guabirudropout2:“You can’t kill me, Soyjak. I will always be with you.Every time you look at the new
guabirudropout2:“You can’t kill me, Soyjak. I will always be with you.Every time you look at the newspaper and see stories of murder, robbery, domestic violence.Every time you open a history book and read tales of wars, dictators, mad kings.Every time you watch the television and see mass shootings, riots, natural disasters.Every time you see talk about tyrannical governments oppressing their people.Every time you go on the Internet and see the vitriol being spread by fanatical dolts.Every time you go to the theater to watch another dumb movie and the villain starts to make a little to much sense.Every time you go out and see the prices are up, people are fighting, everybody looks miserable.I’ll be there, right behind you, whispering in your ear: “based”.“ -- source link