Viktor Vektor x ReaderCH16CH1 . CH2 . CH3 . CH4 . CH5 . CH6 . CH7 . CH8 . CH9 . CH10 . CH11 . CH12 .
Viktor Vektor x ReaderCH16CH1 . CH2 . CH3 . CH4 . CH5 . CH6 . CH7 . CH8 . CH9 . CH10 . CH11 . CH12 . CH13 . CH14 . CH15Taglist @daisychainsinknotsVik POV:Can’t believe that just happened.Can’t believe she actually apologized after like she’dattacked me or some shit, like she just couldn’t resist any longer. That’s onesure way to make a guy feel special – me of all people, apparently being whatshe wants most.Damn, bein’ with her is a massive confidence boost initself, but knowin’ she sees me like that… fuck if it doesn’t make my headswell.Don’t care ‘bout any other woman’s opinion though, hers bein’what matters to me. Still, hadn’t been able to wipe this giddy fuckin’ grin offmy face even in sleep.The light press of her lips to my cheek stirs me awake, hersoft chuckle soundin’ near my ear as I rub a sleepy hand down over my face.“Go back to sleep, babe,” she whispers, kissin’ my cheekagain, “I’m gonna shower, got go pick up V and Jackie.”I’m still groggy, half catchin’ what she says as I grab herarm and pull her to lean over me, caressing her face with my other hand, “what’d’yagotta go get those two for?”She sighs softly and leans her weight on me, my eyes finallyadjusting to the dark room enough to make out her features, “window for our gigjust opened up, gotta jump on it while we can, might not get another shot likethis anytime soon.”My jaw flexes, lettin’ out a sigh of my own, movin’ both myhands to cup her face. I wanna tell her not to go, beg her to stay here withme, to quit all this merc bullshit… But I can’t, I know she’s not the type tolet me take care of her – she wants to provide for herself, wants to know shenot only brings somethin’ to the table but owns that goddamn table too. It’sadmirable, part of why I like her so much… But damn if it isn’t also whatworries the shit outta me.“Where you meetin’ the two knuckleheads?”“At the Esoterica actually,” she runs her fingers backthrough my hair, her nails lightly scraping along my scalp sendin’ a light pecof goosebumps along my arms, “they’re gonna meet me there in V’s new ride.”“Why don’t you let me drive you, then, babe?”“Yeah?” She seems to perk up, her smile warming her beautifulface even in the dark, “not gonna try and talk me out of it the whole ridethere?”I chuckle and shake my head, “babe, if I thought it wouldwork I’d beg you to stay, but I gotta feelin’ you’re workin’ your own way outalready. Just… come back in one piece and we’ll call it even, alrightsweetheart?”“I’ll be fine,” she tugs my hair playfully, grin broadening,“got a really great Ripper in case anything happens.”“I’m serious, sweetheart,” I smile back at her, but hold herface close, makin’ her meet my eyes, “just fuckin’ found you, can’t go dyin’ onme now, yeah?”“I always make it back, Vik,” she presses a gentle kiss tomy lips, movin’ to pull away too soon so I hold her there, needin’ just alittle more before lettin’ go. She damn near beams down at me, makin’ me smirkback up at her perfect goddamn face, knowin’ I’m the luckiest man in the world.“’Specially now that I got something to look forward to comin’ back.”“Yeah?” I chuckle and raise a brow, “what might that be, sweetheart?”“See,” she trails her fingers along my necklace, gettin’that playful, smart-ass look in her eye, “there’s this guy I kinda like…”“Kinda, huh?”“Yeah,” she nods, actin’ like she’s all serious but thatdamn smirk breakin’ through a bit, “gotta make sure I get back here, actuallywant this one to stick around for a bit.”I hum and shrug, “don’t think you got too much to worryabout there, sweetheart. You could convince a goddamn tumbleweed to wait foryou.”She giggles and shakes her head, “always the charmer, Vik.”“Only for you, sweetheart…” I pull her in for another kiss,not wantin’ to let her go…She pulls away, the reluctance clear in her eyes too. Makesme feel a little better… knowin’ she didn’t wanna leave… knowin’ she’s workin’hard to leave the career… knowin’ she’s lookin’ forward to comin’ back here, tome.I run my hands back through my hair as I hear the showerswitch on, rollin’ over in bed and buryin’ my face in the pillow and willin’the day to go by quick. Hopin’, prayin’ to whatever might be listenin’… to justbring her back safe.Your POV:You’re surprised Vik doesn’t try to talk you out ofanything, but he has that knowing look in his eye, like he already thought aboutit and deciding it wasn’t worth wasting his breath.You see the worry there, the reluctance to see you go,drawing it out as long as possible by giving you a ride, saying he needed tostop by the clinic anyway – which is bullshit, and you know it, but you enjoythe company anyway. His gesture being sweet, and honestly, having him drive youaround, holding your hand the whole way and pressing gentle kisses to yourknuckle every now and then makes your heart wanna burst outta your chest.This man is unreal.Everything seeming to be lining up so perfectly, working outto give you exactly what you’d been searching for.Granted, a guy had never been a priority. But Vik… Vik isn’tjust a guy, Vik is fucking … well, you don’t really have the words. He’severything you’d dreamt of and more, exactly what you thought you’d never beable to find.If this job goes well, the client would be willing to letyou in on something big, have you run a gig for him that would potentially giveyou everything to cash in on. This could be the key to your out. Potentially…your key to starting a life with Vik.It’s all moving so fast, but you can’t even find the time tocomplain. Everything seeming to finally side with you, fate deeming you worthor the world deciding you’d had enough shit thrown at you to earn this. Eitherway, you’re grateful, and you can’t help but grin every time you glance over atthe handsome devil sitting next to you in the driver’s seat.He grins back, pressing another kiss to your knuckles as hepulls up along the curb, Jackie, V, and Misty already sitting out front waiting.You both step out, Vik’s hand finding yours again almostinstantly and earning looks from everyone else. V still seeming surprised, Mistybeaming, and Jackie caught somewhere in between.“G’morning, Vik,” V glances between the two of you, “how’slife puttin’ up with my crazy sister?”“V,” Jackie nudges her, “stop hatin’, jaina. You need to gofind you some love, then you’ll understand, yeah?”Misty, squeezes Jackie’s arm, her grin broadening inapproval, “I think they look cute together.”“Alright, alright,” Vik rolls his eyes, “we’re new, I getit. Let’s just move on.”“Can’t let it go that easy, choom,” Jackie shrugs, sighing sarcastically,“big deal seein’ you date again.”“Yeah, whatever,” Vik lets go of your hand to snake his armaround your waist, pulling you close and ignoring everyone else as he presses agentle but lingering kiss to your lips, “back in one piece, yeah?” You nod athim, not having much chance to speak as he glances over at Jackie and V, pointinga finger of warning. “She comes back hurt and I’m blaming both of you.”“That’s not fair,” V pouts, crossing her arms and playfullyletting out a huff.Jackie chuckles and gives V a rough nudge, almost knockingher over as they both move to get in V’s car, “c’mon, jaina, let’s get movingbefore too much sun comes up!”You move to follow but Vik tugs you back in, capturinganother deep kiss, his forehead pressing to yours briefly as he whispers again,“be fuckin’ careful, you hear me?”“I hear you,” you give him one last pec on the lips and trotoff, calling over your shoulder, “keep him outta trouble, Misty!”You see Vik shake his head as you shut the car door behindyou, Misty laughing as she calls back, “I’ll try my best!”Jackie’s driving, thankfully, V sitting in the back somehowwhile you had managed to snag shotgun upfront. You watch the side mirror as thecar pulls away, seeing Vik and Misty stand outside, their figures growingsmaller and smaller as the ache in your chest grows. The further you get fromVik, the more it seemed clear why Jackie was always so quick to get back home,to see Misty again. Always gave him a hard time about it, but now… now youunderstand.Being away from Vik, even so early on, isn’t easy.Vik POV:Misty and I stand out front until we can’t see the caranymore, my chest tightening like a small hole had started there, a dull achesettlin’ in.She pats my shoulder gently as she walks by, “come on, Vik, I’mgonna make some breakfast for us. Why don’t you tell me how things are goingbetween you two, yeah?”I nod and take one last glance down the road, knowin’ I won’tsee anything but needin’ to do it anyway before following after Misty.Can only hope the day goes by faster than usual, findsomethin’ to do to occupy my mind and try not to spend every second worryin’myself sick about her…Maybe when she gets back I’ll plan somethin’ special, a datenight out or a really nice day in the park or some romantic shit like that.Misty might have an idea, although I can already hear her voice sayin’ somethin’like ‘if it comes from the heart it matters more’. M’sure I’ll figure somethin’ out. Just need her to come backin one piece… I’ll be happy knowin’ she’s safe and in my arms again.Hopefully one of these days I won’t have to worry about thisshit anymore… can see her off to work in some gym like she wants without havin’to worry about whether she’ll even make it back home at all…I shake my head and smile up at Misty as she puts a plate onthe table in front of me.“So,” she sits down with a plate of her own, “spill thebeans, Vik, how’s it feel to fall in love so fast?”I nearly choke on my water, “fuck, Misty.”She chuckles and waves her hand vaguely, “oh, come on, Vik.You’re a grown man, you know what love is by now, don’t play dumb.”I glance down at my fork, fiddlin’ with it between myfingers as my brow creases a bit, “bit early for that, I think.”“Doesn’t make it any less true,” she shrugs, leanin’ forwardwith her elbows on the table, waitin’ for me to look her in the eyes againbefore she continues, “don’t have to say anything to her yet, can do that onyour own time, but it’s clear as day you’re falling hard, Vik. Even Jackie noticedit.”I let out a grumbled groan and bury my hands in my face, “Jackiefuckin’ noticed? Fuck, Misty, am I that transparent?”She grins and reaches across for one of my hands, givin’ ita light squeeze, “she is too, Vik.”“What? Transparent?”She rolls her eyes, her hair shakin’ a bit, “Vik, you reallyknow how to play dumb for one of the smartest people I know…”“Doesn’t really answer my question, Misty,” I rub the bridgeof my nose and pinch slightly, feelin’ a dull ache throbbing in my skull at thiswhole conversation.“I think you know what I meant already.”I sigh and look over at her, brows knittin’ together as Ichew along the inside of my cheek a little, “you really think so?…”She chuckles again, a soft nod makin’ her hair bounce, “goodto see you like this Vik, all happy and love-sick. I’m excited for you.”I chew at my lip again, but smirk to myself as I think onthe potential of what had been said. Could she really feel the same about me?It’s fast, damn fast, but… I definitely know how I feel.“Thanks, Misty,” I smile over at her, “I mean it…Thank you,probably never woulda found the right time to talk to her like that myself.”“No problem, Vik. I’ve got a good read on these things,figured the two of you would end up like this from seeing how you were aroundeach other,” she takes a small bite of food and grins broadly, “it’s fun seeingit pay off though. Usually just give readings and never see someone again. Thistime I actually get to watch the two of you fall in love, it’s heartwarming.”“Yeah, yeah,” I turn my attention back to my own plate, “thinkthat’s enough mushy talk for one day. Gonna ruin my reputation if people know I’mgettin’ soft in my old age.”“Don’t think anyone would mistake you for being soft, Viktor.”“You have no idea,” I shake my head, thinkin’ back on bein’curled up in bed, the half sleepy kisses I miss already.CH17 -- source link
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