workingitinportland:Alberta Williams, 1964-1989.I’m listening to this podcast @uglypics recommended
workingitinportland:Alberta Williams, 1964-1989.I’m listening to this podcast @uglypics recommended called Missing and murdered–different seasons focus on different mmiw. I’m on s1 and a cop just explained that he thinks ____ murdered Alberta but he thinks it was an accident; fun gone wrong (I believe fun gone wrong is a direct quote from the detective) and I just want to scream that fun doesn’t go wrong, not like that. It doesn’t end in sexual assault and death. Anything that ends in sexual assault and murder was never fun for one of the parties and that’s um that’s like the most key thing we need to change wrt how sexual assault is understood and seen and talked about: “FUN GONE WRONG” is a headache, not rape and murder. -- source link
#mmiw#ref#sexual assault