slavescotty: The Doll House, Part 5 - by croft Part 5 It was becoming harder to remember what a face
slavescotty: The Doll House, Part 5 - by croft Part 5 It was becoming harder to remember what a face was. Staring as she was at the cold metal surface of the monstrous machine she was chained to, her dull reflection was nearly baffling. “Is this me?” She couldn’t tell what the machine was meant to do, she just knew she was locked to it, and it looked like a terrifying twisted bough with metal branches all snaking into the central trunk. Various pipes hummed and gurgled as a central glass tube filled up in trickles of various colors, all turning a disgusting milky white and pooling up. Her chained up companion sat just as uncomfortably as herself, and looked just as bewildered. Well, if a faceless rubber mask could have a look to it. “Muh?” She can faintly hear him mumbling through his mask. They’re both bound the same way,arms strung up in exceedingly tight binders and somehow buckled to the back of their necks.They’re legs are bound up like useless stumps in tight sheaths, the long ballet booted feet wiggling as they shift around on the hard concrete floor. How they both got this way is an eerie mystery to her. One minute her paralyzed body was huddled, gripping a shard of glass in her clutched palm on a thickly carpeted floor being dragged away forcefully by her companion in training who was, it had to be assumed, was also being forced. Then she woke up, here of all places, wherever here was. Tightly bound and miserable. She tried to shift her hands around, locked behind her as they were. “Please please please still have the shard…” If she still had it, she could break out. Her one chance. She wiggled and shifted on the floor, her hands stretched the taught rubber sheath, fingers pushing against unmovable bonds. “OUCH!” She felt it, the glass shard pierced her index finger in her right hand. Escape would soon- *BEEP* *BEEP* Her concentration broke staring at the trunk of metal before her, now completely full of the milky white fluid in the glass cylinder. “You will now drink. You are being punished for failing your training. You will now drink.” The instructions droned through her head from the same robotic voice as before. A nozzle inflated from a rubbery pad before it, it stretched out long and phallic. “Oh god…is this stuff…?” she thrashed right and left. “Nnnnnnnn” her most ample protest, however weak it was, echoed in the tiny dank dark room but nonetheless fell on deaf ears. “You will now drink.” The voice boomed in her head now. Not enough time to use the glass shard. She would have to bide her time. It can’t really force her to- The corset gripping her waist began to shrink tighter, “Nnnnuuu…” Some unseen mechanism was drawing her waist in, making her breaths labored and her breasts heave. Her obscured eyes peered her companion who was just as fighty, and struggling just as much to keep away from the now completely inflated black phallic tube. “You will now drink.” Reluctanly and will desperate breaths she leant forward “How the hell will I drink with this…thing- on my face…?” Her own puzzled thought was answered as she slid the phallic protrusion down onto the gag. It slid through, passing into her wedged open mouth. She could taste the pungent rubber of the tube, her first taste of anything since she woke up in this horrible place. The corset ceased shrinking tighter, but neither did it cease its current crushing tightness. As if on cue, the mechanical voice echoed “You must push all the way in.” With a gutteral grone she shoved her head down onto the tube, and a tube at it’s base inflated at the back of her teeth. Now she was locked onto the tube. “Waiting.” The mechanical voice spoke. “For what….?!” She tried to shift and wiggle on the tube, but locked now in place as she was that was arduous. She couldn’t turn her head even an inch to look across from her. Her companion in newfound slavery was still stubbornly fighting against his crushing corset. “Waiting.” Finally she heard his reluctant acceptance in the form of a loud angry muffled wail. He moved onto the rubber protrusion, and like her it inflated and locked itself in place. “Your punishment will now begin. You must compete for completion. The first to drink the full amount will be given normal sleep quarters, the one to fail will be given punishment sleep quarters. Begin.” The room exploded with a loud pumping noise that was only marginally muffled by their full helmets. He was the first to drink the mystery liquid, “She got us in this mess, I won’t be punished twice.” he thought. The first drip of the milky liquid hit his tongue as it was pressed beneath the rubber tube. “Mmmuh?” It tasted tangy and lemony, like a meringue that was light and fluffy atop a pie. Not what he expected at all. This was punishment? Red numbers began to fill up above his head, 0.01, 0.09, 0.14, it began to fill up as he drank the meringue. “If only this corset wasn’t so tight, I could drink more.” 0.23, 0.45, 0.67, his drinking became more voracious. He was now 1, 2, 5, 6 percent done. Already he was leagues ahead of her. Inside his imprisonment he smirked, it even looked out the corner of his eye that she was miserable and sad about what she was drinking. “She doesn’t like meringue-” The glop dripping into his mouth and rapidly filling stomach immediately changed flavors. “Mmmmmmuuuuuuh!!!” It now tasted like sweaty laundry, moldy tuna and bad coffee mixed in a blender. 7 percent, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3.He was trying to drink it now as slowly as possible. Not only was his stomach crushed under the corset and hunger vastly diminished, but the foul taste was nearly overwhelming. A spare glance to the side showed his female rubber doll in training switching places with him for the lead, now 13 percent of the way through the ordeal. “You may now take breaks. If you wish.” The rubber ring locking both their mouths onto their respective tubes shrunk down. Immediately he pulled off the foul tube and heaved a sigh of relief. Only to see his female companion in training still working furiously on her tube. 16, 17, 19 percent done, he was falling far behind. He was so full though, he could barely consider eating normal food right now with his severely restricted stomach, let alone the sweaty laundry tasting liquid. But…considering the punishments, and the training, finding out what a punishment sleeping quarter is isn’t something he wanted to do. He resolved to continue immediately, or at least…tried to. She despised the first liquid, it had tasted like brown gravy and burger grease fat. This second one tasted like a cotton candy apple cider, if such a thing were possible. She was also past 20% now, and though her stomach was fighting off the early feelings of cramping from being so full, she couldn’t stop now. Still, she could at least take a small break, now that was almost a full 10% ahead of him.She slid off the phallic rubber tube and sighed, only to immediately regret it. Her corset began to tighten again, squeezing her already suffering abdomen. “Nnnnuu” She tried to thrust back down on the phallic protrusion only to see the rubber tube deflating back into the machine. “Break initiated. You must wait 10 seconds before you can drink again.” The mechanical voice cracked in her head. Those 10 seconds were the worst of the day so far, her waist crushing down even further than she thought possible. The very second her stations rubber tube extended again she slammed down on it, furiously drinking down whatever it had to offer. It was no longer the delicious cotton candy cider. It went on this way until neither of their waists could be crushed further, both corsets inhumanely tight. Different tubes were delivering different flavors of white slime for the entirety of the punishment that ranged vastly in palate, oranges and apple slurry, a daiquiri, lavender tea, wet dog, mold from under a mattress, pre-chewed gum, and on and on until finally at last one of them reached 100% completion. *BING* The cold vaguely feminine mechanical voice chimed. “The punishment is now over. One of you will now be escorted to the sleep chambers to meet your fellow dolls. The other will be taken to the punishment sleep quarters, and will be put to bed.”… -- source link
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