It Takes A Village III (Conspiracy)It was a setup from the very start. Your late father’s cous
It Takes A Village III (Conspiracy)It was a setup from the very start. Your late father’s cousin wasn’t going to be at her house. She had been gone for a week, leaving only her husband to entertain you and your mom. He never informed your mom that he owned a pool, and when she asked if there were any beaches nearby, he said no. So she never ended up bringing a bathing suit. Instead he offered her his wife’s one and only bathing suit. You knew that he was lying when you were searching through his bedroom for the panties and maybe some nice pictures of your dad’s cousin. All you found was a drawer hastily stuffed full of women’s bathing suits on top of batteries and watch parts.Those bathing suits were so modest and conservative compared to the bathing suit he handed your mom, which he had to hastily rip the tag subtly before handing it to her.This all happened just in time for the pool party, in which members of your dad’s near and distant family were to show up. Family members he spent his life avoiding and only occasionally came into contact with through his cousin, whom he trusted and loved very much.Your dad trusted her so much that his trust even extended to her husband, who he used to go hunting with every second year when you visited. This trust was apparently misplaced, as you learned when you searched through his laptop for compromising images of your dad’s cousin and found them in the form of hidden camera footage of her changing in their room attached to e-mails that were sent to members of a local motorcycle gang and real estate developers. You were unsure of whether he was sharing his wife’s naked body because he was being blackmailed, to gain favors from powerful people, or because he enjoyed it. Eventually, though scouring through his e-mails, you realized that it was all three. Maybe he had more than three reasons.You downloaded all the footage of your mom’s cousin onto your flashdrive and you were eager to post them to pornhub when you got homeAs for your mom, you knew something was planned for her. He had hidden camera footage of every female on your dad’s side of the family, from ages 20 to 80. Your dad’s mother was even caught naked in their bathroom. There wasn’t one square inch of female flesh in your dad’s family that hadn’t been exposed. And there wasn’t one real estate mogul or gang member on that mailing list who hadn’t been sent all of those videos.But there wasn’t one reference of your mom anywhere to be found. You found that hard to believe. Because in terms of getting favors, getting pleasure, or getting out of trouble, your mom was the best bargaining chip there conceivably could be. You searched his e-mails while he was out and you found one of his them, a very recent one, sent to a local real estate developer, about a person they referred to as The Human Ass. He said he bought a special uniform for her ass to munch on and he gloated in the fact that this mystery woman was known for being dry when it came to alcohol. But he had a fridge full of “non-alcoholic beer” that had its contents replaced. And that was all he’d have to drink for his guests who weren’t used to imbibing, or well adapted to the effects of imbibing, liquor.He said that there’d only be one obstacle in the way. And if that obstacle wasn’t also drunk by the time zero hour came, then at least they’d have a pool area full of motorcycle enthusiasts with criminal records to iron out the loose edges.These were an exciting turn of events, and the nagging thought that The Human Ass and The Obstacle weren’t who you thought they were was a dark and upsetting thought to entertain. But you’d find out when the guests got there the next day. And when your mom asked for a drink.When the guests starting showing up, they were already very impressed with your mom fully clothed. They became even more impressed when she ridded herself of her oppressive jeans. She grimaced with each sip from the bottle labeled “zero alcohol content.” It soon became clear to you, and maybe even to her, that she was the only female body there. A sausage party but for one bun.But what a bun.Many people, including the host, did their best to keep you distracted and drinking. The stupid stories, and unfunny jokes from the clean shaven men, and the slaps on your back and slightly physical attempts and quartering you off from even seeing your mom, were starting to become a little much. You headed back inside and went to the washroom. From there you could see all the action in the backyard from a near bird’s-eye-view.It didn’t take long for the professional men to start getting close to her and talking to her with a sly look on their faces with their hands on the small of her back. But in an even shorter time after that the rougher looking men elbowed their way in to the swarm and began pawing at your mom’s skin. Picking up her legs by the thigh and caressing them, pinching at her ass, and fingering at the thin strap of her bathing suit as she put up a a fair deal of resistance.A few times the strap was pulled completely off her butt crack and to the side. She had been lifted completely off her feet and was in the middle of a miniature sized crowd surf. The motorcycle gang on the inside had her ass, thighs stomach, and lower back to play with. The Real Estate tycoons had her calves, and feet and chest, neck, face and hair. Your dad’s cousin’s husband was off a few feet to the side openly playing with his hard dick.You were doing the same, wondering if your MMORPG friends have ever seen anything like this. Only one of them, the alpha male of your clan, could lay claim to seeing a real naked woman when he spied on his auntie through a hole between his room and hers and watched her boyfriend have sex with her. You tried to contain your excitement at how much envy they’d have for you now. You’ve just become the new alpha wolf of your crew. The old alpha would be so angry. There was no way he could top this.Your thoughts were broken by a satisfying snap sound. Your mom’s bikini was broken and on the ground. It was shocking how little space it took up. The Human Ass was going to be munching on something a little bit thicker than string now. The host sat on his lawn chair naked, stroking his hard cock, and he had a look of relief, ambition and arousal all at once. His wife’s cousin’s wife’s body was now surrounded by cocks that were jostling with each other like piranhas to get inside it through its mouth or its pussy or its asshole. If they couldn’t get inside, then they’d hump around the holes.It was clear looking at the host that all his debts were now paid, he’d be a huge mover and shaker in the world of real estate, and he had finally reached that sexual itch he wanted scratched for years.When the mob of professionals and criminals finished their goal of extracting all pleasure and fantasy they could from your mom’s body, they all left, leaving you, your uncle, and your mom as the only ones there. You forgot how silent things could be. Your dad’s cousin’s husband grabbed his hose and sprayed your mom’s body up and down, flipped her over, and sprayed her off on the other side. Her ass jiggled as the stream of water pushed at it.He opened up her ass cheeks and sprayed them out too and then he inserted the hose in her pussy and mouth as well. He took your naked, clean mom with him into the house and you listened as he dragged her past the bathroom door into his room with him and you listened to him moan as his flesh slapped wonderfully with your mom’s. You went back to your room and listened from there. When he was done with her, he opened up your room door and placed your mom’s naked body in bed with you as you pretended to be sleeping. You spent the rest of the night using your mom’s body to masturbate in interesting ways. Her ass cheeks were especially effective for this. You came between her two cheeks and you left her like that. So that she would know that at least one person at that party had fun with her and she’d be too embarrassed to ask who it was. It could’ve been anyone. Or everyone. But why would she have any reason to guess that?You heard him in his office, click-clacking away. And then in a few hours, at around sunrise, he had left the house. You left your mom in your bed and went over to his computer, to see what he was doing and you were surprised to see a folder up with one file in the very middle of it titled “To The Obstacle.”You clicked on it and your face turned a deep red as you as you saw yourself, sitting in the very spot you were sitting now, only a few days ago, looking through e-mail after e-mail. Then it cut to footage of your mom removing her pants by the pool yesterday afternoon. Then it cut to her being lifted in the air, then her being fucked by a forest of cocks. Then to you in the bathroom watching through the window and jerking off. Then to you in your room pressing your mom’s ass cheeks around your cock and humping away. Then to your dad’s mom, naked in the washroom changing. Then to her being ravaged by a line of men on the living room couch. Then her in his bed being fucked by him. Then your dad’s niece changing in her room, then her being spit roasted in the basement over the pool table, and finally her in his room being fucked in her face. The same with your dad’s cousin and his sister. Same pattern: changing, being gang banged, and being fucked personally by him in his bed. Every woman in your family, every woman your dad loved, had been passed around and then fucked by this man. All of them except one. At least until yesterday.Your mom changed into what she thought was your dad’s cousin’s bathing suit behind the bar. There were cameras everywhere in this house. You couldn’t escape them. Then your mom being ravaged by the pool. Then your mom with her ass up on his bed. Her wedding ring in his hand, then up her asshole, then removed, and then he pulled out a ring that looked exactly the same, placing it on her finger, and placing the ring your father first slid onto her extended hand in front of the smiling women of his family and hers, inside a box on his counter.Then an e-mail screen came up. And you watched as the cursor attached a file called “Complete Cuck Target Beta Tango Foxtrot: All bogies down.” And in his address field was the head of the Federal Reserve, the secretary of state, and the president of the United States. And in the e-mail he wrote “Footage of target being neutralized by “accident” and all female friendlies being violated.” Then he deleted all of it and wrote “That’s civilian speak for you, Obstacle,” deleted that and retyped instead “Code Blue: Extreme Prejudice: 98% A1776F9.” He circled the cursor multiple times around the send button, mocking you. Finally, he clicked it.The screen went black, then white text appeared on the screen. “Sorry about papa. But somebody has to take care of this nation’s enemies. But I guess I don’t have to apologize for what we did to your mom yesterday. You seemed to enjoy it.” Footage of you jerking off in the washroom replayed for a second. Then back to black. “Just be happy that your family will be the best example to deter more do-gooders from trying to blow the whistle on those who keep this world safe. You’ll be the last person I talk to in this life. There’s a young woman a thousand miles from here whose daddy stumbled onto the wrong military testing site. I need to get a head start on being that shoulder she can cry on before she loses her dad to a freak accident nobody saw coming. We call her The Human Tits. “Play it cool, and you’ll never have to see me again. And don’t get any ambitious ideas. There’s plenty of ways to cuck yourself that don’t involve you going missing. All the camera footage is in a single file with the name of the first girl you had a crush on on it. Don’t ask how we know that. Do what you’d like with that footage. This video will self-destruct in 3. 2.”You braced yourself against the office chair.“1″ And the video closed and the file disappeared. A whimper, not a bang.You stood in your doorway, and stared at your mom’s naked ass. You were even more enamored with it knowing that its fate was being decided as high up as the white house itself. And your dad’s gift for trying to be the hero was that the fate of his wife’s ass was no longer his to decide. It was nice and fitting as far aw you were concerned. You were already looking forward to life after your dad’s death and what that meant for your mom’s ass. But things had already escalated so quickly into something heavenly and gorgeous, like your mom’s ass.You had no idea about what it was your dad risked his life and the safety of his family to blow the whistle about, but whatever it was, there was no way it was better than this. You were glad that bogie had been neutralized and there was nobody there to watch your mom’s 6. The only one left was you, and you’d rather watch your mom’s 6 get pounded.EpilogueThe little box sitting on the counter glowed with a subtle red ambience. Inside, the wedding ring sitting alone buzzed slightly and it flashed every half-second with that infrared light.In an abandoned district in Siberia, underneath a dilapidated building, a team of 14 KGB personnel stand in the glow of 12 computer screens, each one with its own distinct bars and graphs representing things only they’re trained to understand.“Agents Svetlanza’s vital signs are zero” says a female voice in Russian.“Do you think she has been neutralized?”An older gentlemen steps out from his shadow holding a lit cigar. “No,” he says confidently.“Then why can we not pick her up?”“Her ring is off.”“But she gave no signal for its removal, Vokolov.”“She didn’t expect to remove it,” he said before inhaling from his cigar.“You mean…”He exhaled and watched the smoke as he finished his new guy’s thought. “Somebody else removed it.”“So they’re on to her?”The wise old owl of the relatively young team shook his head. “No. If they were onto her they’d have put the ring on another’s finger to keep us in the dark.“ All but 6 of the personnel looked at him, eager for an explanation. He continued, “I told them when I first saw her 22 years ago that this would happen.”One of the young men asked him, though still not understanding what happened, “and they didn’t listen?”“No, they listened. They sent her, just as I suggested. We were all excited for it to happen. I didn’t think it would take 22 years. Dmitri would have been proud. We told her that mastering an American accent wasn’t enough, that she’d have to go clubbing for a few years to really understand American culture and fit in, but she was clearly uninterested and she found somebody to settle down and had children almost immediately. “That’s why it took 22 years instead of months like we all thought it would. With her ‘assets’, she would have been the perfect mark in those clubs. American men strike quickly and we trained her specifically to be naive. She doesn’t even understand her own son and he’s dripping with the need to see exactly what we wanted to see. Now the day has arrived.”The older men in the room nodded knowingly, each one bursting with a weird energy. A younger woman piped in “should we arrange for another ring?”The man exhaled a cloud of smoke. “No. Our work here is done, comrades. We’ll wait for her next broadcast and tell her her mission was successful. It may have taken 22 years but it was worth every second, especially with this team. Agent Svetlana was the best our country had to offer. And America got her when she was at her prime. The ripe age of 40. Her ‘asset’ has only improved in these two decades. Let her live a normal life now. Ill miss her. She was like a daughter to me.”He sighed deeply.“We’ll be monitoring a new Svetlana tomorrow or the day after. Another young lady with big ‘assets’. Two of them actually. I’ve examined them myself and I’m eager to put them in the American field of action. We’ve trained her to accept drinks from strangers and to always leave her’s unguarded when she’s on the dance floor. And in case she fails in her mission, like Svetlana, she’s been modified on a genetic level to produce only male children with low testosterone who’ll crave for her to complete her mission without even knowing she’s on a mission. Just like Svetlana’s son. Lucky boy.” The uninitiated sat there and stared at their Vokolov with his cigar blazing. This was the most naked glimpse into what their mission really was and still they didn’t understand. All the male personnel knew was that they would miss Agent Svetlana’s pretty face and the rare moments when they’d see her full profile in her video transmissions. And most of all, the one time Volokov made her write a message in between her butt cheeks and had her silently stand naked in her video call and open her butt cheeks to show the message. The men were happy that protocol in that instance worked out so strongly in their favor. The fact that this mode of communication was dictated by Volokov for Christmas Day went right over the heads of the male personnel who were the receivers of this stocking stuffer. Little did they understand that that measure, like everything having to do with Agent Svetlana, was a joke on her. All of this was. There was a reason every active KGB was a beautiful woman. All 332 of them. And there was a reason why they never knew what their mission was exactly or how to accomplish it, or any martial arts or espionage or basic common sense. Only the higher ups knew what was going on. And they were currently enjoying the good news about their favorite field operative and the fate of her ‘assets’ right now. All of their best assets were in the West, the Middle East, or Africa. The entire country had its top tier females sent abroad for active duty. It was the largest and most sophisticated cucking operation in all the world. Russian tits and ass were being fondled, groped, and Russian pussies and mouths were being fucked, consciously or unconsciously in over 56 countries. It was as if Mother Russia herself was being groped, fondled, and ravaged. And all across the intelligence agencies, those in the know could celebrate that the best representative that Russia had to offer had been pounded by American cock.But you were oblivious to all of this, on the other side of the world, and you shot your second load between your mom’s ass cheeks. “I love you mom,” you said, as you lay down next to her under the covers and cuddled with her naked body up against yours. -- source link
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