transformationed:Exploring abandoned buildings might not have been everyone’s cup of tea, bu
transformationed: Exploring abandoned buildings might not have been everyone’s cup of tea, but for Amy, Lucy, Lauren, Kendra, and Rebecca it was very different. They loved it so much that they got together every other month or so to do it. They loved the quiet, the sight of places once so busy now deserted, and the odd sense of freedom that came from being somewhere you weren’t really supposed to be. All good fun. They had located a new group of buildings to explore. Well new was not exactly what they were, they were actually very old. The buildings were almost centralized between the five women, about two hour drive for each of them. Getting there would be no problem. As would be getting in. Once they all had arrived, they drove into the complex and parked their cars out of sight of the entrance. They then proceed deeper into the complex on foot. None of them had any ideas as to what the complex had been. Anything clues that had been left behind had long since decayed beyond recognition. They had been so busy looking around that they almost overlooked something very interesting. Everyone else had already passed it, but Rebecca saw it. It was a door, a closed door at that. There were two things that made it interesting. It was the only door in the whole complex that they had seen so far that was closed, all others had long since rotted off of their hinges. It was also marked ‘NO ENTRY’. Rebecca wondered why this one door was still intact. She reached for the door knob. She let out a gasp as the door swung open, squeaking as it did, to her touch. She called the others back to her. She explained what had happened. They collectively agreed to go through the door to see what it had hid. They all agreed that since Rebecca had found the door, she should lead them through it. After a short corridor, they came to another closed door. Like the the first door, this one too swing open to Rebecca’s touch. However this one did not make a single noise. Beyond the door was another corridor. This one looked like it had been cleaned recently. It was in remarkable condition considering the rest of the building. Rebecca once again led the way. This corridor opened up into a long hidden alcove deep in the heart of the building. This sort of the thing was the best part. Once in the alcove they saw a weird looking machine and an old looking control center. Rebecca, Kendra, and Lauren all headed over to the control center, while Amy and Lucy went over to the strange looking machine. The machine was an ungodly complicated looking machine with a lot of pipes, arms, screens, and a bunch of other stuff neither Amy or Lucy could identify. Neither one was paying attention to the other three and the other three were not paying attention to them. Over at the console Rebecca, Kendra, and Lauren were flipping switches and wondering what each one did. They were unaware that they had inadvertently turned it on and of the screen that showed it was slowly powering itself up. It had also sent a message to the current owner of the building, Steven. He sent his secretary to investigate. It detected two subjects in the conversion area. Neither one had anything flagging them as an employee and so it logically concluded that they were units that had been sent in for processing. It activated the processing routine. Lucy had already turned away from the machine and had started walking towards the console. Amy was just turning away when the tangle of arms twitched. She did not catch the twitch. She started walking towards the console with her back to the machine. Needless to say she did not see the arms spring into action. She did however feel them as restraint claws grabbed her wrists and ankles. She squealed as she was unexpectedly pulled backwards and into the air, her struggles to escape futile in the surprisingly strong grasp of the device. Everyone heard her squeal. Lucy, being the closest got back into the conversion area first. The machine reacted by activating two more arms. These two locked into Lucy’s wrists and lifted her off the ground and off to one side. It then detected Kendra approaching. Before she knew what was going on, Kendra was hanging by her wrists next to Lucy. The machine then caught Lauren. It caught Rebecca last. They could all see Amy who had been suspended midair spread eagle. They would be able to watch what happened to Amy but do nothing to help her. “Hey! What - let me go!” Amy grunted, straining too little effect. An overarching sensor hanging from the top of the machine gave her a cursory scan.The screen read, “[improper attire detected: removing]”. Of course none of the women could see it. From the machine more arms unfurled with tips moving towards Amy. These arms had precise small razor sharp cutting shears attached to them. Amy’s eyes widened as she saw them approach her. She redoubled her efforts to escape. Her friends watched as the shears quickly, and neatly, cut all of Amy’s clothes off of her. Amy cried out, “No!! Stop!!” She helplessly squirmed as the remains of her clothes cluttered to the floor. Even her panties, bra, and shoes fell victim to the shears. In just a few seconds she had gone from fully clothed to completely naked. As soon as the last piece of her clothing hit the floor, it was swept away.She felt something blunt come into contact with her lower back. Moments later she felt a bar penetrate her ass, it then seemed to move towards the item against her lower back clamping her in place. She also felt a blunt object come into contact with her back by her shoulder blades. She felt something clamp onto the sides of her head. She was then pulled gently but very firmly. She was still spread eagle but now her chest was pushed out. The only things she could move was her toes and fingers. She was on merciless display to her friends and there was nothing she could do about it. She knew they could do nothing about it either as she had watched each one of them get caught and suspended. “N-no…” she whimpered. Fighting was impossible now, and so her fear grew. What had they done? What was going to happen to her?Amy watched as the sensor returned. It examines her from head to toe. It took in her wavy dirty blond hair, medium tits, tidy bush above her slit, and other details. All the while it was relaying the information back to the control console. “[subject template scan failure: updating template]”Of course, none of them could see this and so had no idea why the little snipping arms went away to be replaced by others which circled around Amy. Amy eyed them fearfully. “Please…”“[initialize template update: phase one]”The arms burst into life, ends unfurling into a bewildering variety of attachments as they set about correcting the particular faults of this subject. The control system noted that it was odd to receive a subject for processing that was so far outside the template - normally that had been fixed by now - but it was no reason to deviate from protocol. All subjects must be processed. No exceptions.Amy could do nothing but watch as the arms went about their work since she was held rigidly in place. Every identified flaw was corrected, including the removal of her finger prints. Even her prior dental work was reversed and her damaged teeth were restored to perfection. Every hair on her body below the eyes was removed mercilessly, one after another. Even her eyebrows were reshaped. She couldn’t see what it involved, but it tingled alarmingly. At this point her skin was as flawless as fine porcelain. Tiny nozzles swept over her pale skin, dusting it with something that turned it a healthy, natural bronze. Not an inch was spared. As before with her clothes, this took mere seconds.Once content their work was done the arms folded away, leaving Amy hanging in mind-air, looking like an entirely different girl. Not that she could see the whole picture, just little bits of her skin. That was enough to set her heart racing. What was happening to her? She felt a probe come into contact with her cunt. She briefly wondered why. She did not have wait long as it penetrated her. She could feel it continue to go deeper in. Once it was approximately twelve inches in, it stopped. She had always been so in tune with her body that she could feel when something was not right. So it was no surprise to her when she felt tentacles extend out of the probe tip. She wondered what they were about to do, she figured it could not be good. She was right as she felt the tentacles start cutting away and sucking up her ovaries. She then felt them so the same with her fallopian tubes. She then felt them reshape her uterus so that it matched the size and shape of the probe. What was left over, she felt it suck it out of her body. She knew that she had been sterilized. Her friends had watched as various stuff was sucked out of the probe and sent somewhere, they did not know what the stuff was. The probe then pulled out. She felt the clamps on her head retract. She was now able to move her head. A gust of air on her freshly-smooth cunt made her gasp and twitch despite herself. She closed her eyes trying to desperately ignore the rising warmth in her hairless slit. “[initialize template update: phase two]”While Amy was doing this the arms returned, this time with large, odd looking pipes. Working together they brought them up to her chest and held them there where they affixed with a sucking sound.“What? Uh!” Amy grunted, glancing down. Since her head was now free she could see what was happening. A strong kneading, pinching, tickling sensation was building in her chest which made her want to squirm again. She bit her lip and couldn’t help but groan, eyes fluttering shut.When she opened them again and looked down she had to blink a few times to make sure she was seeing things properly. Her breasts were growing. They had always been manageable but that was rapidly changing and they showed no sign of stopping, the pipes bulging to accommodate them as they grew.“What are you - oh - doing to me…” she gasped.She had to be dreaming. She had to be. Worst case scenario they’d found some hazardous chemical in the building and was now tripping balls, in which case they would have to drag themselves to the hospital and maybe take a break from exploring for a while. The only alternative - that it was actually happening - was too terrifying to bear thinking about.But she thought about it anyway.She was being turned into some sort of bimbo. Blonde, tanned, big tits - no longer breasts at this point, she could easily see that; this machine they’d found was turning her, and quite possibly her friends,into some sort of ridiculous dolls and she could nothing about it. She had to be dreaming. Please let her be dreaming.The pipes detached themselves with a loud ‘pop’, letting Amy’s new tits fall heavily onto her chest. She stared at them (they had to be easily 4 times their original size), willing them to be a figment of their imagination and just go away. They didn’t. They stayed there being full and round and heavy no matter how hard she stared, so she gave up. She was now totally unidentifiable as Amy physically. The scanning arm came up again, inches from her face, peering intently at her. She looked away, but it moved to match. She looked away again, only to have it move to match again. After the third attempt to look away she felt the clamps return locking her head in place again. The scanning arm once again returned to her face. She looked at it with water eyes.“Please…change me back…” She said quietly, knowing it was useless. The console registered that she’d said it, but filed it as irrelevant. “[residual thought patterns detected: eliminating]”A large, clunky headset lowered from the top of the machine, locking into place around her skull. Amy was too exhausted to wonder about its purpose, wearily resigned to whatever changes were about to happen to her face or her body. But it wasn’t her body that was about to be changed.There was a click, and then an intense whiteness filled her head. It was behind her eyes, but it was still blinding; an overpowering light that drowned out everything else in her head.“Wh-” she started, but she couldn’t finish. Her eyes rolled back and her tongue lolled out as the light flooded everything. Those thoughts nearest the top vanished first; her fear and worry at what was going on, her desire to explore. Except they did not vanish. They were just moved into a deeper portion of her brain. Then the light went deeper.Down in her mind, a layer at a time, everything considered unnecessary was methodically moved. Amy couldn’t even fight it. The little part of her not utterly overwhelmed had the dim and distant feeling of being slowly and surely diminished, but could do nothing about it. Soon, that little part moved as well.By the time the headset folded away again, what had been Amy was now something else. She looked like a dumb slut, but her active mind at that moment was a blank and empty slate. She stared ahead, eyes half-lidded, totally receptive. She was still in there somewhere fully aware of her surroundings but no control over her changed body. She would be no more than a passenger in her body for the rest of her life, never to be identified as Amy ever again. For all intents and purposes the woman known to the world as Amy had effectively disappeared. “[ready for baseline programming; upload]”A secondary headset - slimmer than the previous heavy-duty one - came down and clamped onto the front of Amy’s face, covering her eyes. High-intensity information streams shot out straight into her brain, tightly-packed information of her new role unfolded in the empty space that had been left there.She was Dolly Unit #4565She was made to serve She was docile and obedient She was designed to provide pleasureShe was meant to be reprogrammed and rewrittenThis was the very baseline programming for all Dolly Units, all subsequent programming was up to higher authorities than the control system; it was just here to get them to this level. Unit #4565 was set gently on the ground off to one side as the arms withdrew, the naked Doll Unit swaying drunkenly in place as shaky legs took its now rather top-heavy weight.Her friends tried calling Amy’s name to get her to help them but she just stood there as if she did not hear them. She heard them and could see them but Dolly Unit #4565 did not move. It was then that the arms holding Lucy moved taking Lucy with them. She was taken to the center of the conversion area where two more arms reached out and grabbed her ankles. Amy could still see Lucy. Having watched what was done to Amy, Lucy knew it was futile but she struggled any way. She felt her head being clamped into place. She felt her clothes being cut off. She felt the bar press against her back and felt the bar penetrate her ass. She then felt herself being gently but firmly pulled until she was spread eagle with everything on merciless display to her friends. She knew what was next but still flinched when she felt the arms mercilessly remove every hair from her body. Further nozzles went to her head and, from the roots upwards, turned her blinding, platinum blonde. She too felt herself being sterilized. She briefly wondered if her small, almost unnoticeable breasts would get enlarged as well. She did not have to wait long as she felt the pipes attach themselves to her breasts. She was able to watch as they grew with no signs of stopping. They ended up being as large as Amy’s new tits. Lucy did not like them at all. The scanning arm then approached her face. She knew that it was futile to look away. The headset then clamped onto her face and pushed Lucy into the back of her brain making her a passenger as well. The second headset replaced the first. She now became Dolly Unit #4566. She was then placed next to Dolly Unit #4565.It was during Lucy’s conversion that Susan arrived in the alcove with four female police officers with her. She had actually called the police to go in with her not knowing what she was going to find. The police department sent out four female officers. They walked into the alcove just as Dolly Unit #4566 was placed on the ground and Kendra was being moved into the conversion area. Susan has been told by her boss to always carry her company ID when visiting this site. She went to the console while the officers went to the three woman still hanging. Before they knew what was happening, the machine had grabbed both wrists of all four officers and hung them in line behind Rebecca. None of them still had their guns drawn, they had all holstered them before approaching the women. Now they could not reach them. Susan had seen the arms capture the four officers and place them in line with the two remaining suspended women. She watched as the one in the conversion area had her clothing cut off. She figured the two standing had started out normal but had been changed by the machine. Her boss had told her just after he had hired her that her company ID card would allow her access to almost any machine so she inserted into the slot in the machine and watched the screen. “[badge accepted, new command]”She quickly typed in “[stop machine]”“[command not recognized]”She tried again “[stop conversion]”“[ALL SUBJECTS MUST BE PROCESSED, NO EXCEPTIONS]”By this time Kendra’s flaws had been fixed and all body hair had been removed. In fact she was in the process of being sterilized. Susan had always been a fast runner. She realized she could do nothing to help these poor women, but she also knew that she could not stay here and watch them all get changed. So she did the only thing she felt she could do, she ran as hard as she could out of the alcove and back down the corridor. She realized part way up the corridor that she had not retrieved her ID from the machine. She thought about going back for it, but a quick glance over her shoulder convinced her not to. There were two arms trying to get her. She redoubled her running. She made it to the inside door to find that it had gotten shut. She would have to stop and open it. She had it open and was through it and was pulling it shut when one of the arms slipped through the opening and locked onto her wrist. The other arm came though the opening and locked onto her other wrist. She was caught. The arms started dragging her back down the corridor. Kendra had watched Amy and Lucy get changed but she was unprepared for the sensations of the conversion. She became Dolly Unit #4567. By the time Susan was drug back into the alcove, Dolly Unit #4567 was just getting the last of her base programming. Susan joined the line of hung women just as Dolly Unit #4567 was being set back on the ground and Lauren was being moved into the conversion area. Lauren would become Dolly Unit #4568. Both Lauren and Kendra had fought the conversion to no success. Rebecca had watched her friends go through the conversion process and knew that struggle was futile. She realized that she was going to be converted as well and that she would be able to do absolutely nothing about it. She wished she had missed the door like her friends had. She figured that she deserved the conversion since she was the one that had found the door that led them to being turned into living dolls. Needless to say, when it came her turn, she did not struggle she just let it happen. She became Dolly Unit #4569. The four officers had watched the last three conversions. They each had realized that they would be getting changed to. However when Monica started being moved towards the conversion area, she started to panic a little. By the time her clothes had been cut away and she was on full display to everyone, she was really freaking out. That did not last long however that did not last long as she had her faults corrected, sterilized, and reprogrammed. She became Dolly Unit #4570. As she was moved out, Kayla was moved in. She had watched others get changed and she knew her change was inevitable. How everyone she was not prepared for the sensations she would feel during her conversion. She became Dolly Unit #4571. Kristen soon found herself in the conversion area. She knew that her conversion was not something she could stop. She had never been the type that would fear what she could not control. So she accepted that she would be changed and did not struggle. However when it came time for her reprogramming and she realized that she would become nothing more than a passenger in her own body she freaked out. She became Dolly Unit #4572. As Dolly Unit #4572 was being set down, Kami was moved into the conversion area. Steven also walked into the alcove at that time. He looked over at the Dolly Units. He nodded his approval at the Dolly Units. He then saw Kami hanging in the conversion area. He walked over to her. The machine stopped working on her. He told her that he was sorry she was getting converted but that she could rest assured that she would sell quickly and for a good amount. He then went over to Susan. He explained that she would not have the Dolly conversion done to her. She would be reprogrammed just enough to make her completely compliant to him. She would become his. Ever since she had turned him down for a date a year ago, he wanted her even more. He had in fact reprogrammed her ID badge so that the machine would reprogram her if she was ever in the room with it.By this time Kami’s flaws had been corrected and was in the process of being sterilized. She soon became Dolly Unit #4573. Susan has watched enough of the conversions to know that Kami was fully converted into a Dolly Unit. She watched as the last headset lifted off of Dolly Unit #4573, knowing that her own conversion would be happening in just a few seconds. Sure enough as Dolly Unit #4573 was moved out of the conversion area, she was moved in. Since Steven had told her that she would just be reprogrammed, she did not think she would have her clothes removed. She was also not prepared when the machine grabbed her ankles and pulled her into a spread eagle position. Then there was nothing for a few seconds. All of a sudden she felt a probe touch her slit and then slip inside of her. She knew that she was about to be sterilized. Apparently Steven wanted to be able to fuck her without the possibility of her getting pregnant. As soon as she was sterilized and the probe pulled out of her, the headset latches onto her head. She was surprised when her entire mind was pushed to the back of her brain. She was then copied back into her active mind, except it was not an exact copy. The copy was her but her independent attitude was gone. The copy was so loyal to Steven that she would do anything he told her to do. She was now his property. Original Susan would be nothing more than a passenger to slave Susan for the rest of their combined life. She would be able to see, feel, hear, and taste anything that slave Susan saw, felt, heard, and tasted but would have absolutely no control over their body.As for the Dolly Units, they were sold all over the world. No two of them were kept together. Steven made half a mil on each one of them. Actually all were sold except for Dolly Unit #4565. That one he kept for himself. -- source link
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