annesmiless: // BEDTIME YOGA After a long and hard day at work, school or maybe at the gym a bit of
annesmiless: // BEDTIME YOGA After a long and hard day at work, school or maybe at the gym a bit of stretching can be nice way to gear down for the night and get ready to sleep. Yoga can help you do that by calming your mind and relieving tension in your body. In this post I’ll share my 5 favourite bedtime yoga poses with you ☺ Remember, that these are restorative yoga poses that is meant to make you feel relaxed, so don’t push yourself too hard. You can stay in the poses as long as you want to if that’s what you feel for. Keep focusing on your breathing throughout the session, and remember to enjoy it! ♡ One legged king pigeon with forward fold // Eka Pada Rajakapotasana II This is one of my all-time favourite poses. Since it’s quite relaxing and can be done in a bed, I naturally had to include it.Move into the pose by start on all fours and bring your left knee forward, placing it next to the inside of your left hand. Extend your right leg back and gently lower your hips. Slowly walk your hands forward and lower your upper body on to your left leg. This stretch can be quite intense, so don’t lower yourself all the way down if you’re not ready ☺ (See the pose on Yoga Benefits: A deep stretch for the hips Stretches the thighs, groin muscles and lower back Relaxes and calms the mind ♡ Seated side and forward stretch Sit up with your legs crossed and your arms raised overhead. As you exhale, bring your left forearm down to the floor on your left side and lean your torso over to the left. Keep your right arm up along your ear, and try to keep your chest open. Bend to the other side, then forward. (See the pose on Benefits: Stretches the side core muscles and shoulders Gently stretches the hips, knees and ankles ♡ Wind-relieving pose // Pavanamuktasana Time to lie down on your back in your bed. Draw one of your knees to your chest as you exhale and gently hug it. Keep your other leg straight. (See the pose on Benefits: Stretches the lower back and hips Relaxes and calms the mind Helps releasing trapped gases from the digestive system ♡ Happy baby // Ananda Balasana I have to admit that this is partly one of my favourite poses because of its name - the thought of a cute little baby lying this way and giggling always makes me smile.Move into the pose by bringing your knees to your chest and reaching in between them to grasp the outside of your feet. Keep your legs separated and gently press your knees down towards the floor. (See the pose on Yoga Journal) Benefits Deeply stretches the hips, groin and lower back Calms the brain and helps relieve stress and fatigue ♡ Reclined twist // Jathra Parivartanasana Move into the post by extending your arms to the sides. Bend your knees and lift them to your chest with your core, then gentle bring them down to one of the sides. To intensify the stretch, turn your head in the opposite direction of your knees. (See the pose on Benefits: Twisting massages the abdominal organs and has a positive effect on your digestive system Stretches the chest, core and muscles along the spine. I am by no means a yoga expert, or even just a talented yogi, but I like doing yoga. I tried my best to figure out the correct names of these poses in English as well as Sanskrit, but if I’ve made any mistakes, please let me know so I can fix it. Your turn How do you relax and settle in for a good night’s sleep? What is your favorite yoga poses that can be done in bed? Sweet dreams, Blog // Mail // Instagram Read More -- source link