It was a beautiful sunny day in the park where she had gone to have her lunch that day. A brief visi
It was a beautiful sunny day in the park where she had gone to have her lunch that day. A brief visit of bright warmth in the middle of the bitter cold of winter, She had found a place to eat and sat on the bench. Closing her eyes she tilted her head back feeling the sunshine, while she breathed in the fresh air Drinking in the sunshine, singing birds and the rustling of the leaves on the trees she was finding her internal peace She got a small chill down her spine, and instantly looked around, and realized there was a handsome man sitting across from her. A Yeti bag sat next to him. Like her he had on a warm overcoat and wore gloves. He smiled at her when their eyes met, he stood and walked over to the bench she was on and invited himself to sit with her while they eat. She had to admit, sharing a meal with another was very nice. Their conversation was easy and relaxed. Strange since generally she was self conscious with men, since her track record leaned toward abysmal with relationships. Not that this was a relationship or even had a shot at it. But he made at ease, and gave her tingles in places buried deep inside. And to feel things that she thought long dormant that they never had a shot of being felt again. His voice was deep and held a commanding note, the type that real leaders, and strong men possessed. But when directed at her, it was like a long glorious massage relaxing her into his pull. He was like a magnet and she like a reactive metal irresistibly attracted to him. When she looked at wrist for the time, her sports-watch made her realize she had been an hour and a half at the park which seemed like only brief moments. It was not that she had a measured lunch break, in fact she rarely had lunch breaks at all, but she did need to rush as she had a deadline to meet before she could leave for the day,for the weekend. She tossed a part of her last carrot to a nearby squirrel who promptly sat at attention after retrieving it and ate hungrily. He also glanced at his watch and was startled when he realized how much time had passed.Like her, he wrote his own hours and had much left to be done before he was through for the day. But he did not want this to be then end of their visit.He mentioned a restaurant and said he would meet her there at 8:30. She had no time to respond before he was gone. She put the restaurant into her phone while she walked, and then committed the time to memory. It was not far from where she lived, yet she was unfamiliar with it. The afternoon found her project completed and she actually left on that Friday afternoon at a respectable time. Leaving her with enough time to take a long soak, and treat herself to a bath-bomb and Epsom salts, to remove the physical pains of the week’s stresses.Taking the time to shave closely everywhere, and then apply lotion. She enjoyed a cup of tea while selecting her clothes for the evening and applying her make-up. She had chose a Sheer dress with built in bra cups. making it appear to the eye that there was nothing on her shoulders. It was colorful like the day had been the dress had the appearance of a cascade of brilliant flashes of color overlapping one another and made her smile just looking at it..And it made her feel sexy like he had made her feel that afternoon. The bodice was tight while the skirt opened into an a-line. Allowing her curved body to become the shape of the dress. She would continue to wear her pashmina on her shoulders, but she wrapped it decoratively around her neck for warmth as she chose to walk to the nearby Italian restaurant. When she got to where the address should be, it was not there, and was dismayed until she smelled garlic, following the scent got her to the right place, it was actually in the alley while an art store seemed to be where the address should have been. She walked in five minutes early, and he was already seated, He stood immediately and helped her with her coat. The scarf was instantly a shall. There was a warm fire in an old fireplace and beautiful paintings on plaster walls which made it seem like they were actually in Italy.She instantly loved the place.The woman came to greet them warmly and told him it was good as always to see him. She told him that she would select for us tonight, if that was okay, We let her take out menus while they visited for a moment, and she left us. Nearly instantly a young man came to pour us a glass of Chianti, and brought bread warm from the oven. Our conversation was much as it had been in the park, and they were both deeply was disappointed when their meal had ended. He suggested going to a place for a nightcap while he helped her into her coat, Normally a no would have been instantly offered on her part. But the back of her mind which always screamed no in the past, seemed strangely quiet this evening. They took a cab to a large stately building. The bar was on a well lit corner. Without asking he ordered them the same drinks. Grand Marnie. She thought that she was being led to a seat as he placed his hand on the small of her back. Something which ordinarily she would have bristled at, but his touch seemed correct there. He led them into a large lobby looking area, for a large collection of corporate suites. The area was bright and would have been austere were it not warmly decorated with framed art which was in fact for sale. Each piece with a number, a price, and a phone number. They walked easily through the lobby looking at each of the pieces, their pace steady enough to see each one, until one in particular number 33, stopped her. It captivated her leaving a nostalgic lump in her throat, it looked so much like the coastal town she came from with a colorful harbor. Alive with bustling activity, the shore birds flying around and making themselves pests to all those who were off loading their catches of the day. Lobsters and crabs being dropped into wood crates while the fish were being removed by a large mechanical arm swinging the fish from the barge to a waiting truck, the large net holding the still active fish high in the air as it was moved slowly. The bright red barn looking building and the lighthouse in the background warmed her heart, while the colorful sunset at the opening of the bay’s mouth put a small tear in her eye. So much emotion from one image. She was not used to being so moved by a painting. Glancing at the price told her that she could never afford to own such a masterpiece, but she could savor this moment.. She was a little embarrassed when she realized her handsome friend was intently watching her instead of the painting, She rapidly flicked the tear from the corner of her eye and smiled up at him. This man made her feel like she had never felt before, excited and aroused, tingling in all the right places, and a hunger so unfamiliar and deep, she felt like she were floating on a cloud of happiness. Not wanting this evening to ever end. Things like this did not happen to her. And even if it is only for this tiny moment in time, she was grateful for it. He possessively guided her to a bank of elevators, placing a card key against the metal wall the doors sighed with a swish as they opened. She felt herself momentarily get dizzy with the speed of the elevator as it rapidly ascended. His arm wrapping protectively around her to steady her, holding on more tightly as if anticipating that moment when it stopped, when thee elevator seemed to jerk to a stop[ She looked into his eyes thankfully. He nodded to her in understanding. Removing their coats he hung them on a dark wood hall tree, with intricate carvings, some sort of crest looking a little like a Fleur-de-lis, but more Celtic.. She viewed it much the same as she had the art downstairs. with her full attention. This did not go unnoticed. He seemed to like that she took the time to enjoy what she found beautiful.He brought them a new drink in fresh glasses, and handed her one, telling her that if she wanted ice after tasting it, he would get it for her. Taking a sip it was deeply flavorful and in a second following the sip, warmed her all over. A large smile covered her face. Her eyes seemed to be dancing as she looked up to his face, which seemed as if they were only for her when they looked backIn her entire life, she knew she had not been looked at in this way. He made her feel sexy, wanted, and appreciated. But more, as if she could. be special She glanced at her wrist and the time displayed there, and was surprised at the late hour. She looked into his eyes, knowing she should leave. and really not wanting to end the night, or rather morning. He glanced at his watch and rather than a look of foreboding, he helped her to her feet and asked for assistance in the kitchen. She was grateful he did not seem to want this time together to end either.They fixed a tray of grapes apples slices, crackers and cheese, and he poured champagne.He lifted his glass and she followed and he toasted to a new friendship, their glasses clinked softly, a pretty sound like a soprano song rising softly to heaven. The taste was exquisite, not competing with the food for, but instead, a true compliment. Not sweet but more like the breath of a new day.He asked her when the last time she stayed up all night to watch the sunrise was. And in truth, she told him she never had. He leaned in, giving her a kiss on the forehead and said to her that this evening she would do exactly that. His simple gesture made her realize, that her thighs were slick with her own excrement for this man. The good girl who waits always for after the third date to go there, had already gone to that place in her mind where if asked she would say yes. She felt herself blush and looked down to her shoes, and back into his eyes, he gave her a hug in response to her momentary embarrassment. Nearly like he could read her mind.They rose from the chairs at the table where they now sat snacking he took her hand and led her to the balcony. It was enormous with outdoor furniture. She noticed a huge fireplace in the far corner that looked like a cooking fireplace. and a hot tub to her left Her attention went to horizon,and the rising sun. Growing up and In helping her father ready their boat every morning as a child she had silently welcomed the new day for years watching all the ways the day could start with all the different colors as the sun would rise. There was a sailors lore that on the perfectly clear days, something very rare could take place, and if you were fortunate enough to not blink in that exact instant, you could see this brilliant flash of green light explode across the horizon in an instant. It would happen in less than a tenth of a second. But they both saw it in the same instant, gasping in unison. It was surreal, and exciting. Oh how she wished her father was still alive so she could tell him about it. They turned to each other with excitement on their faces. They had just shared a special moment and there were no words for it. Instead of saying anything he took her in his arms, as if this was a sign for them, and deeply and passionately kissed her.She returned the kiss with a matched fervor to his. Taking her hand, he led her back in, and electronically closed the glass and the light shades. His hands cupped her face, and he kissed her again more demanding and insistent. He ended the kiss, and quickly led her to his enormous bedroom. He left her in the room for a moment alone. While her attention went briefly to the four poster bed in the center of the room. The king sized bed seeming small based on the size of the room. She then walked over to see a black and white photo framed over the dresser. It was exquisite like the painting of the harbor downstairs in the lobby. She was looking at a large majestic building with amazing architectural details appearing both mid-evil and modern at once. It was taken from the point of view of a bridge, the top of the building seemed to just disappear into the clouds. She was unaware how long she stood there taking in each tiny detail of the photo. In fact she was so focused on the photo she nearly screamed when he asked her what she thought of it. Laughing at herself, she answered his question letting him know that it felt so much like she were there, that she could nearly smell the damp fertile soil on the banks of the river to the right of the building, and feel the mist on her cheeks. He shared that when he saw the photo after taking it, that was his thought, and how it earned a frame and wall space. She was surprised to learn he had taken it, and agreed it needed a frame. She asked him if he were a photographer and he said only an amateur but it was a passion. His finger traced a meandering design down her arm. causing more tingles and aches of desire. He was standing behind her and when she leaned her head back his hand gently encircled her neck his thumb moving up and down her neck in slow sensual circles,His low voice rumbled in her ear, while his breath gave her chills as he told her he wanted her. Her knees went weak the second he said it. He steadied her by gripping her shoulders, and softly bit her neck. He spun her around and told her to present herself. She looked at him, uncertain of what he meant but she did feel certain that may mean he wanted to see more of her, as she wanted to see more of him as well. She placed her index finger under the fabric of her dress, and slowly pushed it off her shoulder on each side. She then slipped it down further,exposing her large firm breasts, and slowly slipped the dress down her hips. When it got to her knees she let it fall to the floor in a circle of color. He reached his hand out and helped her to stand out of the dress. She could smell his man scent strongly now. And wanted him in her. She stood before him, in a garter belt, holding black stockings. and heels.He thighs were glossy with her desire of him. He told her to place her hands behind her head, knitting her fingers together, so he could see her, as she was meant to be seen. Never had she been told to do this, nor had she even considered it. But without question she did as he had said to do. It made her feel as if they were the only two people in the world, and his eyes, drinking her in was the most natural thing in the world. He went around her three times, and then stopped, reaching out he pinched a pointed pink nipple. Twisting and pulling hard. She gasped and began to lower her arms, and he simply touched one elbow and her arm went back into position. He told her she was a good girl, he walked behind her and touched her bum lightly, inside she began to quiver with need. It became an effort to stand this way. He then stood in front of her, and reached between her legs, touching the small hard nub of her clit, he rubbed up and down softly, she bit her lip while he touched her. He reached back further, scooping up her wetness with two fingers, he licked it from his fingers, and scooped a bit more, placing his fingers in front of her lips she opened her mouth and instantly sucked his fingers. continuing to do so, as if it were his cock, teasing with her tongue and sucking. He told her again that she was a good girl He pushed her backward toward the bed inviting her to sit While he removed his shirt he invited her to undo his pants. She took the buttons and opened them both, and pulled the cool metal of the zipper downward. With the zipper down, she pulled the slacks down over his hips revealing an enormous bulge in a pair of silk boxers. She let her fingers trace his largeness through the silk and looking up, he nodded indicating that she should also remove them. She slipped her fingers into the band of the boxers and slowly removed them and jumped a little as is cock jumped out of them. It was already throbbing and she had not yet touched him. He invited her to do as she wished with his cock to please him. She sank to her knees feeling the texture of her stockings cut into her knees. His scent was overwhelmingly intoxicating. She gave a long lick from his scrotum to the slit at the top of his cock, and taking him in one hand moved her hand up and down while her tongue circled the top rim of his large cock. The blue shade of tip of his cock let her know that he was very close, and she had only just started. She took the time to trace the rim of his hood with the tip of her tongue. And reached between her legs scooping her own juices to lubricate his shaft. she fondled his hard balls with one hand and stroked with the other hand, and without any warning, took him completely into her mouth, and into her throat, she opened widely and tied desperately to not gag, She began to suck his cock and move her hands up and down on his shaft. He stopped her, she wanted his cum, but he had stopped her. He helped her to the bed and ordered her to spread her legs, she did so and he began to play with her soaking wetness, teasing her with the tip of his cock going in a little and then rubbing himself up and down. He told her to reach above her head and to find one of the condoms he had placed there, to open one and place it on him. she did as he asked, used her lips and mouth to roll the condom down his shaft after she had it centered . He groaned as she did this. He told her she was the best part of naughty, and instantly had her turn over and he had her on all four, slapping her ass, and pushing into her pussy at the same time. Crying out he told her she was so tight and he stopped moving , her pussy was spasming on his hardness. She was so close to cumming that when he yelled cum, it was instant, They came together. and collapsed. Soon he flipped her over and explored her body with his tongue, nibbling and sucking and teasing he made her cum for him at least another four times. At some point he went to get them water, and insisted that she drink. She tried to touch him and he held her arms and told her there would be time enough for that again, but he wanted them to bathe and sleep a little. He also suggested that she cancel any plans she may have for the next two days. It was not exactly discussed in traditional terms. But it was agreed that she would become his. and he hers. While she was not familiar yet with what he was his dominance was clear enough to understand, and she really liked that. During the next two days he covered what he hoped they could be for one another. And highlighted how things could be for them both. He told her at one point in the park, he knew in his heart, that she would say yes to his wishes. He had no questions as to whether they could work, and she shared, that he little voice inside that stopped her from everything was silent. As if it had been always waiting for him.But they both agreed, when the green flashed across the horizon, it was if they were both being told, that this was it. She had shared the folk lore she had grown up with, and after revealing that she told him that she would like to think that it was how her dad was telling her, that he was the man for her, and he had her dad’s blessings from beyond. Trish Nielson ○ -- source link
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