the-great-orenda: Uhka ni'i: Shèkolih! Ukwehu:wé ni'í lotinosho:ni, lotikw&aacu
the-great-orenda: Uhka ni'i: Shèkolih! Ukwehu:wé ni'í lotinosho:ni, lotikwáh^ niwaki'taló:t^. Kolahkówanhne nu:teknakehle, Kanatá:ke ni: teknákehle. Ostúha on^yota'a:ká katw^nutakhwe (waky^tehta'uhati on^yota'a:ká: a:katw^nutahkwe) sk^n^kó okhale wakatshanuni. Kwah I:k^ tsi’ wakatshe:yalu. Wakatu'weskwá:tu kakhwaku'u shu, kanaskwa’ shúha okhale ahta'u:we. Tyokut tewakin^ nenakwa:tsile okhale at^ló:sla’ shúha. Ta’t óni wa'tkat^:nuke’ né: ^skwatílheke’ né: tho niyo:lé wa'kwe:ní: Ya:w^ sahnisliyohak. ~Yotshanúnya’t ohw^tsyakwe:kú atwa'kánha w^hnisla:té:❤️ Who I am Hello! I am Oneida Iroquois, wolf is my clan. I live in Canada; I reside in town. I speak a little bit of Oneida (I’m learning to speak it) I’m at peace and I’m happy, I’m really shy. I enjoy good food, pets and mocc’s (who doesn’t) I care about my family and friends. If I made a mistake forgive me, this is as far as I can do it. Thank you, have a nice day. ~ Happy world indigenous peoples day ❤️ -- source link