tinooooooooooooooooooo:necksareforsheep:Take a good hard look. Do you know what this is? IT’S LEG HA
tinooooooooooooooooooo:necksareforsheep:Take a good hard look. Do you know what this is? IT’S LEG HAIR. And I am here to inform you that LEG HAIR is NO DIFFERENT than the hair on your head or arms. The only reason that any of you BOYS think that leg and underarm hair on women is SO disgusting is because in 1915 sleeveless dresses became popular, and a razor company decided that they wanted to expand their market, so they came out with an ad campaign that made sure that women knew they had to shave their underarms to be beautiful (which is a concept that didn’t exist before that company decided it was so. It was a scheme to make MONEY.) In the 1920’s, the legs followed suit as dresses got shorter. Once again, the razor company made sure to tell women that they weren’t beautiful unless they used their product and shaved their legs (even though nobody ever thought twice about leg hair or underarm hair before that.) Today, your disgust over leg and underarm hair is a result of years of TRAINING by companies that WANT YOUR MONEY. And that is it. It’s greedy western culture. Any man (notice I said man, NOT boy) with a brain larger than his big toe would not be disgusted by any body hair because men know that there is nothing wrong with it, and that there is more to a woman than her outside appearance. Yes, these are my hairy legs. I estimate that I haven’t shaved them in about 2 months because it’s cold out and I don’t give a damn. But you know what? Neither does my boyfriend of almost 5 years. In fact, he makes it a point to rub my legs just to bother me, although it no longer bothers me. He’s not disgusted because he knows it doesn’t matter. IT’S JUST SOME DAMN HAIR, AND I AM NOT THE LEAST BIT EMBARRASSED BECAUSE IT’S NATURAL JUST LIKE MY TEETH, BONES, NAILS, AND THE HAIR ON MY HEAD. When it gets warm enough to start wearing shorts again, or a bikini, then I will shave my legs to fit in with society once again. But when I am lounging around in sweats, or wearing jeans all the time, I don’t see the damn point. It’s not a hygiene issue, it’s a personal preference. So every single one of you obnoxious and immature boys who complain about how disgusting girls are that don’t shave or wax their legs regularly need to keep your stupid little mouths shut and your opinions to yourself because your words are just as shallow as your intelligence level. YOU.YOU ARE GOOD. -- source link
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