officialmacgyver:guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man: officialmacgyver:guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man
officialmacgyver:guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man: officialmacgyver:guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man: officialmacgyver:guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man: officialmacgyver:guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man: officialmacgyver:guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man: officialmacgyver:guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man: officialmacgyver:guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man: officialmacgyver:guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man: officialmacgyver: guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man: officialmacgyver:guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man: officialmacgyver:guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man: officialmacgyver:guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man:officialmacgyver:guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man:officialmacgyver:guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man:gsirvator:guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man:gsirvator:guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man: gsirvator:guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man: gsirvator:guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man:gsirvator:guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man:disgruntled-foreign-patriarch:cyan-opinions: disgruntled-foreign-patriarch: cyan-opinions: guaranteed-eternal-sanctuary-man:@cyan-opinions @yimra @libertarianblue fucking answer for this Why is it my responsibility to account for the actions of a stranger I’ve never interacted with? What exactly do you want me to do, tell his mom on him? If someone brings their own bullshit to me I can respond to it as I see fit. I’m not a circus monkey and I’m not gonna perform the “go scream at anyone you tell me to” trick on command to appease you, also a complete stranger to me. Please grow the fuck up and attend to your own business, as I do to mine. what the fuck??¿ “answer for this”. The complete entitled AUDACITY And then they proceed to threaten me with murder if I don’t obey them. Not that they’ll kill me, but some nebulous group of anti LGBT people will find me and kill me bc *rereads post* I don’t support grooming children. Hey add me to the kill list. I don’t support creeps grooming innocent children either! how bout when parents or preachers do it? did you actually read the screenshots or do you think im hysterical because i care too much and that nothing i say is of value? The bill doesn’t say what you claim it does, it makes no distinction between hetero or homosexual grooming, it makes both illegal for grooming is grooming, and yes, I’ve read what you’ve written, you’re acting like a hysterical loon, creating strawmen to attack rather than steelmanning your opposition.Choosing to not teach kindergarteners to kids in grade 3 about sexuality, sexual orientation and gender theory is not promoting girls and boys to become walking wombs and savage warriors, you walking hyperbole.Yes, Pedophiles will say whatever they can to continue to groom kids, such as Florida schools transitioning children behind their parents backs, even providing hormone therapy, others teaching the kids that their parents shouldn’t be trusted and that the children shouldn’t inform their parents what they’re being taught in school.Grooming isn’t just sexual, it’s ideological as you’ve stated by pointing out the Christians, however cultural indoctrination isn’t quite the same as Ideological indoctrination, but I agree many religions can be overzealous in their efforts, but that isn’t restricted to Christians alone, for instance this is why I also refer to the anti CRT bills as anti groomer bills as they oppose ideological grooming.This Bill is a good thing, it ensures parental rights and opposes Ideological and Sexual groomers. anybody who raises a child to share their ideological beliefs is a groomer, got it.PARENTING IS GROOMING. TEACHING IS GROOMING. ADULTS HAVING CONTROL OVER THE BELIEFS OF CHILDREN IS GROOMING! EVERY CHILD MUST INVENT THEIR OWN REALITY AND ADULTS SHOULD BEND TO MEET THEM. WE AGREE. Incorrect, grooming is defined as building a false relationship of trust or an emotional connection with another person so they can be manipulated, exploited and/or abused.People who are groomed can be sexually abused, exploited, or trafficked. Anybody can be a groomer, no matter their age, sex, or race. Grooming can take place over a short or long period of time – from weeks to years. Groomers may also build a relationship with the person’s family or friends to make them seem trustworthy or authoritative. However there is a stark difference between the natural bonds of family and the bonds formed through grooming, but you go ahead, continue to strawman, it makes you seem oh so much more competent and certainly not unhinged at all. family is better than nothing but if you have no good solution to the conservative daughterfucker epidemic i can only assume you are a conservative daughterfucker or have daughterfucker friends. Family is the foundation of a healthy life, again, you’re asserting a strawman to attack rather than steelmanning the opposition, you loon. how do we stop the daughterfuckers? how do we stop the childbeaters pushing “parents rights”? why am i supposed to trust that people like you aren’t covering for each other and deflecting from criticism? why should victims of parental abuse have to shut up and listen to your bullshit scapegoating? Sir, you’re acting as if they’re the majority and not the vast minority, even then you’re still pushing a strawman to attack, yes and why shouldn’t I assume you’re a groomer yourself because of how adamant you are to misrepresent those opposed to grooming? This isn’t scapegoating but you are fear mongering. pedophiles are a minority but that wont stop the overbroad measures and collective punishment that the right loves so much. this outrage is because a part of the bill is worded poorly and could be used maliciously, but i can no longer explain that without being labelled a molester. Yes, Pedophiles are a Minority, note however I did not state the Bill was aimed at just Pedophiles, but all forms of Grooming related to education about sexuality, sexual orientation and gender ideology, though as you’ve demonstrated you don’t steelman anyone’s arguments or positions.This isn’t collective punishment, this is punishment of teachers who groom, no the Bill isn’t worded poorly, no it can’t be used maliciously, unless you believe groomers deserve to groom.Really you can’t explain your position? But you just did, and for the first time you sound like a rational individual rather than the unhinged loon you’ve been portraying yourself as.This Bill is a collective good, it ensures the safety of students, the rights of parents and punishes only teachers that seek to groom children 4-8 years of age. how bout you stop calling it “grooming” then and start calling it “ideological contagion” or “thoughtcrime” Dude, I am a literal professional in CSE and CSEM having worked for major NGO’s that combat it. It is literally by definition “grooming.” You’re just mad because your community didn’t remove the sex offenders and predators from it on day one when they chose to hide in our movement. As a result now you have to play damage control and have clearly chosen “the good of the community” and “the cause” over admitting there is a problem. there is a problem. we cant get the pedos out of our movement. and if you wanted to, you couldn’t get the pedos out of your movement either. because everyone in this country has to play by the pedos rules. we live in pedostan. this is crabs in a bucket shit.@officialmacguyver There is a massive problem in your community. fucking likewise! this whole country is fucking demented! don’t go after me cus i can see through this culture war shit! What culture war? Your community sadly allowed in the interest of pro-sexual liberation into it a group of very dangerous individuals who have now dictated many decisions made by that same community. it wasn’t hard for their arguments to take hold when you were calling us demonic pedophiles from the start and kicking us out on the street as kids. now the community doesn’t really exist anymore cus the rich gays sold us all out so they could play in bohemian grove while the gay bars get turned into chain restaurants and pride becomes nothing but a section at target and an ugly parade. But christian conservatives? they were sold out by their rich pedo leaders long, long ago. and they have them on a short leash. I’m not Christian. I’m a Jewish conservative. OH.I’m tempted to make a comment about rich Zionists but i ain’t touching that shit in mixed company you win for now. Are you an anti semite? Despite the best efforts of the IDF and Mossad, no I am not. That sounds pretty anti Semitic. yeah the state of Isreal is anti-semetic. the jewish people will never live those war crimes down, but isreal just doesn’t care. they don’t care how much people around the world hate zionism and its murderous lies because when people take that hate out on jews, those jews flee to isreal. Sounds like you’re a nazi. yah the guy who hates Palestinian children would think that. and you think we are making that word meaningless. at least gay people will never use white phosphorous on civilians. I don’t hate Palestinian children. They’re the number one most abused and trafficked child group in the Middle East. I WONDER WHY Because their families sell them to Egyptian cartels who pimp them in Morocco. I WONDER WHY Because they are not protected by their government. YES, AND THE REASON THEIR GOVERNMENT CANNOT PROTECT THEM IS……………. Because the Palestinian government is run by corrupt people who steal the money meant for the people. thats what every government does even the governments I like do that. heres a better reason:Palestine has been under seige for decades by a rouge state propped up by the USA which they created so they didn’t have to take in all the jews after the holocaust. Palestinians are a terror group. gotcha, bigot. Well, they do blow up a lot of things and shoot rockets into the state of Israel. If i were Palestinian I would fire rockets at Isreal and if someday I ever begin to truly fear hellfire I will convert to Shia Islam and defect to the Islamic Republic of Iran just so someday I could fire fucking rockets at Isreal and your unholy allies in Saudi Arabia. Watch out for that edge you might cut yourself. Lmao. You know, I don’t know why OP seems so determined to be every possible hypocritical options, from either being an ‘ironic’ antisemite or an actual literal one (I’m surprised they didn’t just spout the blood libel) to going 'well, okay yes there’s a major pedophelia issue in my community but I don’t feel I should worry about addressing it as long as there’s any pedophiles in any other communities.’Like this has gone far past 'take the fucking L already’ and full on into 'At least now we know your opinion never had value in the first place.’ -- source link
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