Your Dad got out of the car in complete silence, his jaw wastense, and he had the same look he got w
Your Dad got out of the car in complete silence, his jaw wastense, and he had the same look he got when he was planning something. Youfrowned at him; he’d been nearly silent the whole car journey back to themotel. The hunt was easy enough for you, you’d been too busy patching up one ofthe victim’s stab wounds to help your Dad fight off the demon in the otherroom. By the time you’d got the victim to safety your Dad was at the car readyto go. Said it was an easy kill.Uncle Dean hadn’t come on the hunt, he was helping Jody andClaire out with a vamp’s nest just the other side of the town. Sometimes therewas more than one monster that needed taking care of, so you had to split. “Dad?” You asked, following him into the motel.“Mm.” He didn’t bother to look up from his phone, where he was busy readingthrough some texts. His voice was careless.“You want me to get some food?” “No,” he snapped, looking up, “no you-uh, we shouldn’t leave.”“Why? I’m starving.” You tried to keep your relaxed tone, but you werepanicking a little. Your Dad seemed off.“It’s uh, not safe.” He said decisively, as though that was enough.“But we just killed the demon…” You trailed off so only you could hearyourself. Shit.Carefully, so as not to raise suspicion, you took out yourphone and texted Uncle Dean: Dad’s possessed. At the motel. Bring holy water. You thenswitched your phone so it wouldn’t make a sound when he replied.“What are you doing?” Your Dad asked and you felt your heart rate jump.“Ordering food. That’s allowed, right?” You tried to laugh. He smiled, but hisexpression carried disdain.“Hey uh,” You looked up from your phone, about to suggest something else totry and by Uncle Dean some time, but you stopped dead, “…Dad?”He was holding out his gun, his expression a snarky smirk, “Oh, what’s thematter?”You were frozen, held in place by the thoughts racing through your mind.Fighting your Dad was risky for the both of you. You had to stay alive, but youcouldn’t kill your Dad. And there was no way you could hold him off forever, hewas stronger than you. Before you could come to any sort of conclusion, heleaped forward.Instinctively, you slid to the left and swiped his arm away,ducking backwards an out of harm’s way. “Oh, you’re stronger than you look,”the demon spoke through your Dad with an echo of amusement, “I like a goodfight.” His eyes flickered to a blackened void.“What do you want?” You shouted at him, but you could feel your voice shaking.He laughed loudly, “I just want to see the look on your face when your ownDaddy kills you.” You blocked a punch, sending both arms away. He took the opportunity of anunprotected stomach and kicked you to the floor. You felt his foot crack a riband groaned as pain pulsed from where he’d hit. “And then,” he continued, “I want to see the look on your Dad’s face when I lethim go and he has to live with what he’s done.”You needed him weak enough for the exorcism to work, buthitting him would hurt your Dad, and not even make a dent in the demon. Youneeded holy water, which of course was all used up on the hunt. Flickering youreyes to the window, you silently begged for Uncle Dean to hurry his ass up.“Oh, poor, Y/N. No ones coming to rescue you.”“Who say’s I need rescuing?” You challenged, slowly stepping back. Thankfully,this demon seemed to love talking. He laughed again, but then a cold sincerityspread across his face.“If only you could hear your Dad, girl. He’s screaming in here. Oh he reallydoesn’t want me to do this,” he grinned, “torturing two Winchesters at once,hey? That’s certainly a treat.”While he was busy ranting away you snapped your hand outonto his wrist, making him drop the gun, which you kicked away behindyourself. You might have not been as strong as your Dad, but you were muchquicker.He raised an eyebrow and then began striding towards you. With each pace hisanger grew and before you could properly get away, he grabbed at your arm, hisfingers digging harshly into the skin. He tugged you so you were facing him.Holding back a yelp, you desperately tried to keep your cool. You scrambled inhis grasp, but his hold on you tightened as he brought his spare hand to yourface, holding your gaze. “Scared yet?” He grinned.It was surreal, having your Dad’s face this close to you,but instead of his usual demeanour he was thirsty for blood. The demon flashedit’s demonic eyes at your gaze. “Your Daddy and Uncle are gonna thank me after this, you know? They must spend half of their hunts having to save you or waiting around for you to catch up or thinking, hm, what should we do with this dead weight?” He snarled and shook you as he shouted.“I’m going to enjoy killing you. Partly because then maybe your Dad would shutthe hell up!” He screamed, looking upwards, where your Dad had been beggingfor him to stop. The instant his eyes were off you, you kicked him away fromyourself and leapt up. You then grabbed the gun before he had a chance.“What are you gonna shoot me?” He chuckled slyly.You had a thought. A very, very, stupid thought. Butit would definitely buy Uncle Dean more time. You held the gun up, checking it was loaded and ready toshoot.“You won’t do it!” He dared.“I know.” You said finally, shooting him a daring look back. Your Dad tiltedhis head, as though trying to figure out what was going through your mind. Youthrew caution away and nodded slowly to yourself. Here goes nothing.Slowly, you rose the gun so it was pointed at your temple. Youwatched with a strange mixture of pride and terror as your Dad’s face dropped. “You’re giving up? That easy?” He asked and regained his pride.“No, but if I shoot. You miss out on all the fun.”He stuttered, “I don’t care how you die. I just want you dead.”“Are you sure?” you taunted, “That’s a pretty boring story to tell all yourdemon friends, huh? You can’t even manage to kill a small human, so she hasto do it herself. Is that really going to earn you that reputation you’reafter?”“But you’re not going to do it.” Although his voice was confident, his face wassceptical. “Aren’t I?” You pushed, hearing the tyres of the Impala outside. Or at least,what you hoped was the Impala. He took a step forward and you reached out a hand, “One more step! One more andI pull this trigger.”You could feel the tip of the barrel pressing into your head like an hourglass.Your heart was beating hard against your chest and you could feel each breath timingyour chances. Your Dad hovered, unsure…no, not unsure. Something else. It waslike he couldn’t move.He cried out “Stop! Stop fighting!” at himself and groaned in pain. His eyessqueezed shut tightly and you saw a tear trickle from the corner of his eye. Butin time, he shook his head and gruffly laughed, “Your Dad’s very feisty. I cansee where you get it from.”He readjusted himself and put a foot out to take that step. That one step that distancedyou from death.Just as you registered what he was about to do, the moteldoor was thrown open and Uncle Dean raced inside. You let out one shaky breathand thanked every God there possibly was, throwing your arms back down and hurryingover to your Uncle who threw a bottle of holy water over your Dad. He hissed asthe vapours rose from his body, sizzling off the skin, making him weak enoughto exorcise.You and Uncle Dean recited the exorcism, each taking turnsdodging attacks and fighting him, but he was becoming weaker and weaker.Finally, he screamed in pain and the demon escaped, black smoke rising from himbefore he collapsed to the floor. “Dad!” You raced over to him. He was out cold.“Hey, kiddo. You okay?” Uncle Dean looked at you, holding you up a little. He noticedyou were hunched over from where your Dad had kicked you.“Yeah, I’m okay.” You barely looked at him as you tried to prop your Dad up sohe was against the wall. He grunted and blinked his eyes open, taking his handover to his broken wrist where you’d kicked him. “Sorry about your wrist…” You winced, watching as he ran his fingers over thebruises.“I’ll get the med kit.” Uncle Dean mumbled. He then rose up and headed out tothe car.Your Dad looked up at you, his eyes were back to his gentle expression. Hesmiled softly.“I’m sorry, bug.” He whispered. You offered a weak smile in return.“You weren’t…you weren’t gonna do it, were you? You knew Dean was coming?”“I knew.” You said, reassuring his feared expression.“Thank God.” He rose his healthy hand up to cup your face let out a sigh, “DidI hurt you?”You ran your hand over where the blood had dried on your face and shook yourhead, “nothing I’m not used to.”“Don’t scare me like that, okay? I can’t…I can’t lose you, kid.” You felt pangs of guilt as his eyes teared up, his voice a whisper as hetrailed off.“Sorry. I just didn’t know how to buy time without hurting you,” you glanceddown at his wrist and added, “or at least, without hurting you anymore.”“If it keeps you safe, you hurt me, okay? Whatever keeps you safe.” “Okay.” You nodded, but the two of you both knew you didn’t mean it. He reached out his arm around your frame andpulled you into his chest, rubbing his hand along your upper arm, “whateverkeeps you safe.”Requested by @belleroRequest:How about a Sam x daughter!reader where Sam becomes possessed?? Or he has the MOC, I’m in need of angst fjjf xoHope this is the sort of thing you were after! ilysm x(Tags after cut)@nnoxygen@summerbee53@lil-sister-winchester@itsrainbowunicornstuff@graceless-dragon@iamflanneltrash@clairedelalune@winchester-2301@lavender-winchester @anarahma@mariahoedt@shewhoscreamssilently@livelikeawinchester@metaphysicalmisha@storyofawinchester@fandomsstolemylife00@griff1ndor@mollykmccarthy@27bmm@archangelsandwarlocks@bea789@imprettycool-i-guess@lovelife-tothefullest@jayankles@seninjakitey@stressedoutkitten @juneinthered@thyotakukimkim@susan-is-in-the-house@fountain-pen-of-youth@analisespn @fandomqueen2003 -- source link
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