@matsumaemaeBonsoir, it’s me, biomechas.I know you thought you’d seen the last of me sin
@matsumaemaeBonsoir, it’s me, biomechas.I know you thought you’d seen the last of me since you preemptively blocked me on your main, @sweetshuu , after I pointed out your racism (so much for being sorry? Homes, the fuck did I ever do aside from point out the fact that you were being a racist fuckwit?) but since you asked so nicely for me to point out what inappropriate stuff you’ve pulled! I’m back!But anyway, I digress.My issue with you isn’t so much the fact that you’re against rape fetishisation. In fact, that’s something I personally happen to agree with you on.My issue, specifically, is that you saw that @tsukikaneweek had no rule explicitly banning noncon, and INSTEAD of taking it up with the creators or even VOICING your concerns, you saw fit to create an entirely new event during the exact same dates – if that doesn’t reek of petty sabotage, I don’t know what does.My issue with you is that you would use something as traumatic as rape as leverage for legitimacy within fandom, and that you would attack CSA survivors for another notch on your I’m So Good And Golden And Concerned With JUSTICE!! belt, and that you would lie, and spread rumors/misinformation about survivors of sexual assault being rape apologists (??? WHAT THE FUCK) because they don’t somehow measure up to your arbitrary standards of morality.[CONTENT WARNING for others reading: rape mention, pedophilia mention, discussion of trivialisation/exploitation of trauma]Anyway, what happened next was a bit baffling to me, because as evident through the chat logs (I mean, they’re literally your own words) you were pretty amenable to moving your week, and even went as far as to delete it yourself. None of this would have been an issue if you and your lackeys didn’t suddenly revive kanetsuki week under the new name @consensualtsukikaneweek (out of petty spite, once again, your own words) to spin some false narrative and frame it in such a way that implies tsukikaneweek actively encourages fetishised noncon content, when it’s clear that not only are they, too, against said content, but the only reason it’s allowed is because censorship would remove a valuable platform for discourse.The fact of the matter is that the reason noncon was never explicitly banned was because it literally never an issue – tsukikaneweek 2014 received no noncon submissions, and one dubcon submission that was properly tagged as such, and under a read more. The reality of fanworks is that they can be created and used as tools of coping; fics that address traumatic subject matter can become powerful tools of catharsis, which is precisely why tsukikaneweek mods didn’t want to impose an outright ban. Since it was brought up as a concern, however, the mods put in place tagging policies and extensive guidelines, one of which specifically disallows glorification/fetishisation of sexual violence/mental illness/suicide, as well as a script on desktop that automatically redirects viewers to only sfw posts.Despite this, you and your buddy @attackonhunter continued to slander tsukikaneweek, and endlessly subpost them, because what? Some petty vendetta? Some imagined slight? Out of spite? Out of the principle of the thing? As you said yourself, you created it because the original allegedly not only allowed, but outright encouraged noncon works, but not only were your accusations were proven false, but duly addressed. I know you put work into your week, but justifying its existence after the sole reason for it’s existence (built on lies and false accusations) by lying about people being rape apologists isn’t exactly an ethical way of going about doing it. Funnily enough, ya pal attackonhunter also deleted after bullshit was called on their claims, which like, not incriminating at all!All this aside, the principle of the thing, like you put it, is that you are taking trauma that is not yours and weaponising it in order to support and justify your own event born of spite. The fact that you would take something as traumatic as sexual violence and rape, and use it as fodder for your own personal agenda is absolutely despicable, and I honestly? Want you to address this and answer for it? You keep deflecting and trying to make this about whether noncon is allowed or not in a ship week as though it’s purely black and white, with no consideration for those who have experienced sexual assault, and use certain works as a coping mechanism. You keep saying things like “fandom doesn’t exist in a vacuum” and like, dude, we know. The message of tsukikaneweek’s guidelines are essentially, “fandom doesn’t exist in a vacuum, so no glorification of this shit, but if it’s within parameters that explore issues/act as catharsis, then we’ll allow it.” The crux of the issue is you quite literally accusing people of rape apologism based on nothing but false assumptions and lies, and using it to your own advantage. I don’t know where you get off on using other people’s trauma to attack people, but it’s fucked up, it’s disgusting, and I am literally just? Baffled? That you assume that none of the tsukikaneweek mods, or anyone criticising you, have ever experienced sexual harassment, and you keep talking over us. Not only that, you just keep lying, and lying, and lying through your fucking teeth, and being two faced as hell. It’s hilarious, because I’d think that the person in the chat logs released and replying to me are entirely different people from the person viciously subposting tsukikaneweek, lmao.On the topic of morally dubious, though, something that rings my alarm bells is the fact that the focus of consensualtsukikaneweek seems to be consensual sex, which is all well and good, except for the fact that one of your mods (@eating-out-tsukiyama-shuu) is quite literally underage! Isn’t that hella sus? What happened to protecting underage kids and being mindful of what you expose them to? Didn’t another one of the mods (@attackonhunter) participate in shuuneki smut week, which was run by yourself while you were underage? Yikes.Back to the topic of exploiting trauma that isn’t yours; another thing that I take issue with is your overt and public namedropping of Amanda @suzuyajesus along with vagueposting a lot of shit that’s frankly disgusting? I’m assuming that this is in relation to her art that sexualises Juuzou because it’s ““““CP””””(when he’s like, 19 in the original manga and 22 in :re so ??? Dunno where the child part of the pornography is) when she herself has made it clear that she is a CSA survivor. So, I guess my question is, who the hell are you to not only lump Amanda together with people who produce harmful content directly relating to her trauma, but also dictate and police how survivors cope with their trauma? You are well aware of your follower base and the sphere of influence that you hold, yet instead of being mindful, you actively namedrop people, whether it be directly, or heavily implied in your posts (in Amanda’s case it was directly). You should know the sway you have over your followers, yet you still namedrop and direct them to attack the people you mention, which frankly, is disgusting? Given the average age of your followers? But back to my main point; why do you hate CSA survivors so much? Why do you think it’s okay to use your fanbase to harass people you don’t like? Furthermore, why do you expect everyone with kinks that are “dubious” by your standards to come out about their own trauma to you in order to justify them? It’s nobody’s business, especially not yours. CSA survivors don’t owe you shit, and they don’t have to prove anything to you in order to earn your gold seal of approval.Last question though, why did you pre-emptively block everyone vaguely related to tsukikaneweek? What’d they ever do to you? Also, more hilariously, why did you pre-emptively block me? Like damn, all I did was call you out on your racism, which you were allegedly so sorry for, but then you deleted your blog, made yourself out to be the victim (as you always do) and? Blocked me? So much for being repentant lmao, all this reeks of is that you care more about being potentially labelled as a racist than examining your own actions and taking responsibility for the harm you caused.Whatever though, I’m used to fake progressive leftists like you, it ain’t no big deal. I don’t really expect you to address this post in any way that’s near adequate, given past history, but it’s off my chest at least. -- source link
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