Guardian vs DemonThe Guardian could not believe the speed and the sheer power that this demon posses
Guardian vs DemonThe Guardian could not believe the speed and the sheer power that this demon possessed. Anissa looked so tiny and frail that Elsa severely underestimated her and now she was in extreme trouble. She actually never stood a chance, and now she would never be able to warn the other Guardians of this rogue demon. Elsa’s wings no longer would respond to her commands. Anissa had easily outflown her and somehow had managed to actually break Elsa’s armored wings. The only thing that protected her from the fall was her armored cyberskin, and that had been badly damaged in the fall. As she attempted to crawl to safety, slowly dragging her broken wings and useless armor across the ground, she heard the leathery rustle of Annisa’s demon wings descending for the killing blow and knew that this was the end. -- source link