Greetings, I figured it rather rude of me to not introduce myself to you all after obtaining this bl
Greetings, I figured it rather rude of me to not introduce myself to you all after obtaining this blog from its previous owner, so I’d like to tell you all a little bit about my life, since I’ve only just now figured out how this confounded webcam works!My name is Gregory! I am 190cm, cis male (pronouns he/him), my favourite color is blue, and I’m a lucky friend of four unique individuals from Hell.While we’re all on rocky terms now that we’ve breached the surface, I believe we will find pleasant ground and regroup stronger than ever within the coming hours. I’ve created an image of them alongside myself for you all to see.Currently with me, residing within the previous owner of this blog’s household, are my two beloved friends Estella and Thomas. They are on either sides of me in the image shown above. While the other two have gone off to do whatever nonsense they wish to get themselves involved in, us three have decided to take a small retreat for the night. Right now, we find ourselves waiting for Thomas to revive his fatally wounded body after he had suffered a most unfortunate incident earlier in the night. This will be his first time reviving, so I find myself rather nervous awaiting this recovery. I can’t say it’s a very pleasant experience, but I hope that awakening to the familiar faces of his friends will help soften the experience for him.Now, you may be wondering, “Why on earth are you all on this weblog, when you do not even own the account it resides on?!” Or perhaps you are wondering why the previous owner has handed the rights over to me. The answer is simple. I let myself on.The previous owner of this blog– Craig Tucker– has become a thorn in my hindquarters, alongside the rest of his podunk friends. He’s unwittingly left his home computer on and logged into this silly little website, and I’ve decided to take advantage of this opportunity. He’s not said very nice things about my friends, and though I don’t expect any form of graciousness for myself, the hate he directs towards the others I find rather absurd.It has me wondering if his other friends have their own foolishly insipid weblogs of their own. Are they saying things about us in poor taste as well? What, pray tell, has someone like Thomas or even Tweek done to deserve such scorn, if so? If it is anything like the logs of Craig Tucker, they surely have met no mercy.Just to make this fair, though, and to show that I am a better owner of this “blog,” so Estella tells me it’s called, I have constructed another image. This time, of Craig and his friends. If I talk of them just as I talk of my friends, it is only right if I give them an artistic rendering as well, no?I ran out of room for the fat one, excuse his crudeness. However I feel as though I’ve granted him more justice than his appearance is worth. No matter– he’s been possibly the least of my worries out of the seven. It’s funny how things change over time. He was always much more troublesome as a kid than he seems as a young adult.As for the rest, they’re all far more irritating than when I last saw them. I’m fairly sure I smelled the devil’s lettuce on Stan Marsh when I confronted him earlier, which is hilarious. How low his life must have sank in the past several years…However, I don’t wish to ramble on about these fools. That is not my intent for this log. My intent here is to share with you all my face and presence, so you’re aware of the current state of your beloved Craig’s blog. Know that I am not about to suspend activity on this account, nor am I about to leave you all in the dark by discontinuing the steady flow of updates. I am sure some of you are a little miffed by the fact that this blog now has a new owner, but I am taking terrific care of it, and I would not disregard any complaints, if you have any to offer.I’ve noted that this blog has rather gained traction since my taking, actually. Once I figured out how this website worked, I found that the subscriber count had jumped from 15 people to 18 people. How enthralling! I hope my content continues to entertain you all.Expect more in the coming hours, as I will keep you updated on our current status, as well as share more of my friends stories with you all. Far better than the hate that has been spread on this blog thus far, right?This is Gregory Wolfgang Bellarose III, sending my “captain’s log” off to you. -- source link
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