amateur-autist: theawesomestcookie:ladynorthstar: walmart-drug-cartel:nathan-esor:vastderp:rsh
amateur-autist: theawesomestcookie:ladynorthstar: walmart-drug-cartel: nathan-esor: vastderp: rshathul: thecringeandwincefactory: affectionate-anarchy: gosh-amer: lizardsister: hey everyone thanks for coming to the show we’re Arlene Titty Pills Pamela Keratoplasty asdfglsjhskdg Oh wow, Kathryn I haven’t been to the doc in a long time because I don’t have insurance so idk when I actually sought medical attention last maybe it was when I broke my hip in that accident but who knows I write tragedies not sins and tragedies “Tessie Depression” Diane intestinal-shift I’m Betty Cancer Midge Virus ok ngl that sounds badass Urbanita laceration Elvira Tits Ache Jenny Chronic Dermographic Uticaria (or Jenny Daily Hives) Marge Dental Work Janet Vaccination -- source link