Hey guys!This episode literally broke my heart beyond anything, so I hope I pull it off well.Enjoy!W
Hey guys!This episode literally broke my heart beyond anything, so I hope I pull it off well.Enjoy!Warnings- Angst, this episode is literally so sad omlTv Show- Teen Wolf.Series Name- The Rise Of The Dark Spirits. Part-Season 3- Episode 18- Riddled.~~~~~You lay on your back in the center of your bed with your chest rising and dropping slowly, eyes just stuck on the ceiling with darkness engulfing your room. Your mind was screaming at you, yet your expression was blank, showing no sense of emotion over your face as if nothing was happening. So many things were worrying you, a bad feeling appearing throughout your chest with a huff of air escaping your lips-“Isaac! Y/n!” The moment the shouts catch your ears, you blink rapidly, wondering if you were just hearing things or it was actually something.“Isaac! Come on, guys, get up!” the muffled voice of your brother finally pierces through your ears and your eyes widen, completely jerking your self up from your bed in one swift motion, bare feet colliding with the floor as the duvet falls around your body. The door to your room then rams open, your eyes only widening even more when you watch Scott slide in, the boy scrambling to put on a shirt over his tank top as he meets your eyes. “Y/n, get ready, okay? Right now.” he pants frantically, your hands gripping onto him to stop the quick movements, seeing Isaac run in from the corner of your eye. “Scott, what’s going on?” “Scott, talk to me.” you insist slowly, skeptical eyes flickering over your brothers expression as he fixes the shirt he just pulled on. “I- I got a call from Stiles,” he begins and you immediately retract your hands from the boy, heart pounding at the thought of something terrible happening to him. “It was so weird- we need to go. And fast.” he carries on, now looking back towards Isaac.However, you twist the boy back round, gripping onto the rim of his shirt desperately. “What is going on? Is he okay? Is he hurt? What did he say to you?” you ramble on, your brother now grabbing onto your hands as he takes in a deep breath. “He didn’t… He said he couldn’t see anything and…” he trails off, your heart just pounding in your chest. “What’s wrong with Stiles?” Isaac then cuts in, confusion taking over his features and your wide eyes met his, Scott turning to look at him before slowly looking back at you, a hint of hesitance showing in his movements. “I….,”“I don’t know.”Everything felt like it was going in slow motion, your eyes flickering between both Scott and Isaac before you made up your mind.Your legs started moving before anything else and you swipe the helmet from your bedside table, “Y/n,” you ignore the call of your name, sliding through the door beside Isaac before practically running down the hall, quick footsteps following behind you after a few seconds.You grip the banister before swinging yourself into the living room, fast pace only ceasing when you hear a ringing of a phone blare through the air. “Hey, Stiles.” Scott calls out quickly and you swivel round on your heel, all the air feeling like it was leaving your throat before making your way back over to your brother while he holds his phone up to his ear.“No. No I didn’t- just Isaac and Y/n,” your brother begins, meeting your worry filled eyes before nodding his head. “Yeah, she’s here. We’re all coming to find you, okay? Can you figure out where you are?” Scott carries on and you gently take the phone from his ear, pulling the speaker in front of your mouth before taking in shaky breath. “Try to find something and tell us where to look.”You watch as Scott’s face contorts into confusion after hearing what Stiles said, bringing the phone back up to his ear as you could only watch, not having the great werewolf hearing that the others do.“What?” you question quickly with a hushed voice, Isaac reaching out and gently holding onto your arm as you meet his eyes once again. “In a house?” Scott questions with his eyebrows completely furrowed and you look back to Isaac for help. “He’s saying he’s in a basement.” the boy whispers for you and now your eyebrows were the one to furrow. “Wait, wait, wait. What else is there? What do you see?” Scott calls out quickly, a desperate tone filling his voice as he latches on to however many seconds he could of talking to Stiles. Your hand was now clasped onto the hand of Isaac’s that rests on your arm, legs feeling like they were turning to jelly as the worrying just increased. “Stiles,” Scott then begins after a few seconds, a new wave of concern flashing through your entire body when you watch his eyes mildly widen. “why are you whispering?”~The three of you stumble into the room of the Stilinski’s, movements immediately halting when your eyes land on a certain redhead and one of the twins. “How did you know? Did he call you too?” Scott questions rapidly, words tumbling out of his mouth as Lydia meets your eyes before looking to him. “I heard it.” the girl responds and you let a huff of air pass through your lips. “Don’t ask.” Aiden insists as he sees the looks of confusion, “It gets a lot more confusing when you ask.”Your attention fades away from the others, slowly moving past both Lydia and Aiden before moving straight to his bed, eyes scanning over a pair of scissors that was stabbed into the mattress with all the red pieces of string that was attached to his mystery board tied to it.Everyone was watching you now.“Red… Stiles uses red for unsolved cases.” you practically mumble, fingers gently sliding over a few of the strings as your eyes narrow. “Maybe he thinks he’s part of an unsolved case.” Aiden suggests and you bit at your lips to contain a response. “Or is an unsolved case.” Isaac adds on and you pull your hand away from the strings. “Hold on,” Lydia's voice takes you out of your mind and you look over to her.“Is he still out there? You don’t know where he is?” she continues on with a tone of disbelief. “He said he is in an industrial basement somewhere.” Scott informs quickly, your eyes retreating from the people again before looking back around Stiles’ room. “We came here to get a better scent.”“What else did he say?” Lydia then starts up again and your lip honestly started to hurt because of how hard you were biting down on it. “Something’s wrong with his leg. It’s- it’s bleeding.” Scott informs with a much quieter voice, a sigh passing through your lips as you release them, hands moving up to rub at your face. “And he’s freezing.”What the hell is happening.“Tonight's the coldest night of the year. It’s going to drop into the 20s.” Aiden points out and you slowly move back to the others. “What did his dad say?” Lydia now questions right as you get to her side. “We kind of…” Scott begins hesitantly, you shaking your head in response when his words fall away. “We haven’t told him yet.” you confirm before he could say anything else and Lydia turns to you immediately.“Stiles is bleeding and freezing and you didn’t call his dad?” she lays out with even more disbelief as you raise your eyebrows at her. “He made me promise not to,” Scott begins and you lower your head in response to the feeling guilt that appears, heart just pounding in your chest. “We can find him by scent. If- if he was just sleep walking he couldn’t have gotten far, right?”“You guys didn’t notice his jeep is gone, did you?” Aiden then comments with mild reluctance and you let out a heavy sigh, once again leaving the group of people as you bring your hands to your face. Oh, god.Oh, god, oh, god, oh, god.“You promised you wouldn’t call him. I didn’t.” Lydia then points out, your ears catching onto the sound of her phone beeping. “Wait,” you call out quickly, her movements completely freezing as everyone now turns to you. Your eyes scan between all of them, a huge weight just spreading around your entire chest before your shoulders sink down, hands lightly shaking by your sides. “Lydia… You only get these feelings when someone’s about to die, right?” you question slowly, your entire heart pounding all over again when Lydia nods her head. “You don’t have to call his dad. It’s five minutes to the station.” you then point out before starting to walk again, fingers tightly grasping onto the bottom of your hoodie as you move past both Lydia and Aiden. “We’ll catch up.”Your movement halts, confused eyes flickering back to the people you just passed. “What? Why?” you question, giving your brother a short look before meeting the eyes of the strawberry blonde. “There’s something here.” she insists with eagerness in her eyes. “Yeah,” Isaac then begins as you take in a deep breath, “Evidence of total insanity.” A scoff passes through your lips before you send him a glare which he mildly cowers under, your eyes then flickering back to the two in front of you. “We can figure out what’s wrong with him after we find a way to keep him from freezing.” Scott then insists, his eyes stuck on you the moment the words leave his lips. “Go,” Lydia urges as you take in a deep breath, feeling a hand gently place on your shoulder.“We’ll be right behind you.”~~~“If his Jeep is gone, that’s where we start.” His voice was mildly shaky, breaths not that harsh but noticeably effected as you bite at your lips, Noah then looking back over to the desk beside him. “Parrish, let’s get an APB out on a blue 1980 CJ-5 Jeep.” he insists, your hand grasping onto your brothers as Noah looks to another cop. “Cordova, I want a list any kind of industrial basement or sub-level of any building that he could’ve gotten into while sleep walking-”“It’s the coldest night of the year so far. So if he’s out there barefoot in just a T-shirt, he could already be hypothermic.Let’s move fast. Let’s think fast.” Noah continues on, eyes flickering between the few cops that were in the room with desperation before looking between you, Scott and Isaac. “The three of you, come with me.”And that’s what you do.Noah leads you all to his sheriffs office, opening the door for the three of you before closing it when you were all in. “Okay. Is there anything you need to tell me that I can’t tell everybody out there?” he then questions as he looks to Scott, your throat attempting to gulp down the nerves as you look back into his eyes. “Lydia knew he was missing.” you inform with a kind of quickness, Noah keeping his own eyes on you when he processes your words.“Can she help find him?” Noah now questions and you ease back a little, eyes flickering over to your brothers as he meets them. “Well, she’s working on it.” Isaac chimes in and the attention goes over to him as you take in a deep breath. “Anything else?” Sheriff asks while his eyes get stuck on Isaac for a second until Scott starts up. “I called Derek and Allison for help.”“Ca- can you find him by scent?” Noah then questions, words filled with hesitance as his eyebrows furrowed, your eyes flickering between the two werewolves on either side of you before there was a knock on the door behind Noah, Scott’s mouth snapping just as the cop opens the door.“We got it, sir. We found the Jeep.” ~There was not a second wasted as you all went to the certain spot, Scott’s motorbike right behind yours as you speed behind the sheriff car and cop cars in front of you. “Come on, Stiles.”And not even that much later, all of you pull up to the hospital one after the other, a huff of air leaving your lips as you swing off of your bike, quickly moving after Noah as you make your way towards the familiar Jeep. Scott slides next to you as Noah practically rips the Jeep door open, once again biting at your lips nervously while you watch the man feel around before slowly turning back to you. “It’s dead. He must have left the lights on.” he then informs and you let out a sigh, fingers gripping onto the hem of your shirt. “Why would he come here?” Scott then questions and Noah turns back to look at the lights of the hospital. “Let’s find out.”Plans were a little different on the way towards the building. Isaac and Scott informed you that Derek was somewhere inside so they spilt off, leaving you with Noah as you make your way passed the reception desk, seeing Melissa quickly her way over to all of you.“Security’s doing sweep of every floor. Nothing yet.” Melissa informs breathily and you heart begins to pound all over again. “What about the basement?” you then question quickly before Noah could even open his mouth, your brain practically forgetting that there was cops all around you as you were set on one thing.Melissa nods her head at your desperate expression, sharing a short look with Noah before twisting her body round. “Follow me.”But, even after searching everywhere….He wasn’t there. “He has to be here somewhere then.”“There is nothing here, nobody can find a single thing.” Noah points out, hands on his hips as you found yourself back in the receptionist area. You shook your head, panic just flowing around your entire body. “His Jeep wouldn’t be here if he wasn’t. He can’t do all this in one night.” you argue, grasping onto literally anything thought that could bring you closer to getting Stiles back. “Well, apparently he can.” Noah breathes out and the emotions just kept piling on. “But he has to be here somewhere.” you insist, Noah’s eyes meeting yours quickly, managing to notice the persistent look in your eyes as he then lets out a sigh. “Y/n,” Melissa however stops you, placing a hand on your shoulder to turn the attention to her. “Everyone’s doing the best that they can, okay? We’re going to find something soon.”It took a few seconds, but your shoulders sunk down in response, a huff of air slowly passing through your lips as you worry filled eyes flick back over to Noah. Wordlessly, the man takes a step forward, wrapping his arms around your frame before edging your head into his chest. The two of you were feeling the same. I mean, obviously he was feeling worse, cause you know Stiles is his son, but you both were so incredibly scared for him. Stiles was literally nowhere to be found.Your body slowly reacted to the motion, Noah just holding you tight as your lip starts to quiver, eyebrows completely pinching together before you wrap your own arms around the man, squeezing your eyes shut as you latch onto his jacket with a muffled whimper.“We’re gonna find him, Y/n.” Noah whisper to you, placing his chin on the top of your head while pulling you even closer. You couldn’t see it but both Noah and Melissa were sharing a look, this entire situation scaring practically everyone.Noah then took in a deep breath, lightly ruffling your hair with one hand before pulling you away from his chest, lowering himself down just a little to get into your line of sight. “I promise you.” he insists, taking both of your hands in his and you lower your head, contain the urge to just pure sob as you nod in response. “I-”However, the words were cut off when Noah’s phone blares through the quiet air, Melissa gently pulling you towards her as the man digs through his pocket. “I’m gonna take this quickly,” he begins as he lifts the phone out, sending you a sympathetic smile as he does so. “I’ll be back in a second.” he assures, giving Melissa a nod of his head before he starts walking outside, a sigh passing through your lips when he actually leaves through the doors.You didn’t waste any seconds, twisting your body round in Melissa's hold and wrapping your arms around her, the woman immediately doing the same with her own sigh as the side of your head lands on her chest, her heart beat pulsing through your ears as your shoulders visibly deflate. “It’s gonna be okay.” Melissa insists with a mild squeeze of your shoulders, the attempt of not crying getting a lot harder as you close your eyes. The panic and worry was just climbing up a mountain and you really didn’t want to know what it would be like if you got to the top.A sudden sound from Melissa took you out of your thoughts, having no idea what she did, you pull away from her grasp, seeing her eyes stuck on something behind you. And though your mind felt like it was racing, you twist yourself round yet again, eyebrows raising when you spot the certain person walking over.“Melissa… Y/n. Uh, may I have a word with you?” Rafael questions, your eyes scanning over the sling around his shoulder before you look back to the woman in questions. Her eyes flicker between yours, hands lifting up to your shoulders before she looks up at Rafael. “I’m pretty sure you can just say it here. We don’t have time for random conversation right now.”The man in front of you just stares at Melissa for a seconds, searching through her eyes before he looks down at you, your face contorting into one of expectation and Rafael then sighs in response. “All right, but you can’t say anything, okay? No talk back, no nothing.” he insists as he pulls his movable hand into his pockets.Your eyes narrow at the request, apparently even more confusion just adding to your emotions before you allow yourself to nod your head, just hoping that he might say what you want him to say.“I might have a lead,” he finally announces, the man then holding up a hand when he sees your eyes light up, “I don’t know if it’s what I think it is, so I don’t want anybody telling Stiles’ dad. All right? At least not now anyway?”“Do you really think you’re onto something?” Melissa then questions, her eyes showing that she was skeptical, but you just stared at Rafael, head then raising as your eyebrows furrow. “It’s work a shot.” you insist without anything else, and you could feel the mild surprise radiating off of both adults.“Hey,” a voice then calls, all of you turning round to see Mr. Stilinski jogging inside of the building, movements halting when he spots the tall man in front of you. “Agent McCall.” he comments, offering a small nod to the man before keeping his eyes on you. “It was a call from Lydia,” Noah now begins, giving Rafael yet another brief look before taking in a deep breath. “She may have a lead.”Oh shit.Your eyes flicker between the two men in front of you, a weird feeling spreading across your chest as you take a short step back.You had to choose.How are you gonna do that?Confusion etched through your entire body as you meet the eyes of Rafael, a weird feeling that you should go with him appearing in your chest.But when has Lydia ever been wrong.“Go,” you then begin suddenly, locking eyes with Noah as he blinks rapidly at you, “Scott and Isaac are probably already with her, so go and see if she’s right.” you insist, clearing your throat as soon as the words leave your lips, Noah just kind of looking at you in shock. “Are.. Are you sure? What if-”“Go, Sheriff. I’ll see him when he’s back.” you assure, not completely believing yourself but something was just telling you to go with Mr. McCall and you couldn’t shake it.Noah’s lips fall shut, sharing a look with Melissa before his shoulders sink. His eyes flicker back to yours, a hint of uncertainty flowing through them before he clears his throat with a nod of his head. “Okay,” he breathes out, continuing the movement of his head as he starts to twist around. He meets the eyes of Rafael, however not giving the man enough time to say anything to him before he practically bolts out of the door, your eyes stuck on them for a little longer before you manage to drag them away.Melissa gently moves around, only stopping when she was right in front of you before she furrows her eyebrows. “Why did you do that?” she questions in complete shock of your choice. But you just stare at her for a second, beginning to bite at your lips before you look up at Rafael with a deep breath of whatever emotion. “It’s worth a shot.”~“So… What are you saying?” you question slowly, narrowed eyes stuck on the reflection of Mr. McCall in the rear-view mirror. “I’m saying, the real question might be, how do we know he’s not still asleep?”The confusion was just piling on, having no idea what he was on about, but your brain was slowly fading, a weird sense of tiredness hitting you all at once as you stifle a yawn. “You mean he’s been asleep the whole time?” Melissa queries with a tone of doubt, giving you a short look before facing Rafael. “Well, people who sleep walk can do crazy things.” the man defends and you let out a mild scoff, eyelids beginning to feel droopy. “It’s true! One guy goes down to the kitchen and cooks an entire meal. Another guy is found mowing his lawn naked.” Rafael lists off and you narrow your eyes in response, blinking rapidly to get rid of the sleepiness, but it wasn’t working, your head leaning against the backseat as you keep attempting to keep your eyes open.“Why’s any of that matter?” Melissa questions with a light laugh. “Remember that townhouse apartment we lived in? There was that one night I came home drunk-”Melissa immediately put here hand up the moment the last words left his lips, Rafael’s eyes narrowing in response before the woman turns to look back at you, her own eyes now mildly widening when she sees your passed out figure leaning into the backseat.A sigh passes through her lips and she lowers her hand, eyes lingering on you for about a few more seconds before leaning back into her own chair. “One night?” she then starts up when she knows you aren’t listening, raising her eyebrows at Rafael in response to his previous words, the man remaining with narrowed eyes before moving onto the new topic of conversation.“Let me finish.” he insists and Melissa slightly tilts her head in response, the two sharing a look before she allows it. “So I’m drunk, passed out on the bed. I get up to go to the bathroom. Then suddenly, I hear you yelling ‘what the hell are you doing?’ ”“Because you were in the closet peeing into the laundry basket.” Melissa reminds with mild amusement, letting a small smile pass onto her lips. “Yeah, because I thought it was the bathroom.” Rafael attempts to defend, but Melissa shakes her head at him, tilting her head to the side while fiddling with her earing. “Oh, no, you were drunk off your ass.”“Yeah, but I was convinced it was the bathroom.” Rafael tries to defend yet again and Melissa hums in acknowledgment. “So how do we know Stiles isn’t just convinced he’s in some kind of basement? And isn’t actually there?”“I think when he called Scott, he was still asleep,” he then continues on, hesitance passing through him as he looks at your sleeping figure through the rear-view mirror. “And he’s still asleep right now.” Rafael insists and Melissa looks over to his face lighting up from the streetlights. “Then where is he?” she questions, concern just staying in the center of her chest, Rafael looking away from the road and meeting her eyes. “I got an idea about that too.”~“Y/n,”Your eyebrows furrow at the sudden sound, nuzzling further into the seat you lay on before feeling something shake your leg a little harsher. “Y/n, wake up, sweetie.”Your eyes finally flew open, rapidly flickering around the area you were in until they land on a person who held the car door open. “Oh… Where are we?” you question groggily, unbuckling your seatbelt before lifting yourself out of the car, with a little help.However, your sleepiness disappeared quickly, eyes meeting with the dark forest that you’ve seen too many times.“The preserve? Wait- why are we here?” you ask with confusion, spinning on your heel to look at Mr. McCall who shut his own door. “How many times have you and your little squad been in here?” he challenges, your mouth opening to respond, but ultimately shutting as you fold your arms over your chest.“Yeah, we’ll be having a talk about that later.” Melissa begins and you raise your eyebrows in response, the woman mirroring your expression before you let out a huff of air. “We gonna search the entire forest then?” you now question, eyes flickering to Rafael's how shifts his weight to the other foot. “I have an idea on where he could be.”“Then where? There isn’t really a place where he could stay in…” your words fall away, a sudden thought piercing into your mind as your eyes widen. Without warning, your entire body pushes forward, about to take off into the direction before a hand grabs onto your arm, your head jerking towards the owner of it as you struggle in the grip. “Hold on,” Rafael insists and you rip your arm out of his hand. “Stiles is probably freezing! We can’t waste any more time!”“You’re not just going into a forest by yourself, Y/n. You wait with us, we need flashlights.” Rafael points out just as he catches a flashlight thrown by Melissa, the woman meeting your eyes before you caught one yourself. “I have to say I’m not comfortable with you just running into a dark forest.” she then chimes in and your eyes widen. “But-”“We’re moving now.” Rafael cuts you off, sharing a look with Melissa before beginning to walk. You just watch him for a second before letting a sigh pass through your lips, following after him as fast as you could while Melissa gets to Rafael's side.“Assuming that we’re thinking of the same place. Do you remember where it was?” the man then starts up and your eyebrows raise slowly, turning your head so you could look up at him. “Yes,” you begin, eyebrows furrowing as you honestly had no idea how. “Yes, I do.”(They’re going the long way because I completely forgot that they could pull up beside it, but I’ve gone too far now :/ )“Well, you can help us there then.” he points out and you stare into his eyes for a few more seconds before you lower your head, ears catching onto the crunching of the leaves under your feet as you continue moving. “You know, I… I may have no idea what the two of you are on about.” Melissa then points out and you let a small smile take over your lips before your mind reminds you of everything, the smile fading away in an instant.“It was the hideout that we found for… Well, we think it was Malia’s,” you start up, clearing your throat as you couldn’t mention the part that she was a coyote in front of Rafael. The man himself then lets out a mild huff of air and your attention turns to him, eyes then scanning over the sling around his shoulder.The image of him on the bed with Melissa trying to stop the bleeding flashes through your eyes and you squeeze them shut in response, wanting nothing than to get rid of it.Melissa then suddenly appears on your other side, meaning that you were sandwiched in between the two adults and you bite at your lips, a sigh then passing through them before you pluck up the courage. “Is…” you attempt to begin, eyes flickering up to Rafael’s as he look at you in response of the attempt. “Is it okay?”His eyebrows slightly furrow in response of your words. However, the man then catches onto what you meant when he follows your eyes line, eyebrows ultimately raising at your concern before he lets a very small smile take over his lips. “Yes. I mean, it’s on the way of going back to normal.”Your entire body then stops, the two adults on either side of you walking a few more steps before they realize that you completely halted. “Y/n? Honey, what’s wrong?” Melissa questions quickly, moving over to you with a fast pace, but you immediately hold your hand out for her to stop.The moment she does so, you meet her concern filled eyes before letting them flow right in between the two adults, your shoulders sinking down with mild dread. “We’re here.”A sudden whimper kind of sound slightly echoes from somewhere, and your eyes immediately widen in response. “Y/n,” Rafael calls out but you already began moving, just about to start running as you pass through the two adults, but you get grabbed yet again.“No! Let me go, come on!” you yelp out, both of your hands coming up to struggle against the man that was trying to stop you. “We don’t know what state he’s in, okay? We can’t just run in there.” Rafael whisper harshly but you shake your head, tears building up in your waterline. “He’s in pain and he’s scared!” you begin loudly as you rip yourself away from his arm.“Y/n!” you hear Melissa shout from behind, but you kept moving, pants running through your harsh breaths as you begin climbing up the slight hill, hearing both adults coming after you quickly.The whimpering and incoherent mumbles only got louder and louder as you stumble through the path way, heart pounding against your chest, which only increases when a hand latches onto your arm yet again. “Y/n, let me, okay? Let me get him, you can help when I get him close to the entrance, but just… Let me.” Rafael insists frantically, pulling you to face him as he looks you right in the eyes. Your breathing was fast, the mans hands remaining on you while try to calm yourself down, and after a few seconds of convincing yourself that he can do it, finally you allow him.You nod your head once, you figure being slightly moved to the side by Melissa while you watch Rafael move into the opening, however the moment he was inside you pressed forwards, slipping one foot through the entrance as your chest heaves. “Stiles?” Rafael calls out gently, placing a hand on his leg, but he didn’t get a response, the whimpers from the boy only got louder. “I don’t know.” Stiles shudders out, your heart wrenching as you watch him wither about. Rafael then lets out an irritated grunt, blinking rapidly as he turns to face you with alight sniffle. “God- okay, Y/n,” Rafael then calls back, meeting your tear filled eyes before he takes in a deep breath. “Get ready.”But within a second, the man began pulling on Stiles’ legs to get him towards the entrance and the air practically left your throat when it causes the worst reaction to start up.Gut wrenching screams started to ripple through the air as the boy fought to get out of Rafael's hold, the sound ringing through your ears even though more and more came through. “Y/n!” Rafael calls out over them and you snap out of your daze, letting the man move to your side as you could fully see Stiles now. “Wait! Wait! No!” the boy screams out, clawing at practically anything he could to just stop it all.A mild sob passes through your lips and you quickly slide to the side of the rock, pushing your arm underneath Stiles body before completely lifting him up with a harsh grunt.Yells of fear and panic continue from the poor boy as Melissa changes positions with Rafael, the two of you then twisting Stiles’ body round so that his legs were the last part to leave the cave, the attempts of getting away slightly overpowering your hold as Stiles manages to get onto the ground, basically hitting at your hands to let him go. “Stiles! Stiles, it’s me!” you call out quickly, trying to get him to sit still as you hold onto him. One long scream passes through his lungs and Melissa attempts to shush him, but you quickly swap places with her, falling to your knees as you shift to be in front of Stiles. “Wait! No, wait!” he bawls and you frantically grab either sides of his face, forcing him to look into your eyes as the tears trickle down your cheeks. “Stiles, you’re okay! It’s okay!”It took a second for him to process your face, but then next time he attempt to yell out, it turned into a slight whine halfway through, his eyes flickering around your arms that held onto him before he looked in between your own pair of eyes.“You’re all right.” Melissa then breathes out from behind him, her arms wrapped around his shoulders still and Stiles quickly looks around to see her, chest still heaving with pants but visibly relaxes either way, lastly looking at Mr. McCall as he takes everyone in.You move your hands back onto either sides of his face and he immediately looks back to you, his eyebrows pinched together with so much fear that made your heart hurt. Your eyes catch onto the subtle shivers of his body, and without any second to waste, you quickly take your hands away from his face and practically rip off the hoodie you put on earlier (you had a t-shirt underneath) before holding it in your hands. “Come here,” you begin gently, Melissa easing her grip on Stiles before completely letting go, hesitance showing in her steps while she moves beside Rafael.Stiles wasn’t even able to form words if he wanted to protest, so you took it upon yourself to do the movements for him, the boy was completely still apart from his heaving chest and the continuous shivers while you gently pull the fabric over his head and through the hood. “Give me your arm.” you practically whisper, the shakiness in your voice being too much so if you actually spoke normally it would overpower it.The boy complies, his arm raising slowly and you grab onto it with a gentle touch, not wanting to startle him as you pull it through the sleeve of the hoodie. Stiles was just staring into your eyes as he somehow attempts to calm himself down, you just pulling his other shaky arm into his other sleeve before pulling the rest of the hoodie down to cover up his torso.You share a look with both Melissa and Rafael before your focus was immediately back on Stiles, the boys eyes still stuck on yours before you shift closer to him, a sniffle passing through the air and you place your hands on both of his shoulders. “You’re all right.” you insist with as much softness as you could and it made Stiles completely crumble.The fear, panic and pure exhaustion mixed into one emotion and a mild sob spurts through his lips. The action took you by surprise, but you immediately jump into action and pull the boy into your arms. Melissa moves back to her spot before, however only places her hand on the boys shoulder as he just cries. Tears built up in your eyes all over again as you pull the boy closer, Stiles’ hands gripping onto you like you would just disappear if he let go. His tears began to soak through the shoulder of your shirt and you gently cup the back of Stiles’ head as you just let him cry, closing your own eyes while you lower your head on top of his. “You’re safe now,”“I promise.”~~~~~You stayed in that very room with Stiles in the hospital literally ever since he got put in there.No matter who attempted to get you out, you wouldn’t budge an inch, remaining in your place on the chair beside Stiles’ hospital bed.There was also no way in hell that you were going into school, so you just stayed where you were. Your eyes shot open quickly, a strained mutter of words leaving your lips while your coloured orbs flicker around wildly, only calming down when you spot the brunets sleeping face. Your entire body then relaxes at once, sinking back down into the chair as you let your eyes fall closed again, moving to bring your hand up to your face-but something stopped you.Confusion replaces any emotion circling around and you slowly lean your head upwards, eyes following your arm before finding out that a certain someone was holding your hand in their sleep. Your facial features relax all over again and a small smile curls at your lips, propping yourself up so that your back was now straightened. You then reach out with a slow pace, light fingers gracing over the cheek of Stiles’ face and he twitches slightly in response, eyebrows furrowing for a split second before completely snuggling into your hand when he felt the palm of it. He looked so peaceful when he was asleep.Your own eyebrows then began to furrow, a feeling circling around your chest as you slowly bring your conjoined hands up to your lips. You knew it was going to be bad…But not this bad.The tears now stung at your eyes and you attempt to wipe at them with your sleeve, furiously rubbing against the skin as you sniffle lightly, a sigh from the boy in front of you being the only escape from your movements as your eyes fall back onto his resting face.“I’m sorry, buddy.” you then whisper in defeat, shoulders just slumping as you put his hand back on the bed, lightly taking your own away from his before you find your original position in the chair, eyes not daring to leave the boys sleeping figure as you lean your head on the palm of your hand. You were already told about him possibly having the same thing as his mother.In fact, both Melissa and Noah were talking about it right outside of the room and the pit in your stomach constantly grew.Out of literally anything that could be happening to Stiles, this is what he gets? God, this is a cruel world.“Y/n,”Your eyebrows rose at the quiet call of your name, slowly turning your head towards the door, only to see Melissa making her way into the room, Noah just stood in place in the doorway.“Why don’t you come and stretch your legs for a bit, hmm? Stiles will be here the moment you get back, he’s not going anywhere,” Melissa attempts to assure, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder while your eyes revert back to the boy yet again. “We just need him to be rested up before the Scan, okay? He’ll be awake soon and we’ll make sure you’re one of the first people to see him.” The hesitance in your movements was fairly visible, it taking a solid minute before you manage to tear your eyes away from the sleeping boy, them then flowing past your mothers figure and over to the person in the doorway. Noah sends you an exhausted smile, the low energy practically radiating off of him before you finally let out a sigh in response.Your hands place themselves on each armrest before you push yourself up from the chair. “That’s it.” Melissa whispers reassuringly and once you were up, she then takes your hand, slowly guiding you towards the door and you look back for what felt like the last time. Watching as Stiles’ sleeping figure literally looks like he was reaching out for where you last sat. ~Hours went by since the first time you left that room.You constantly went in and out, going to stretch your legs after about an hour before returning immediately.And eventually Stiles did awake from his sleep, you obviously let Noah speak to him first but you were straight after.Now you were in the MRI scanning room, the timer coming to an end as you stood right beside your brother, Stiles sat on the bed of the machine in front of the two of you as you practically chew on your lips.“I’m not sure I know how to pronounce this. Or if it’s not actually a misspelling.” you hear the doctor begin and you held the urge to roll your eyes. “Just call him Stiles.” Noah insists while you continuously shift your weight from one foot to the other, keeping your gaze on the floor while Scott picks at his fingers nervously. “Okay-”“Stiles,” the Doctor then starts up once again, your body getting shifted a little to the left by Scott as the guy appears beside you. “Just to warn you, you’re going to hear a lot of noises during the MRI. It’s due to pulses of electricity going through the metal coils inside the machine.”“Uh, if you want we can get you some earplugs or headphones?” the Doctor then suggests. “Oh, no, no, I don’t need anything.” Stiles insists quietly, shaking his head while he straightens up his back before lightly scratching his temple. “Hey,” Noah then calls out and the attention goes to him, the man looking back at the window of the room before turning back to his son. “We’re just on the other side of that window. Okay?”“Okay.” Stiles practically whisper in response, your heart just breaking as you watch the two of them stare at each other. Scott then gently pulls you towards him and you lean your head on his shoulder while Noah gives Stiles a smile, your boy then patting the man on the shoulder as it was now their time to leave. All three of you watching as Melissa and Noah move out of the room with the Doctor.Leaving only you, Scott and Stiles.The heaviness in your chest only increases as the room fell into silence, your head lowering yet again but aiming it in the direction of Stiles, Scott slightly shifting away from you. “You know what they’re looking for… right?” Stiles’ groggy voice questions and you squeeze your eyes shut, gently kicking at the floor with the tip of your foot while Scott resumes his attack on his fingers. “It’s called frontotemporal dementia,” Stiles then continues on when neither of you respond and that’s when the tears start to begin.“Areas of your brain start to shrink. It’s what my mother had.” he explains, the last part making his voice fade into practically nothing and you finally lift your head up the slightest, eyes slowly dragging along the floor until you met those whiskey eyes, dread just flowing through your entire body as his lips fold together. “It’s the only form of dementia that can hit teenagers…. And there’s no cure.”The tears only kept piling on, wordlessly reaching out for Stiles and he quickly grips onto your hand, Scott trying his best not to cry as he wipes away any evidence. “Stiles, if you have it, we’ll do something,” Scott then begins as he himself finally lets his eyes move away from the floor, a low feeling just lingering between the three of you.Scott and Stiles then both made eye contact, a wavering confidence growing in your brothers chest before he nods at Stiles. “I’ll do something.” he finishes off and you slowly let go of Stiles’ hand, the boy looking at you in question before immediately turning his attention back to Scott.After a few seconds of the comment ringing in his head, Stiles begins nodding his head slowly in response, Scott doing the same thing before the feeling got to overwhelming.Both of the boys lean forward and encase each other in a hug that honestly would’ve made you sob, your hand lifting up to cover your mouth as you just watch the boys have a sweet moment. Stiles’ eyebrows were furrowed as he attempts to contain his emotions, practically clinging onto Scott as much as he could before they both lean away, the two of them leaving each other a sniffling mess.However, Stiles’ eyes were on you the moment your brother moved away, a sad but sweet smile gracing your lips before you pluck up the confidence to step forwards.Your body was now placed in between the boy legs, his hands resting on each of your arms as the two of you just stare into each others eyes, the tears evident in both pairs as you let your fingers graze over the side of Stiles’ face. “I.. I’m with you no matter what, okay?” you begin with an evident waver in your voice, the boys eyebrows pinching together in response as you take in a deep breath.“It doesn’t matter what happens… You’re not alone. And I’m definitely not leaving at any point.” you continue on, the smile returning on your lips before a tear falls from your eye. “We promised, remember?” The movement was fast, but your body was now pressed into Stiles’, face buried in the crook of his neck as you attempt to contain your cries, tear after tear escaping your eyes as you squeeze them shut, both of you clutching onto each other as Stiles sinks into your body.After a few moments, you reluctantly decided that it was time, gently pushing yourself of off the boy as you blink rapidly to get rid of the tears, feeling your brother place a hand on your shoulder while he moves closer than he was before. “We’re in this together.” Scott then starts up with tears building up in his eyes, a huff of air passing through your lips as you sniffle lightly. “Always have been.” you add on, a smile taking over Scotts lips before both of you turn to Stiles. The tears were also evident in his own eyes and he bites at his lip, but nods in acknowledgement nonetheless, spearing the smallest smile before finishes it off. “Always will be.”A laugh merged with a sob then finally escapes after all your attempts and Stiles pulls his arm around your shoulder, Scott then doing the same before the three of you fell into a group hug, bodies pressing against each others as the emotions just built up again and again, trying to hug each other close for as long as you could. No, It wasn’t a last goodbye.But my god did it sure as hell felt like it.~“And Isaac?” you question, arms folded over your chest as you look into your brothers eyes. Both you and Scott were standing right outside of the MRI control room, Derek apparently making his way over as you catch up with your brother.“He actually went to find Allison… But he hasn’t texted me yet. I don’t know.” he explains simply, a shrug following it up and you nod in response, fingers toying at your sleeves. “Okay.” you breathe out before your eyes flicker to stare at the floor yet again.“Hey,” Scott then starts up and puts a hand on your shoulder, making your eyes lift to look into his. “He’s gonna be okay. We’ll figure this out, we always do.” he points out and you let a sigh pass through your lips, shifting your weight to your other foot with uncertainty. “Yeah, but too late.”Scott now lets out a huff of air in response to you and gently pulls you forward, your eyes squeezing shut as he hugs you against his chest. Your brother then places a short kiss on the top of your head, a small smile taking over your lips for a spilt second while Scott slightly tightens his hold on you.After a few seconds, you let your eyes open when you had enough, however they instead catch onto something making their way down the hallway, a short smile then taking over your lips as you gently push back from Scott. “Hey, Derek.” you greet simply and your brother jerks himself around, eyebrows raised before focusing on the man. “I’m gonna go back in.” you then inform Scott and he flickers his attention back to you, blink rapidly for a moment before nodding his head, placing a gentle hand on your shoulder once again. “We’ll be right out here, okay? If it gets too much, just join us.” Scott insists sincerely, a grateful look passing over your face in response before you lightly pat his hand. “I will.”With one last nod to Derek, you slip through the door of the control room, shutting it behind you as quietly as you could before you take in a deep breath. And the moment you turn around, you see Melissa offering you a sad smile, the same thing then taking over your own as you began making your way to her.Your mother then lets you stand in front of her, arms wrapping around your body as you could now see the machine. “He went in not that long ago.” Melissa then informs and nod your head once in acknowledgement. You then feel a hand place itself on your shoulder and you look over to find the owner of it, Noah nodding his head at you with a sigh passing through his lips.You felt so bad for him, and I think he knew.“All right,” the doctor breathes out and your eyes flicker to the screen of the computer he sat at, eyes scanning over the pages he clicks on as he reads what it gives him. But the man then went quiet when he gets to a certain one. “See this?” he then finally starts up, Noah leaning forwards slightly to get a better look. “This tissue here and there.” the doctor continues on as he points out the highlighted parts before leaning back with a look of hesitance. “Both those spots are showing atrophy.”Atrophy… The decrease of size.Your shoulders sink for the a millionth time this week, the air feeling like it wasn’t entering your lungs as you look over to Noah. “Atrophy.” the man himself then repeats in a mild whisper and your heart breaks yet again. “I’m sorry.” the doctor comments, but Noah couldn’t even muster up a response.The hand that he put on your shoulder was still there and you slowly reach up, placing your own hand on top of his and he makes eye contact with you for a second, Melissa rubbing his back for comfort, before both you and him look through the glass, staring at the part of Stiles’ body that you could see. Your mouth then opened to say something-However, the attempt was stalled as the lights all around you began to flicker, going from complete darkness to mild light over and over again while Melissa pulls you closer to her chest. And after about three more times, the motion with the lights completely stops, going back to normal again as if nothing happened.“What was that?” Melissa questions as she starts looking at the lights with you and Noah, the mans eyes narrowed as he twists his body round. “It sounded like a power surge.” the doctor then points and you furrow your eyebrows in response, turning to look at the man. “How would that happen?” you question and the guy manages to tear his eyes away from the lights, giving you a shrug before then suddenly speeds towards the window. “Where’s my son?!”No words could explain the emotion that shot through your entire body, a pit growing in your stomach as your heart rates rises, everything feeling like it was going in slow motion before your eyes finally land on the machine. And sure enough…..Stiles was gone.~~~~~THIS EPISODE OMG.Freaking emotional rollercoaster, and it’s not even going to get better now!Tag list-Remember to let me know if you want to be added or removed!@e-bendy - @sftpjmn - @nmriia - @holyshnitzboi - @simpforsomanypeople - @trustfundparker - @wandascandles04 - @poguestyle17 - @royalreadery - @im-a-stranger-thing - @abitofeverythinggg - @mvrylee - @topazy Thank you so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed it. All of you stay safe, and I love you!- Ava :) -- source link
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