internal-ethics:evilkitten3:does anyone else think this scene shows how much the whole cell thing fu
internal-ethics:evilkitten3:does anyone else think this scene shows how much the whole cell thing fucked vegeta up (not saying it was entirely his fault bc it was but still)? like trunks said bulma told him his dad was the saiyan prince. bulma told him, not vegeta.the one thing vegeta never shut the fuck up about, literally ever, and trunks found out from bulma. and goten had no idea for seven years.those 7 years are kinda weird to think about. I wanna say that did he really never shut up about being a prince in canon tho. the fact he’s a prince didnt get mentioned until frieza saga and all those times i feel like it’s just a thowaway title, something he desperately clings to when he’s losing a fight or his sanity. i just happened to watch the bojack movie again and this convo caught me this and how vegeta swearing to never fight again in the manga really made me think. plus how SHOCKED everybody even bulma was, when he turned evil again in buu saga, like they NEVER at least feared that? this means that he really just only existed after the whole cell thing. quietly brooding, never shouting and yelling about his image, and looking demure to everybody for 7 whole years ?? they are all just like “wow THAT comes out of nowhere” wow. no wonder he went batshit crazy and wanted some borrowed power when he heard goku still trained and fought in the afterlife. it means he DIDNT and he had only one day, also i know movies are shit but likei love how definite and quick chichi response is here. in the dub she just observes “he hasnt been the same since Goku died” but here she’s just spiting facts “oh he’s depressed BECAUSE Goku died” you get me.but yeah chichi and vegeta have a lot in common, so it does make sense that she’d have a somewhat better understanding of what’s going on in his head.they’re both royalty with no real kingdom to speak of, which definitely also helps. bulma’s been through her fair share of shit, don’t get me wrong, but at the end of the day she’s always had both of her parents and a massive corporation. chichi only really has her dad, so all she has to do is take her own experiences, subtract her father, and add child soldier trauma.on top of that, both chichi and vegeta initially seem to cope with losing goku (the second time) in similar ways. vegeta just kinda gives up, and from what we see of chichi, i got the impression her kids were the only thing really keeping her going. bulma deals with goku’s death by throwing herself into work even more and not really thinking about it - i think in part bc she’s so used to the dragon balls. pretty much all her life, bulma hasn’t really had to worry much about people dying bc she knows they can just come back. i don’t think goku’s death really feels real to her yet, because she’s never permanently lost someone before (as far as i know).chichi and vegeta have. chichi’s mom died the same year she was born from an unspecified illness (probably Anime Mom-itis) and when she was two she got kicked out of her home by a fire spirit. vegeta’s whole life has been entrenched in violence and death. both of them have lost people before for good, so they treat goku’s death like anyone else would.vegeta’s sudden turn to evil after seven years of not doing anything (hell ye repress those issues) caught everyone off-guard bc almost none of them can understand where he’s coming from (in part bc he thinks talking about his feelings is illegal), but iirc we don’t see chichi’s direct reaction to vegeta going majin. actually, despite the fandom’s general assumption that they hate each other, they mostly get along relatively well. chichi never seems all that bothered by vegeta, even before he’s firmly on team good guy, and she directly defends him when piccolo mentions that vegeta might be why the super saiyan god ritual isn’t working.they’re not close or anything, but i do think they have a weird understanding of each other that doesn’t get shown enough. plus they’re both in love with goku and bulma and no one can change my mind -- source link
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