wordtodark: pretty-in-black-hoe:africanmelanin:sorry-im-hot:africanmelanin:jackieruse:afri
wordtodark: pretty-in-black-hoe: africanmelanin: sorry-im-hot: africanmelanin: jackieruse: africanmelanin: donttrustthesebutterflies: whatwhiteswillneverknow: deusbex: sorry-im-hot: What is this? Tumblr uses the excuse “you can’t be racist to white people!” to completely trash them. Then when a white person says anything about it, or asks them to stop, someone tells them “you can’t be racist to whites” like ???? Pretty much. Seriously. Where is it… Lmfao. Tumblr uses the most searched terms, like google, to display what it does. It finishes searches based on “The most common terms”. In other words, to put it quiet simply, People all over the world, every other race, the whole entire world on tumblr, do not like white people, Sorry. But what did you want them to put? “White people are kind?, “White people are nice?” “White people are the best”, lmao, white people are out there destroying nations murdering whole countries, Stealing the culture of every POC while practicing the little to no culture they have, stealing identification of whole countries cultural appropriating. Sure there are some of you who “Are kind and nice”, but even in that very small percentage, 95% of that small percentage Do Not Care and try to avoid the problems their people cause in the world, which makes a very very very huge part of the problem.. Black people are magic, because after you murdered them and continue to murder their continent and countries, and steal their styles and bite off their entire culture, they still manage to shine twice as hard working twice as hard as you to get half of what you have. Everything listed up there, is what the world thinks of you, and unlike you, they didn’t make up the insults from thin air like this is a roast session, like the insults white people do to protect themselves and retaliate to someone calling them those things, again to put it simply, it’s what everyone on tumblr calls white people, because it’s what white people are. ^^^^^^^ This. Don’t be like the guy who says “not all men” when women speak ill of men, OP. “White people are…” gets awful suggested results on tumblr for good reason. Instead of saying “hey, racism/bigotry!” the first impulse when you see those search results should be something like, “shit, there must be a problem here if so many people all over the world are calling this out…what can I do, if anything? How can I educate myself further about this? Why are people really ‘trashing’ white people, where does that pain/anger stem from, what can I do about it, if anything?” It might make you slightly uncomfortable to do that, but it’s important that you do, and you continue to. I don’t know you, OP, I don’t know how much work you’ve already put in to that, to educating yourself, but I do know that the work never ends; it’s a life-long commitment. ^^^^^ THAT is a white Ally. Queen Mayonaise OP out here reblogged something different implying she’s an ally and that “Posts like this”, (Which isn’t even a post made by people they’re just literally what people think of you like what…) are hurtful and “Push allies away”. Sorry Paste queen, you are not an ally. You are are someone who’s passing by and got her feelings hurt. And decided to make a post “Guys this is so hurtful, is this what you really think of us? Now I’m not too happy about that how can I be of help to you now :(( I’m a nice person?? :((”. Jackie knows that there are problems in the world, and she understands why, what she does is say “Okay, they’re right, if my people were dying like that at an incredible rate I’d say the same things tbh, instead of being a cryin ass baby, what can I do to help them, do my best to gradually lower these instances so we’re not hated.” Thank you Jackie, you’re a great person, and a great Ally Jackie. As for you Hemorrhoid cream, do better. Being a bitch to me isn’t going to make me want to even listen to your opinions, much less try and agree with them. How is calling me things like “Hemorrhoid cream” “Queen Mayonnaise” (which, by the way, you only spelled with one ‘n’) and “Paste queen” make me want to support your cause? I’m willing to have a civilized conversation without 2nd grade name calling, but two can play a game. Lmaooo you mad af for no reason checking spellin mistakes online you musta felt so happy when you caught that lmao “YES HE SPELLED IT WITH ONE N I GOT HIM NOW YAS DAB” lmao, English is my third language, of the 6 I speak even better than english, which I just learned about 3 years ago. I’ve gotten this far, I think a few spelling mistakes, or as many mistakes as I want online is okay, thank you though professor. Btw, if you believe in Reverse Racism, you are automatically not an Ally. You’d love to call yourself one though, and lie to yourself and believe that you are. But you see someone set on fire, and your decision based on helping them, is whether or not they treat you nicely. You’re not going to wonder that their people have been murdered, tortured, killed, skinned, and that they’re still feeling their brothers and sisters getting killed all around them. They don’t know who to trust because once they trust, they get lied to. There are teachers, friends and cops that were shown to be in the KKK. But no. They NEED to trust for me to help them. No matter the circumstance. “They NEED to Show Love for some of us NO MATTER WHAT before I pour water on them stop the fire ancestors have set on them.” Them:“Are you stupid?? wtf please help me” you: Lol no YOU’RE STUPID HAHA you insulted me now I won’t help ;) burn bitch ;)”. It does NOT MATTER if they’re angry… You: “IF THEY SHOW ANY OF THAT ANGER I’LL LET THEM DIE.” Their anger is not from Racism, it’s from the occurrences of the past and what’s currently happening to them. 1% will not be shown complete love when 99% of you are killing us. You are not an ally. You are not an ally if you believe in reverse racism.And if a few of your “Black” friends believe in reverse racism they are on the team of the oppressor as they are oppressed, not our team. “Men ain’t shit! we need to stop all this raping! look at the statistics!” Men: Lol that’s sexist we were gonna help but now since your insult includes me sorry you can get raped too I won’t help lol haha YOU AIN’T SHIT! SINCE YOU INSULTED ME I’LL INSULT YOU TOO!” That’s how you sound. Just stop it, pimple cream princess, Just stop it. My response to a picture like that, as a man is: Where is the lie? Women I understand you, I understand what you go through and I will do my best to help you so we as men as a whole can become better. Again thank you Jackie, you are a true ally. You are automatically not an ally if you believe in reverse racism. This post and the clap back goes hard af Lmfaoooo Queen mayonnaise -- source link
Tumblr Blog : sorry-im-hot.tumblr.com