doing the punishing? Who sets the standards for masculinity? Men. Men are raped. And shamed about it as well! So we don’t have a great count on just how many men are affected. This happens to women, too. But who is predominantly raping women and men? Men. Men are killed. Men are murdered. Who kills them? Men. Each person only has so much time and resources available to them. We can’t pour out all our energy on fixing every problem that exists. Movements like Occupy Wallstreet fizzle because they have no main focus or cause, and spread themselves too thin. Radical feminism looks at the stock of problems and says, “As women, we have a vested interest in helping free women from the shackles of our society. We will focus on that.” Other movements may benefit from radical feminist action, but that’s not the primary goal. They know that men have problems, too, but in all the problems, the same perpetrator is holding the smoking gun. I suggest men make a movement geared towards actually handling the things that most systematically hurt them.But that would require MRAs actually DO things instead of just whining about feminism online and doing things is hard “it’s women’s responsibility to clean up our messes” is such a familiar sentiment, but I can’t seem to put my finger on where I’ve heard it before…“They tend to hate men and downplay their struggles and exclusively fight for cis women only” It’s almost as though… feminism should focus on women and not cater to males… “Hate males and downplay their struggles,” what a bunch of hypocritical garbage. If you spend five minutes looking at the malicious, toxic way that males talk about women you’ll realize that “hating males and downplaying their struggles” has absolutely nothing on the hatred that males show for women. Plus, the hatred women have for males is because males universally and regularly treat women like garbage (look at the statistics on murder alone, committed against women by males with whom they are personally involved - not even counting murder of women committed by males these women don’t know, or other violence or rape committed by males on women. Not even counting the general shitty way that males talk about women when there aren’t women around, which is completely normalized and socially acceptable). “How dare radical feminists hate males and not care about their struggles while males continue to shit universally on women, I mean it could hurt some males’ feelings…” If women don’t care about women - if women don’t center women - then absolutely no one will care about women. Liberal feminism doesn’t care about women. Males certainly don’t care about women. How dare you ride our asses for caring about and centering ourselves. We have every reason in the world to fight exclusively for our struggles, and for recognizing males for the garbage they are, without feeling that we need to tone down our anger. -- source link