tessatompsons: Filthy, ill-begotten offal-spawn! You dare threaten a daughter of Themyscira?!? Tear

tessatompsons: Filthy, ill-begotten offal-spawn! You dare threaten a daughter of Themyscira?!? Tear
tessatompsons: Filthy, ill-begotten offal-spawn! You dare threaten a daughter of Themyscira?!? Tear
tessatompsons: Filthy, ill-begotten offal-spawn! You dare threaten a daughter of Themyscira?!? Tear
tessatompsons: Filthy, ill-begotten offal-spawn! You dare threaten a daughter of Themyscira?!? Tear
tessatompsons: Filthy, ill-begotten offal-spawn! You dare threaten a daughter of Themyscira?!? Tear
tessatompsons: Filthy, ill-begotten offal-spawn! You dare threaten a daughter of Themyscira?!? Tear