episims: Turn On/Off ReplacementsThere are neat replacements already existing for these but they all
episims: Turn On/Off ReplacementsThere are neat replacements already existing for these but they all get rid of the supernatural ones, which are valid in my game. I didn’t want the ones tied to university or vacation subhoods either as those are only useful in main hoods with them. So here’s my take:Cologne -> Life Skills (has learned at least one of the life skills)Stink -> PoorUnderwear -> RichSwimwear -> Great Dancer (dance skill is 6 or higher)Formalwear -> Pet Lover (has at least one pet friend)Full Face Makeup -> Talented (has at least one silver or gold talent badge)Hats -> Good ReputationJewelry -> Bad ReputationCustom Hair -> Alien (either skintone, eyes, or both)I also went and replaced most of the turn on/off icons with some TS4 ones. The beard and hair ones still use their TS2 icons as I couldn’t find any equivalent for them, but they go pretty nicely with these!Lazy Duchess’ and Midge’s mods were used as a base, so all fixes included with those apply to mine too. One personal quirk though: with this mod sims using the cologne won’t get flowers flying around them.Now available with alternative icons for Life Skills and Good/Bad Reputation. There’s also a version which in addition replaces the Grey Hair TO with Mersim one. All versions are included with the download but only use one at a time!Download (SFS) (alternate) - conflicts with other turn on/off replacements, tunaisafish’s Attraction Traits Fix, and some cologne-related mods (but the ones I shared here are fine). The version with Mersim TO requires Midge’s Mermaid Mod.Update (16.8.2021): Fixed a bug causing errors at the skill point gain for sims that had learned a life skill.Update (24.8.2021): Added a Spanish translation.Update (28.8.2021): Reverted a feature originally added by Lazy Duchess that stopped plantsims from getting hair color attraction traits. Plantsims now get them like any other sims, those with a leafy hair will have the trait for the hair color they would have when cured (as was the original maxis behavior).Update (14.12.2021): Fixed a mistake on my part that caused plantsims to get an additional trait for lycanthropy and servos to get an additional trait for witchiness. Update (10.2.2022): A minor update to ensure that all the TOs are labeled correctly in the UK English games too.Credits to @lazyduchess, @midgethetree, and simler90, it’s mostly their work. TS4 icons are from here. Updated the download to include a couple of alternative versions of the mod I’ve created for personal use. The other one just changes some of the icons, namely for Life Skills and Good/Bad Reputation. Because I’m very indecisive. The old version remains available in case someone liked those icons better!The other replaces the Grey Hair TO with Mersim one and requires Midge’s Mermaid Mod to work. It also uses the new icons for the aforementioned TOs. -- source link