My sister and I were on vacation with our husbands when we met Candace and her husband James, and Ta
My sister and I were on vacation with our husbands when we met Candace and her husband James, and Tash and her husband Brian. We hit it off at first, but soon we were in the old blonde v brunettes debate. It began to get a little heated when the men decided to ease it up by going for a round of golf.“Blonde’s get the better men, too”, Candace chipped. “Fuck off, bitch”, I responded. Tash chimed in. “I have an idea!”The bet was settled. Mine and my sisters husband would play golf against the blonde’s husbands. Winner duo and their wives would secure the losing duo and their wives as slaves for 24 hours.The blondes were ecstatic as our husbands returned, carrying their husbands clubs.My sister and her husband were claimed by Tash and Brian. It wa all giggles and smiles for them. Tash had my sister making out with her for Brian’s amusement. My sisters hand roamed over Tash’s legs while Tash’s hand caressed my sisters face. Brian slapped my sisters husband on the back. “Don’t worry, bro, I’m not gunna be a jerk. We’re gunna have a good time tonight”.Things weren’t so rosy for my husband and I. James had my husband lavish compliments on Candace. All about blondes being better. Telling her she was better than me. Telling her he loved her hair and thought she had the best legs ever. All the while, I had to make out with the blonde skank.As my sister and her foresome made their way to her hotel room, giggling and laughing, my husband and I were led to Candace and James’ room. They wasted no time having us strip for them, then stripping themselves. James looked down at us. “Your hubby here has something to tell you. And between each word, he’s going to kiss my alpha nuts”.“Ha ha”, Candace laughed. “You can kiss my feet between each word he says, bitch”, she taunted me.My husband, between kisses on James’ balls, spoke. “I. Couldn’t. Accept. Losing. So. I. Challenged. James. To. A. Double. Or. Nothing. Longest. Drive. Competition. I. Lost. And. Then. I. Lost. Again. And. Again. And. Again. And. Now. I’m. James’. Slave. For. 6. Months.”Candaces feet disappeared as she yelled “FUCK YES!”, jumping into James’ arms.My husband and I spent the night with our tongues wrapped around James’ toes as his bitchy blonde wife rode him over and over again.In the morning, my sister and her foresome watched on as my husband served his “Master” and his catty wife breakfast. She grinned at me as she ordered my husband to be her footrest. By the end of morning, he had given James his prized car, and had given the business he worked so hard for to James as well. I threw my wedding ring at him and stormed to our room.Hours later, they entered. My husband carrying a smirking Candace. My wedding ring glistening on her finger. He put her down as James sat on the couch. “Rub my mans feet”, she ordered my husband as she sat down next to him.I watched on. The leggy blonde admired my wedding ring and smirked at my husband rubbing her man’s feet. “See bitch, told you blonde’s were better!”Finally, I was ready to agree. I slinked off the bed onto my knees. I began to crawl toward her. Her grin widened.“Kiss my foot, bitch”, she laughed, extending her leg.Yes, Mistress Candace -- source link
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