mrbutts:psuede:mrbutts:psuede:bogleech:bogleech:A HUNGRYEST LITTLEKill itlol fuck you and the things
mrbutts:psuede:mrbutts:psuede:bogleech:bogleech:A HUNGRYEST LITTLEKill itlol fuck you and the things you love too.You only have to worry about wasps stinging you when you are being careless. I’ve been around thousands, touched them with my bare hands and never been stung until I accidentally stepped on one barefoot.A dog is far more dangerous, but nobody accepts responses like “kill it” on a post about a dog.Either respect nature or don’t comment on it.Japanese hornets will pursue you relentlessly though and kill you, that’s not an exaggeration.but—Japanese Hornet:[x]Yellowjacket:[x]I’m reasonably sure that little dear is a yellowjacket. Yellowjackets can be jerks sometimes, but they’re not Japanese hornets by a longshot! They don’t warrant the kind of responses they get, and besides, tell me you can hate this adorable little face-[x](also, I spent a little time looking up Japanese/Asian giant hornets, and I highly suggest reading about their bee predation and the defensive tactics the bees have, because bugs are so cool and bugs are my favorite.) stinger of the Asian giant hornet is about 6 mm (¼ in) in length, and injects an especially potent venom that contains, like many bee and wasp venoms, a cytolytic peptide (specifically, a mastoparan) that can damage tissue by stimulating phospholipase action, in addition to its own intrinsic phospholipase. Masato Ono, an entomologist at Tamagawa University near Tokyo, described the sensation as feeling “like a hot nail being driven into my leg”.An allergic human stung by the giant hornet may die from an allergic reaction to the venom.The venom contains a neurotoxin called mandaratoxin (MDTX), a single-chain polypeptide with a molecular weight of approximately 20 kD, which can be lethal even to people who are not allergic if the dose is sufficient.Each year in Japan, the human death toll caused by Asian giant hornet stings is around 30 to 40.Advice in China is that people stung more than 10 times need medical help, and emergency treatment for more than 30 stings. The stings can cause renal failure. Stings by Asian giant hornets have killed forty-one people and injured more than 1,600 people in Shaanxi province, China in, Asian giant hornets are redic, but that’s a yellowjacket thoif you live in the fucking americas then you have nothing to fear from asian hornets knocking on your door asking to come in just so they can kill you -- source link