On this day in history, 8th of June 1492, Elizabeth Woodville, queen consort of Edward IV, died at B
On this day in history, 8th of June 1492, Elizabeth Woodville, queen consort of Edward IV, died at Bermondsey Abbey aged about 55. The cause of her death is not known, it is commonly suggested however that her health was failing in the last year since she made her will on the 10th of April 1492. Like her predecessor Margaret of Anjou, Elizabeth apparently had little of value to leave at her death. We do not, however, know what comprised the “smale stufe and goodes” Elizabeth refers to; perhaps she had more comforts around her than is generally assumed.“ IN Dei nomine, Amen. The xth daie of Aprill, the yere of our Lord Gode Mcccclxxxxii. I Elisabeth by the grace of God Quene of England, late wif to the most victoroiuse Prince of blessed memorie Edward the Fourth, being of hole mynde, seying the worlde so traunsitorie, and no creature certayne whanne they shall departe frome hence, havyng Almyghty Gode fressh in mynde, in whome is all mercy and grace, bequeath my sowle into his handes, beseechyng him, of the same mercy, to accept it graciously, and oure blessed Lady Quene of comforte, and all the holy company of hevyn, to be good meanes for me. It’m, I bequeith my body to be buried with the bodie of my Lord at Windessore, according to the will of my saide Lorde and myne, without pompes entreing or costlie expensis donne thereabought. It’m, where I have no wordely goodes to do the Quene’s Grace, my derest doughter, a pleaser with, nether to reward any of my children, according to my hart and mynde, I besech Almyghty Gode to blisse here Grace, with all her noble issue, and with as good hart and mynde as is to me possible, I geve her Grace my blessing, and all the forsaide my children. It’m, I will that suche smale stufe and goodes that I have be disposed truly in the contentac’on of my dettes and for the helth of my sowle, as farre as they will extende. It’m, yf any of my bloode wille any of my saide stufe or goodes to me perteyning, I will that they have the prefermente before any other. And of this my present testament I make and ordeyne myne Executores, that is to sey, John Ingilby, Priour of the Chartour-house of Shene, William Sutton and Thomas Brente, Doctors. And I besech my said derest doughter, the Queue’s grace, and my sone Thomas, Marques Dorsett, to putte there good willes and help for the performans of this my testamente. In witnesse wherof, to this my present testament I have sett my seale, these witnesses, John Abbot of the monastry of Sainte Saviour of Bermondefley, and Benedictus Cun, Doctor of Fyfyk. Yeven the day and yere above said.”Elizabeth’s funeral, as she requested, was a modest one, and she was laid to rest beside Edward IV at St George’s Chapel, Windsor.Not only was Elizabeth Woodville the first commoner in centuries to become Queen of England, she was also the mother of the two princes in the Tower, the sister-in-law to Richard III, the grandmother of Henry VIII (and his older brother, Arthur to whom she stood as godmother), the great-grandmother of Mary I and Elizabeth I, and the great-grandmother to two beheaded queens, Mary, Queen of Scots and Lady Jane Grey. As grandmother to Henry VIII’s older sister Margaret, who wed the King of Scotland, Elizabeth Woodville’s blood infused the stuart line, and eventually wended it’s way through the Hanovers down to the current ruling family of England, the Windsors.X -- source link
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