captainfanoftheceiling:aspiderperday:ralfmaximus:parentheticalreference:ralfmaximus: papasmoke:pooba
captainfanoftheceiling:aspiderperday:ralfmaximus:parentheticalreference:ralfmaximus: papasmoke:poobahpanda:papasmoke: FDA Commissioner Scott Gottlieb took a brave stand against Big Government today by cutting the regulations that stopped corporations from putting rat shit, sawdust, and rotten fruit into their shitty frozen pies. this is about getting rid of nitpicky regulations that said you have to have a certain amount of fruit and no artificial sweeteners. these regulations only applied to frozen cherry pie products, not other kinds of pies or cherry pies that arent frozen. its not like the FDA suddenly turns a blind eye if Sara Lee is filling your cherry pies with rat poop and sawdust. These regulations were specifically created by the FDA because corporations were filling their frozen cherry pies with rotten shitty fruit that made people sick. The regulation, which also required companies to ensure that their food actually looked like what was on the fucking packaging, was part of a broader regulatory push in the 70′s to stop food companies from (yes literally) letting mouse shit and insect parts contaminate their food. Every building that stores or processes food has a pest problem and corporations will let that shit fester if they’re allowed just so they can save money. The removal of this regulation would put companies on an honor system where the FDA accepts in good faith that companies will not cut corners at every opportunity.Just like the creation of these regulations was part of a broader push to try to modestly increase the quality of daily human life in this shit-hole country, the removal of them is part of a broader long-term push by the ruling class to maximize profit and shield themselves from being held responsible for (yes literally) filling your food with rotten fruit, rat shit, and sawdust.Sara Lee’s not gonna fuck you. ^^This. I spent over 15 years writing software for environmental & public health agencies – the people who perform safety inspections on restaurants & industrial kitchens – and lemme tell ya… I’ve seen some shit.There are certain foods I have to avoid to this day, certain styles of restaurant I will not enter. You would not BELIEVE what unscrupulous business owners (or just plain idiots) try to get away with, and how much they do get away with simply because there’s not enough inspectors to keep them honest.So when I see Trump sycophant Scott Gottlieb MD crowing about deregulating frozen food? I can already imagine the shortcuts an industrial kitchen will take to save money.Because I’ve already seen it. My pre-research instinct is “both right”. We need food safety regulations, we may not have enough food safety regulations or enforcement, and this particular regulation may not have been making any meaningful contribution to food safety and thus should be removed. Keep in mind: every single food safety law came about because of an incident where somebody got sick or died.Every. Single. One.The idea that meddlesome bureaucrats sit around thinking up stupid food regulations is a myth, perpetrated by corporate lobbyists who consider consumer safety an impediment to profit. To everyone who’s like “uh sounds fake,” haven’t you noticed that the rate of people getting salmonella and other diseases skyrocketed after regulations were cut on fresh produce? I’m trying to say this in the nicest way possible, but there’s really only one way to say it: corporations are not your friends. Corporations will cut every corner if it means saving one single dime. Mouse problem? They’ll tell their workers to “try to keep the mice out of the food.” Food contaminated by pig shit? Can’t throw it away! It’s a waste of money! Just give it an extra wash!When regulations are cut, people get sick. Because NO CORPORATION IS EVER GOING TO DO WHAT’S RIGHT if it’s not cost effective!Shut the fuck up and read The Jungle for god’s sake. You know that joke we make about every warning label is because someone sued? Well every regulatory agency exists because companies killed multiple people. Snake-oil salesmen are from the time before the FDA when you could just sell what you want and claim is cured cancer, the FDA actually tested all those things people were selling by the roadside when they formed and found a lot of alcohol mixed with cocaine, which would lead to a fun time but not useful against ulcers, cancer, diabetes, etc. We have painstakingly defined what milk is because people would sell water with some form of coloring in it. Ever looked at low fat milk ingredients and seen that the nutrients are the same as whole milk? That is because the federal government requires them to put fat soluble nutrients (like vitamins) back in when they remove the fat. If you want milk to contain the vitamins and nutrients you expect from milk even when low fat we need to actually make companies do that because it costs money and companies do not add costs out of the kindness of their hearts they do it because we make them with regulations. Does everyone remember the panic a few years ago when people found out there was an allowable percentage of insects in chocolate bars? We made that rule because if you do not make a rule the allowable amount of insect bodies in chocolate is whatever they can get away with while selling chocolate. You know the labels that tell people peanuts are in there? That is the FDA preventing people from having unexpected exposure to allergens and possibly dying.As to the argument about needing to balance cost of regulations on businesses when making new ones or setting allowable levels? That is already in the founding laws of every regulatory agency in the United States. You think Ronald Reagan signed the creation of the EPA and did not make sure they considered profits when regulating? -- source link