feministingforchange:thingstolovefor: Here, you fucking have it:Bernie on working conditions i
feministingforchange: thingstolovefor: Here, you fucking have it: Bernie on working conditions in Florida and slavery in America Bernie predicts 2008 depression Bernie warns against regime change and predicts extremism like ISIS and the escalation of Israel/Palestine conflict Bernie speaks against the Panama Free Trade agreement, predicting the whole Panama Papers incident Bernie opposing the Iraq war Bernie tells Alan Greenspan he’s ruining the middle class in 2003 Bernie on Corporate Welfare Bernie on Healthcare Bernie on Veterans Bernie on Global Warming Bernie Sanders: Drugs vs. Hopelessness Bernie on DADT and gay slurs in 1995, as well as some environmental stuff, probably my favorite clip so far, you can see his passion and righteous anger Bernie opposes the repeal of Glass Steagall, and therefore the deregulation of Wall Street, predicting the 2008 crash, in 1999 Keep reading BOOOOOOOST!!! -- source link