Introducing my Fallen character, Taros. Bio and other information under the cut because damn I wrote
Introducing my Fallen character, Taros. Bio and other information under the cut because damn I wrote a lot about this guy.[edit]: made some small changes and fixes to his ref sheetHistoryTaros had always been ambitious. Since he was old enough to fight he managed to claw his way to the top of every social ladder he found himself in, and the hierarchical structure of Fallen houses were no different. Through cunning, resourcefulness, keen senses, and often just sheer force he rose to the position of Baron far earlier than most. Started as a slandering insult by those bested by him, his subordinates began calling him ‘The Ruthless King’ as a term of respect. This name was a bit tongue-in-cheek, as the Baron was nothing short of a warlord. Rewarding those who served him well with the demise of those who performed poorly, he carved a path of casualties anywhere he went. It did not take long for the House to be completely transformed into the ideal Machiavellian society within his bloody grip. With his sights set on Kellship or perhaps even Archon Priest, he was certain that the House of Kings was destined to do great things under his hand. Before the House of Kings slunk to the depths of the Cosmodrome where they currently reside, they were the tip of the spear of Fallen expansion in the system, and Taros knew he was helping that happen.But as history will often show, things rarely go according to plan. In an aspiring but shortsighted move to press Fallen control into territories on Mars, an aggressive scouting squadron was caught in the crossfire between a Vex ambush of a Cabal Patrol. All three parties suffered heavy losses but the Kings patrol suffered the most injures. Taros was caught in an explosion of a Vex unit which charred most of his upper body and embedded hot shrapnel deep into his skin. Although a rescue unit picked them up shortly after, the King Baron barely clung to life as they raced back to safety. The road to recovery for the Baron was long and arduous. The greater portion of the left side of his body was mangled with scars, and much of the shrapnel had embedded itself into his muscles. He had also suffered from some sever concessional head injuries. By the time he had recovered, the leaders of House Kings had set their sights on Old Earth and begun efforts there. Despite having made a physical recovery, Taros’s mental state had taken a strange turn. He became more vicious than usual, and could often be heard muttering to himself. These later turned to loud rants when he was alone, and writing strange symbols all over the walls of his usually immaculate room. His tactical choices were nonsensical; he would send patrols into completely unknown territory searching for materials they had in abundance, or things no other Fallen had heard of. Unbeknownst to both those in charge of his medical health and the Baron himself, shards of a Vex mind core that had been expelled in the explosion had embedded into his skull and wormed into his brain. The living metal had then taken root, filling spaces in his brain and merging with his identity. The strands of broken logic that inhabited his thoughts gave him shattered insight into the infinite depth of knowledge that the Vex had at their disposal. He believed his mind had been opened to the heart of the universe and the songs of the cosmos had wound their way into his ears. He believed he could feel the presence of godlike beings that filled the spaces between the stars and wove their way through time. Unfortunately, he was really only experiencing the stimulation billions of incomplete fragments that were interacting with the electrical impulses of his brain, feeding him with stimulation and many bits of data that was shared by all Vex. In short, it drove him mad. Once again his subordinates placed a new title on him; Taros the Sane. It didn’t take long for the mad Baron to make some senseless choices that very gravely wounded the House Kings, both in size and resources. Instead of executing him there for his failures, the Kings’ Kell stripped him of rank, docked his secondary arms, and exiled him to a desolate part of Earth to die. That was 30 years ago, and the House has since receded to the shadows of the post-apocalyptic planet. Taros has roamed the wilderness since then, now an extremely proficient scavenger and nomad. Years of solitude in the wild somewhat quelled the rage and the bitterness from his old life. With his ‘implants’ fully integrated into his brain and nothing to turn back to, he roams from place to place, not only looking for new resources, but some answers, as well as piece of mind. PersonalityDisposition: - Innately distrustful of strangers, Fallen or otherwise. Upon encountering a potential danger he will try to remain hidden to learn more about it, but will attack viciously if it is deemed a threat. - Years of questioning his very identity (thanks to incomplete logic strands of the Vex mind core conflicting with and stimulating his brain) have made him unpredictable and prone to mood swings. Even before his corruption, Taros was known for his short temper and explosiveness. Now with the added factor of the alien technology, he often lash out in irritability and frustration to those that don’t understand his condition. - Inquisitive and curious, he loves to explore and observe. Years of exile have given him an admiration of the wildlands he lives in and an appreciation for tiny details that often go unnoticed. - Has a soulful, gentle side. In his years of loss and exploration he developed a self-awareness and understanding. He keeps this part of his personality very close; it currently remains buried under the layers of bitterness and Vex noise.Hobbies- - Collects trinkets and bits of scrap from the wastelands and will either add them to his armor or assemble them within his den. Prefers sculptures of odd geometric shapes and those with many conflicting textures. - Ritually hunts Fallen from other houses, especially when he is out on scavenges or patrols. Because he hunts from afar and is fairly stealthy, he has made a reputation for being a sort of “Boogyman” that will pick off the unwary Eliksni in the ‘Drome. - Has an inexplicable desire to garden (due to misunderstood fragments of Vex logic within his brain). Keeps a small collection of plants in his den that have been potted in things scavenged from the wastes. Likes: - Sitting in a high place like a rocky crevice and watching the scenery, especially transitions like sunsets or storms. - Learning about the various alien factions on a tactical level, usually through observation and collection of relics. Although he dislikes their struggles, he finds their culture important to understand. It also makes it easier for him to avoid aliens if he understands their habits. - Traveling great distances on foot or vehicle - Peace and quiet, and warm, arid environments - Collecting tech from dead Guardians and tinkering with them.Dislikes: - The struggles of most other alien factions. He views their internal struggles and faction wars as small and useless. - He holds a special distaste for the Hive, viewing them as little more than mindless worms, filth of the depths. - Hotblooded new Guardians that are just getting to know their power. They are usually ignorant and triggerhappy, and he will often hunt the persistent ones for sport. Quirks: - Often talks and growls to himself. When he gets excited or overwhelmed he sometimes refers to himself as “we” or “our”. - Will often use all 6 limbs when sprinting short distances towards an enemy. Not only is it quicker but he finds that it disorients and unnerves the attacker. - Wrings his hands and paces when agitated, nervous, or lost in thought. - Sometimes digresses into personal, unfocused rants when talking to a person. Will often begin talking to himself during moments like these and forget the other person is there. -- source link
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