potato-ballad-sims:“Boroughsburg is an up-and-coming neighborhood in New York City that stra
potato-ballad-sims: “Boroughsburg is an up-and-coming neighborhood in New York City that straddles the delicate line between working-class grittiness and rarefied hipsterdom. Enjoy spectacular views of Manhattan from the waterfront while live music, outdoor markets, and art shows brighten atmospheric cobblestone streets lined with old brick warehouses and trendy lofts. Not your stuff? You could always go for gyros, pierogies or matzo ball soup at the local diners, get to know the old-timers, or just dance the night away.” Boroughsburg has been updated with a wonderful curation of residential and community lots, and improvements have been made to nearly every aspects of the world!But in addition to these improvements, a customized populated savegame has also been created—this is Boroughsburg’s Story Mode—and with more than 80 diverse sims (and many more townies), this savegame allows you to immediately jump right into Boroughsburg—right into the tangle and drama of these sims’ lives! To see more images, Click Here. For more information on Boroughsburg’s inhabitants, Click Here. Boroughsburg is a mashup of DUMBO, Williamsburg, Greenpoint, Long Island City, and Astoria- but is open enough that you can build whatever bit of New York City you want in it. Boroughsburg is a medium city world, with a total of 73 lots. Nearly all lots are filled in, but some lots are left unbuilt at your discretion to fill in. The world also contains two dive lots, three docks, a base camp, and a homeworld university! Perfect for travellers! Lot assignment has been carefully selected to ensure that nearly all community lots are regularly populated. Uninhabited base world, but includes an inhabited & customized savegame. I highly recommend playing in the savegame first. Should run relatively smoothly on mid-high-tier computers. Created on Windows 7 | Processor Intel® Core™ i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz | Video Card NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 | RAM 32 GB Built on Patch level 1.67. Installation instructions are included in the download folder. Please follow them carefully. CC Notes All custom-made CC is included in several packages. You must install them or else all you’ll get is an empty black world! Includes recolors & replacements of the hot air balloon, train, police car, firetruck, taxis, flags, moon, clouds and weather made specifically for a New York environment- if you want to see these in action, you will need to remove other default replacement mods first. Further CC notes & recommended mod lists are located in the readme. Please consult them carefully. Expansions & Store Content EP Requirements: World Adventures, Ambitions, Late Night, Generations, Pets, Seasons, University Life, Island Paradise, and Into the Future. No Stuff Packs were used. Requires Riverview, the Rim Rockin’ Basketball Hoop & the Barrier to Entry System from the TS3 Store. Download Link Boroughsburg Download & CC List >>> HERE. Acknowledgements Thank you @mwthesims3 for the immeasurable contribution you have made to this world, in its lots and its sims—I would not be joking if I said this world would not have been finished without your effort, and I greatly appreciate it! Thank you @simshai91 for your work on the salon and the hostel, @talesgh for your work on the Cleveland Building, 2-38 Landgraab, and 65 Badford Ave, and @simful-thoughts and @Fourtendots for your help in contributing sims for the world. Further thanks must be extended to @simsmidgen for your inspirations for the gym and the Rutherford Arms, Kylaaab for your inspirations for the Baldwin Suites, @galadrielhs-simblr for the inspirations for the East Tradewinds Corp. lot, and @nornities for the The Real McKenzie Hobby Store! I am grateful to @mspoodle1 and @nornities for helping me troubleshoot all the innumerable problems that popped up, as well to all the testers who helped me fix problems in the world! Additional thanks to @alverdinesims, who let me use images for billboards, @dew-of-the-sea-customworlds, who helped me with the map, @mspoodle1, again for your awesome items, and Feindbild, who let me convert his wonderful buildings for the world. Also thanks to igazor, who helped me with NRAAS and all its infinite minutae. And a final thank you to the sims community to standing by my side during this four-year on-and-off process of worldbuilding! Happy travels to you all! Hi all, first of all, thanks for your amazing support!Secondly- a small optional update! I found some redundant/oversized image files in PotatoBalladSims_Boroughsburg_LotContent.package and PotatoBalladSims_Boroughsburg_Rabbitholes.package, optimized the packages, and managed to reduce them (23 MB >>> 10 MB combined). You will just need to download ‘0_2 WORLD CC PLACE INTO MODS FOLDER.rar’ again.There are no changes to the functionality of the objects, but hopefully it’ll reduce your loading times by a bit!Another note- if you don’t have ITF (frankly not a popular EP), I highly recommend you grab the circled basegame-compatible objects below, as those are the most commonly used objects from the pack (along with the glass floor rugs and the recessed lighting).The below objects are used once, mainly on the festival lot and the Speedy Computer Repair Ltd. lot. There are a couple more items, but they’re mostly decorative.https://yves-sim-laurent.tumblr.com/post/98970227901/into-the-future-objects-made-base-game-compatiblehttps://yves-sim-laurent.tumblr.com/post/139734074127/showtime-objects-more-into-the-future-objects -- source link
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