“May you my owner live in continuous wellbeing / Free of any worry / May you spend all your da
“May you my owner live in continuous wellbeing / Free of any worry / May you spend all your days in prosperity / With blessings, pleasures and bounty / Enjoying happiness that has no end, / In complete felicity, glory and good fortune / Drink and thank the…” Dish, ca. 1345–1360, Egypt or Syria, Brass; inlaid with silver and gold, H. 1.5 in (3.8 cm) x Diam. 11.4 in (29 cm), Metropolitan Museum of Art, Purchase, James and Diane Burke Gift, in honor of Dr. Marilyn Jenkins-Madina, 2014, Accession Number: 2014.589 -- source link
#wellwishes#blessings#islamic calligraphy#artandyoga#yogaandart#metropolitanmuseumofart