hating-alison-ashley: faxxmachine: psylock-e:snowluthor: Pete Davidson on J.K. Rowling’s tra
hating-alison-ashley: faxxmachine: psylock-e: snowluthor: Pete Davidson on J.K. Rowling’s transphobic comments Everyone be quiet, the community college dropout who thinks groping women is a compliment and suicide baits people on Instagram has some thoughts on a best selling author, domestic abuse survivor and a person who has done more for women than he has done for anyone “idiot man has something against a smart woman” is truly the most overplayed trope He called for the release of a child killing rapist and blamed black women for straight men being reluctant to fuck him. Laverne Cox is tool. He seems to be implying that Rowling doesn’t understand Cox. She understands too well though, that’s why she has taken the position she has.Losers like this are the ones who can’t wrap their heads around reality. -- source link