Spider-Woman CostumeJessica Drew, or known as Spider-Woman, is up and ready to fight the good fight!
Spider-Woman CostumeJessica Drew, or known as Spider-Woman, is up and ready to fight the good fight! I’ve been sitting on this costume for awhile, but thanks to a message in my inbox, I’ve decided to go ahead and release it.Full outfit categoryOne colorRandom disabledClick here to download her spider-gogglesWARNING:1. This is a full skin outfit, which means any gloves or shoes worn will be covered by the costume and may look distorted depending on the mesh. I recommend NOT having your Sim wear shoes or gloves.2. Certain hairs will also interfere with the costume. I wanted the scalp to be covered by the costume in case you wanted your sim to be bald, but that also means SOME hairs will gain the costume’s red coloring and texture.Download here! (SimFileShare) -- source link