rxbbits: My contribution to the Trans-Affirming Magical Care zine, that was put together by @alexlco

rxbbits: My contribution to the Trans-Affirming Magical Care zine, that was put together by @alexlco
rxbbits: My contribution to the Trans-Affirming Magical Care zine, that was put together by @alexlco
rxbbits: My contribution to the Trans-Affirming Magical Care zine, that was put together by @alexlco
rxbbits: My contribution to the Trans-Affirming Magical Care zine, that was put together by @alexlco
rxbbits: My contribution to the Trans-Affirming Magical Care zine, that was put together by @alexlco
rxbbits: My contribution to the Trans-Affirming Magical Care zine, that was put together by @alexlco