shafiq28:“I don’t think that would be a good idea, Sabila.” “Areh
shafiq28: “I don’t think that would be a good idea, Sabila.” “Areh jaan! You want her to grow up without any idea about her background, her history, who she is?” “Backgrounds and history - that’s for the past! You have to see the future. See what is best for her now.” "What is so wrong about speaking to her in our language? Teaching her what we learnt? You think all those years at the Cadet College were a waste?” “Even the Cadet College is no more, Sabila. It was all destroyed in the war - there’s nothing left!” “The war for our culture and language! And we won!” "With everything destroyed - all our infrastructure, our leaders, our intellectuals, dead and gone! Our kind, gone!” "They cannot be all gone. I know it. I know our kind are still around. It’s not like all Bangladeshis were killed off in the war.” "Our kind? Our kind either escaped or died! No two ways about it! And let me tell you - those that escaped? I know for sure that they don’t follow the old ways anymore.” “‘Old ways’? OLD WAYS!? You think all those years of jadu that we learnt are “old ways”?! Cheech! Maybe maa was right…” "Right about what?” “Right about you thinking we are just stupid casi. No respect for our heritage. Maybe I should have listened to her.” "Sabila! Don’t be ridiculous. I have a lot of respect for our heritage. I just don’t think that trying to teach it to Ayesha now would be useful for her. I mean - firstly, who is she going to speak Bangla to?” “There are other Bangalis here too, you know. You moved here specifically because of them. And I’m sure there’s at least one jadukara in there.” "Ya, they move here, with their big names and big jobs and big degrees, and what happens? They become cooks! or taxi drivers!” "Is there something wrong with being a cook or a taxi driver?” “NO! It’s just…they also learnt so much about their culture and what not, but look, the Bilatis, they do not care. I don’t want our Ayesha to suffer because the Bilatis don’t care.” “Then why not just move back to Bidesh then?” “Did you forget already? Everything is destroyed. What can we return to? We would suffer. Ayesha would suffer. You want Ayesha to suffer? I got us here for a good life, you know. Lucky for us she is born here, makes things so much easier I think.” "So you want her to grow up like a Bilati? No concept of her culture at all, is it? Pagol na ki tui?” "No no no! Sabila, shuno na? It’s not that I want her to not know where she comes from, at all. Na na. I’m just saying, I don’t think it’s a good idea for her to learn Bangla right now.” "Then how is she supposed to learn our literature, our stories, our songs? How is she supposed to be a good jadukara?” "There are magical people here in Britain you know. With that one school…Hogwarts, I think? Some top people from there. It’s not like she will never know how to perform jadu.” “But she won’t know how to do it like us! How is she supposed to cast a good tantramantra if she can’t even speak Bangla properly? How is she supposed to make good potions if she doesn’t even know the names of the ingredients? How, Faizal, how?” "She will learn Bilati magic! It’s not hard, look - Lumos - see, there is light.” "Where did you get that wand from?” “Oh, one of my friends took me to Diagon Alley the other day. Said all the Bilati magicians have wands. We should get one for Ayesha. Oh, and you too.” “And why should I have to learn Bilati wand magic? We didn’t need this faltu wand business back in Bidesh!” “Things are different, Sabila. When in Rome, do as the Romans do, ha na?” "Oh, so if the Romans all jump off a bridge I have to jump also? Chagol!” "If I am a chagol then you are a goru - so stubborn.” "DON’T YOU DARE FAIZAL…” “Hey hey, I am only kidding, areh. Sabila. Look. I’m not banning Bangla from the house. You want to tell her all our stories and literature and what not, you can. What I am saying is, for her sake, I think we should talk to her in English. And teach her English. Do everything in English.” "And what happens if I put ek Bangla khota in my sentence? What, it will be all ulta palta hai hai ki hoisei?” "One or two things, ok. But we have to be careful not to mix up so much. One of my cousins, he is a child psychologist, he says that sometimes the children get confused when they hear more than one language, so they keep quiet. They don’t know how to say anything! But if you pick one, then they learn easier.” "Your cousin, ah? You Shafiqs, you think you know everything.” "You wanted to be a Shafiq. Couldn’t stop talking about it even before we got married. Thought we had the good life.” "I didn’t think having the good life means we have to forget ourselves!” “We don’t have to forget ANYTHING! We can teach her Bangla later, when she’s older and can master one language. Then she won’t be so confused. But Sabila, look - even if she knows Bangla now, who is she going to practice with?” “Us…” “Yeah, and that’s it. You think the neighbours can talk to her in Bangla? Her school teachers? Her classmates? They will only make fun of her.” "Oh, you think Bangla is funny?” "No, I think the Bilatis are stupid. But I don’t want their stupidity to cause my children trouble. So we have to adapt.” “Then what about the jadu?” "Again, where is she supposed to cast tantramantra or find ayurveda ingredients? Where is she going to find the sahitya books we loved so much? For all we know, it’s probably banned here. One strange word and whoosh - off to Azkaban. The Bilati Ministry did ban flying carpets after all.” "Faizal, I don’t think the Bilatis will send a child to Azkaban.” "Oh you don’t know. I’ve heard them punishing children very strictly for doing magic in front of Muggles. Just small things, but oh - Statute of Secrecy!” “Listen to you! You sound like a Bilati already. ‘Muggle’, what a lousy word. As if they are like a pig or something.” “That’s how the Bilatis see jadunai, really.” "WHAT? Are the Bilatis really that backwards? Are you sure you want to raise Ayesha in this place?” "It’s better than our other option, Sabila. At least here she still gets a chance to learn some jadu, even if it’s different than ours. Maybe she can be a magical scientist and put our jadu and their magic together. I don’t know. But back in Bidesh? She will be nothing. Worse than here.” "I’m still not sure about this.” “I know you’re scared, Sabila. You loved sahitya so much. I do too. That is why I loved you! Your passion for the language, so evident in your eyes! But it will have to wait, jaan…just wait a few years. Just wait till she is old enough to be able to appreciate it. You try to tell her now, she will forget.” "And you’re sure talking to her in English only and giving her only English books is okay.” “It will prepare her for a bright future. We don’t want her to suffer because she doesn’t know the language. People are already going to criticise her because she is not White like the Bilatis. Even though she is born and raised here. The less hurdles she has to jump through, the better.” “So we have to hide ourselves because the Bilatis are close-minded?” “I know, I hate it too. But that is how the world works. Not everyone can fight fight fight. That is why we did not go to the war. Sometimes we have to take care of ourselves first.” “Spoken like a true Bilati.” “I’m just saying the facts.” “sigh…” “Sabila, I promise you, if she wants to learn Bangla, once she’s ready, you can teach her. You don’t have to hide anything. You can tell her about the old days if you want. All I’m asking is, just do it in English. Until she’s old enough. OK?” "…ok, jaan. I hope you’re right.” [[source: Rajiv AshrafiOOPS WRONG BLOG LET ME TRY THIS INSTEADwritten to commemorate International Mother Language Day, which in turn commemorates the Bengali Language Movement. It’s a pretty huge deal in Bangladesh. thanks to serkestic for the reminder! a lot of this is based on a true story: I was primarily raised in English because my family figured I would not have any avenues to practice Bangla while being raised in Malaysia. English is my first and primary language. I speak rather broken Bengali and can’t read the language. This project is as much about me trying to reclaim what I’ve lost as it is me having fun with fandom.]] -- source link
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