sheakspaere: hello fello ozians, it’s me carol!!!!1! so, i justed hit 1,000 followers, and it
sheakspaere: hello fello ozians, it’s me carol!!!!1! so, i justed hit 1,000 followers, and it may be not much for most of you, but i’m so excited!!! so i changed my username, as you guys may have noticed. so everettcrss is no longer everettcrss. okay???okay.! and…i decided to do my first follow forever, yay!!!! (and I know this is friday only stuff, but whateve) so here we go.! [favorites are bold] a-d @adriansydney @alexanderhamllton @alpharesco @anastasiatremaine @andersub @animations-daily @anthaeia @arnyastark @aslyium @aubrieta@baetle@s @baskervielle @beatrixfranklins @bensolcs @billielord @bleuczerny @bllankrose @blomskilist @blowsargent @bolkonsky @bonnibels @bootleq @britainashfords @brittanacedes @broadwayreprise @brookdavis @burrculesmulligan @burrsur @buzzfeeeds @carlscrib @centralperksource @chewbaacca @christianbcrle @clairertemple @clarietemple @clarkegiffrin @connorwalshgifs @conzyricamora @crisswatson @cruciatuz @cryingbabying @daenerysn @daftorpunk @daillyshameless @dailyahs @dailyleamichele @dailylit @dailymelanie @dailyphillipasoo @dailywomen @dameronfinn @danahscott @darlene-alderson @darrenccriss @darrencrissen @darrenncriss @disneyfeverdaily @drrncrss e-j @elderfabulous @elevenwheeler @elizabthturner @elizaschulyers @facinaoris @friendsgifs @fruitdiamond @fybeccatobin @gallavich @getawaywithgifs @goddessesdaily @graceburgess @graintgustin @groff-sauce @groffmichele @halfblooder @hamiltonsource @hamlinton @hcathledger @heartious @hirohamadas @htgawmdaily @htgawmsource @hvitsark @iamagallagher @iangullugher @illilluminate @isabelleligthwood @itscinema @itsdisney @jasminecepha @jennaush @jeromevaleskr @jgroffdaily @jodiefoster @jonathanvyers @julietcapulaet k-r @kaatemckinnon @katiebells @kla1ne @kpfun @ladiesnetwork @lafcyettes @laflams @lastisle @linnamonbuns @lolbatri @margorobbie @martinezdaily @marybolkonskyy @marykorns @maryswoodhull @matthewsmurdcks @matttmurrdock @mendelstrina @michael-arden @michaelcera @milliebobby @moanasz @mythohs @nadiea @noelsfisher @nowandevermore @ohscreamqueens @parcellkenneths @pctter @phillipaso @poisonyvi @prairienina @pvedameron @r-chelberry @racetrak @raevnclaw @raphunzels @ravnsclaw @rhileymatthews @rinsuella s-z @s8gif @sancriss @schuylerselizas @schuylersis @sense8daily @sense8sgifs @seriesdaily @sirxusblack @storyoftonight @strangersource @sydneylucas @teamstarkidnetwork @teenernst @theatregraphics @thschuylers @tirpse @tragedysins @vonnegxt @wesandresons @wickedtown @woahnoel @zlladay -- source link