“那裡的東西不好吃”因為一個人的評語 讓我跟老妹拖到上禮拜才去造訪這家開在我們家附近已久的咖啡廳老實說這次去其實是為了看Instagram地標tag上出現的兩隻店貓其中一隻花色
“那裡的東西不好吃”因為一個人的評語 讓我跟老妹拖到上禮拜才去造訪這家開在我們家附近已久的咖啡廳老實說這次去其實是為了看Instagram地標tag上出現的兩隻店貓其中一隻花色的 很多人放上牠各種姿勢的照片但是這隻黑色的貓卻曝光率很低我們走進餐廳的時候剛好下午兩點半眇著眼睛看了一圈咖啡廳 沒半隻貓有點失落我跟老妹一起點了一個中間有夾地瓜泥的蛋糕口感厚實又綿密 讓我們不解那位朋友到底是點到什麼神秘料理才讓他覺得不好吃吃到一半 圖中的黑色貓咪竟然從我們面前跳到前方的玻璃桌上“天啊 牠難道一直在我們桌下嗎?”我馬上把我的SD卡從手提電腦卡槽拔出來 拿起相機開始狂拍拍了老半天 發現照片都太暗 看不到貓黑貓的小手動作好快 我把快門速度調到1/125最後把ISO值調到12500才拍到牠數值高到感覺怪怪的 自己入門又懶得讀說明書的我每次都亂拍 反正有拍到就好了吧 以後再來搞懂其他客人也紛紛拿著手機拍突然被從後面摸的時候 黑貓的眼睛大張 手伸好直指甲都蹦出來了“天啊好可愛”在回家的路上我迫不期待的跟老媽分享黑貓的模樣我媽說黑貓晦氣不要亂摸“我沒有摸 我只是拍”拍的途中被他的爪子嚇到了 不太敢摸只敢遠遠的膜拜但也可能就是因為很多人有這樣的迷思所以黑貓看起來總是有一種獨來獨往又有點傻氣過度堅強的傲嬌感吧“Their food is not that great”Because of one friend’s comment, my sister and I did not visit this cafe until last week.It was only steps away from our home. So when we finally went, we went there for the cats, not the food. There were two cats, one calico, one black. The black one never seemed to be featured on the Instagram posts though.We entered the cafe at 2:30PM sharp. Looked around for the cats before sitting down, but there was none. Disappointed, we ordered an interesting cake that has sweet potato filling. The cake had a satisfying stiff body that complimented the creamy filling. Pretty good, we thought. What did our friend order that made him think the cafe doesn’t have good food?Midway through our cake, a black cat emerged from below and jumped to the glass table right before our eyes. “OMG, had it been hiding under our table?”I immediately pulled my SD card out from my laptop, and started taking photos.After about ten pictures I realized that my shutter speed was too high. The pictures were so dark I couldn’t see the cat. Changed my ISO to 12500, and finally the cat was visible on camera. I still have no idea why my ISO needed to be this abnormally high..When others were touching the cat’s fur from it’s back, it got so surprised that it straightened its forelegs and sticked out its sharp claws. Overwhelmingly cute. On the way home, I eagerly showed my mom the photos. “Black cats bring bad luck, don’t touch it.”“I didn’t touch it, I only took photos of it”I wasn’t afraid of the bad luck but the claws. I only looked at it from afar. My lens zoomed to catch the details for my eyes. This negative stereotype is probably why black cats always look haughty yet constantly baffled by unexpected love and attention. -- source link
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