songofsaraneth:today’s experiment: setting up my tent as a playpen/contained exploration
songofsaraneth:today’s experiment: setting up my tent as a playpen/contained exploration area for Kazul while I do some chores and such. When I take her out and am handling her, she often wants to beeline right for Forbidden Zones (such as underneath a bookshelf that’s too heavy to shift, or into a gap under cabinets that’s only wide enough for the first half of her body, or, once and most alarmingly, a perfectly Kazul-sized hole in ceiling I had never noticed before). So I usually have to give 90 if not 100% of my attention to her, which I of course don’t mind, but with how busy grad school has been means I’m taking her out a lot less often because I’m spending all my time working. So hopefully she likes this solution to getting some novel enrichment/a chance to stretch out more often! Unlike her tank I can more easily change up what’s in there/the arrangement of stuff to keep things new, and she gets more height to explore if she wants. I might make a second PVC climbing frame to use instead of my drying rack because the rack is juuuust a bit too wide to fit without stretching the tent sides. the towels on the bottom have been dampened and I spritzed the inside of the tank with water to keep the humidity up, and I’m considering putting the rainfly over half + a humidifier under the fly but outside the mesh to keep it constantly more humid also. My apartments around 78-80ºF inside right now so temps not a concern, since it’s only for a couple hours and she’s got her proper gradient and hotspot in her tank the rest of the time. So far, after 10 min of considering the situation, she moved down to the floor and did a half-lap of the perimeter. then she sat next to the pool and and stared into the corner while 6 inches from the wall for 45 minutes. Now she’s moved into the middle and is staring at a different wall. O to understand what goes on in those little reptile brains… whatever makes her happy I guess -- source link