I desperately waited 8 weeks after the start of the school semester to receive aid. A
I desperately waited 8 weeks after the start of the school semester to receive aid. After 8 weeks I’m told to meet with my technician.Meaning, I wont get ANY financial support this week or the next. Which also means, I’ve gone through the whole semester, as a FULL TIME student, without any financial support from the school(besides the BOG waiver which i truly appreciate). That also means my books, my food, my gas, my insurance, my etc etc etc has been paid for by the independent work I do.I am privileged by being fortunate enough to have a some-what stable housing. My dad alone pays for most of our rent and services that suit our lifestyle.But I also help pay for that. I am now financially depended on.Thats new to me.I grew up not knowing about money. I would get it, and I would spent it. Now more than ever in my life I understand how closely money is tied into lifestyle.Money isn’t life. Money is a means to living a certain life. Want to have a camera? You need $.Want a new sweater, you need less $ or none of it if you make yourself.Lifestyle = Money, which could be $0 - infinity Life = Free. (unless born into slavery?)I want a certain lifestyle. I want a lifestyle that unfortunately requires money.I am a person that wants things. I want to eat delicious food. I want a successful business under my name. I want to love and age with someone . I want to learn, be an expert in my personal interest. I want to influence culture. I want to live not how I am now. How can I? Unless I’m washed with random piles of influential power, I have to do something.Something that isn’t what I am doing now. People I share my thoughts with tell me that school is my best option.I am in school, but I - JOHANN PIEDRAS - am not confident, not valuing, or respecting the american academic system to the point where I sheep through it believing it’ll be worth it in the end. Is it the best option for me? Do statistics and herded opinions know what is right for me?I feel unique.I would say, “Maybe it is, but why am I basing my lifestyle on calculations that probably don’t factor ME, or by the opinions of people that have already made the decision to pursue a path they believe will be suitable in their OWN life?”Statistically yes. The opinions of those that tell me school is the best option for me is backed up by empirical data, SCIENCE!Yet - I don’t have the same opinions.I should do something else. I should do something else.Saying that over and over feels good. Saying that is motivating me. It motivates me so much that all the stress from the responsibilities of my little life begin to look like short obstacles I can get through. All because I am depending on my interest, my goals, my motivation to EARN the lifestyle I want--Not on blind faith to a school system. I think it’s time for me to part ways with something I don’t have faith to. Its time to have faith in myself; my decisions.It’s time to start doing what I want.In my past I wouldn’t work towards my goals because I thought I was qualified. For example, building a business.When I did before(I was a marketer), I paid my debts. I lived doing what I wanted.I carried new burdens though. New responsibilities. It was actually harder than how it is today.I once went a week without eating food, not because I was “fasting” -what I would tell everyone- but because I couldn’t afford it. I didn’t want to ask anyone for help. I lost so much weight people started telling me I was skinny for the first time in my life. I know that what I want isn’t easy. I know following my directions wont create the lifestyle I want immediately. The path of an entrepreneur is as difficult, as stressful, as burdensome and probably even more than the path of a student. Life is risky no matter the path one takes. Let that sink… everything is a risk.There’s no guarantees in achieving what you want.No right way, no wrong wrong way.Theres only YOU, what you’ve done before, and what you are doing now.I want my yesterdays to be filled with memories, harsh or beautiful memories of my decisions towards what I truly want.Stop going to school, but never stop learning.It’s time to be who I want to be, live how I want to live-before it’s too late -- source link
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