spaceshipsandpurpledrank: rowantheexplorer:ruffboijuliaburnsides:katy-l-wood:therestlesswitch:
spaceshipsandpurpledrank: rowantheexplorer: ruffboijuliaburnsides: katy-l-wood: therestlesswitch: lierdumoa: smallest-feeblest-boggart: hereforthefarmers: vetisntdead: lawful-evil-novelist: queercyberoceancowgirl: tulparightsactivist: cheshireinthemiddle: joekewlio: systlin: jabberwockypie: kayrowhitesyrup: black-girl-against-feminism: keyhollow: surprisebitch: pancakes are made of eggs omfg Y’all are crazy if you think a chicken won’t happily eat eggs. Y’all insane if you think a chicken won’t tear some nuggets UP. You are ON CRACK if you think a chicken won’t just, eat another injured chicken Me and some friends were collecting eggs on this farm. We dropped one of them and they went absolutely apeshit over that damn egg. Not even the shell was left. I know people think chickens are herbivores but they absolutely aren’t. Chickens are omnivores. They eat meat, they eat eat all sorts of fruits and vegetables. This isn’t really well known to people who live off of farms or who have never spent time on one. It’s also thanks to tv and movies not showing this side of chickens. It’s why eggs and chicken meat saying they come from “free-range vegetarian chickens” are HILARIOUS, because if they’re free-range, you can’t control that, and the tiny dinosaurs ARE going to eat a lot of things. And if a mouse meets an early demise because it came near the tiny dinosaurs … ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ As a kid I once threw the neighbor’s chickens a chicken nugget just to see what would happen. Answer; they fuckin demolished it. Tore it apart and wolfed it down in seconds. Rose tinted chicken glasses used to be a very common invention for chickens, because if they saw a speck of blood on another chicken they would gang up on it and murder it to death and feast on it. Actual piranhas don’t act like Hollywood piranhas. Chickens, however, do act like Hollywood piranhas. Those fuckers get a taste for blood and they become fucking ravenous fiends. They’re still very much dinosaur. Pancakes are looking a little tame, huh? We used to keep chickens, not only did we lose several chickens over pecking order fights (because chickens are extremely hierarchical and will fight for dominance), when we had injuries we had to spray them with a nontoxic gel that kept the other chickens away from them. We also had to separate our buff Grace when a dog got her bc the others would’ve killed her. She survived and became the roost leader because no one fucks with the chicken that survived a dog attack. On layer farms, eggs must be removed almost on the hour because chickens do eat them. My mom has to take out eggs from our backyard nests because we have several egg-eaters Chickens are honestly scary as hell. Any animal that will not only eat its young, but enthusiastically devour it in seconds is one that I don’t want to mess with. We have a layer farm and when my sister was two our help sent her in the house to find my parents. They had gone to the other house and when they found my sister the roosters had attacked her and she was laying on the ground unconscious with some still attacking her. This was over 10 years ago and she still has a scar on her face from it. hey what the FUCK I have a chicken horror story that beats all of these. A classmate in high school informed me that unsettling American idiom “run around like a chicken with its head cut off” (meaning to run in a frenzied an aimless manner) is based on the fact that chickens’ brain stems extend quite far down their necks – far enough that cutting off their heads won’t necessarily kill them right away. If you cut too close to the top the neck, enough of the brain stem will remain for the bird to survive the initial decapitation. It will panic and flail until it dies of blood loss. There are even rare cases where a failed decapitation left a chicken’s jugular vein intact, and it didn’t die of blood loss. Wikipedia has an entry on a famous chicken from the 1940s who survived for over a year following a failed decapitation, the owner feeding it with an eyedropper [x]. This is why any company advertising ‘vegetarian-raised chicken’ as a good thing is full of crap and just pandering to the green/eco-washed crowd. I’m looking at you, a&w. (Also, 100% hormone-free is bad too but that’s an other post) Chickens are obligate omnivores. That headless chicken is from Colorado and has a festival dedicated to him. It’s usually two days in May, involves a poultry show, concerts, pancake breakfasts (ironic), car show, disc golf, a 5K Run, games, vendor booths, and a Peep eating contest among other things. And still not even the weirdest festival we have in this state. chickens are small dinosaurs, what did y’all expect? They’re tiny little monsters. I love them so much. @brattylikestoeat When I was young I brought a city kid home from school with me so we could hang out. When my parents asked him what he wanted for dinner they obliged by handing us an axe and saying catch one of the mean old hens… so we went out and got a hen (it scared him shitless and was chasing him, which made it easy for me to catch…) and whacked its head off. That damn bird attacked him again without a head then attacked the house and ran all over the place… he didn’t want dinner that night. XD -- source link
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